ESPN Matt Williamson Chat Wrap... 7 'boys blurbs


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Matt Williamson: Hey everyone. Matt Williamson here. Let's get rolling a little bit early on this chat. Fantasy questions are also welcome.

Hunter (Dallas, Tx): Do you think Darren Mcfadden will ever be an "every down back" in the NFL? At 6'2" 205lbs he's pretty skinny. Obviously he's going to be a weapon, but will he be a weapon akin to Reggie Bush or to Adrian Peterson. Will he ever average close to 20 carries a game?

Matt Williamson: I can't see him getting 20 carries per game in the NFL week in and week out. So, he is more like Bush than Peterson. Dynamic weapon who would probably be best used on a team with a bigger back like Barber in Dallas for example.

Mad Mike (Houston): Matt: Now that Leftwich has been cut by the Jags and Gerard is now their starter. Do you want to change your pick to win the AFC South? Or do you think they would win the division with any old QB......because that is what they got! Thanks, MM

Matt Williamson: MM, not shocked that you called me out on that one! Going to stick to my guns, but I personally like Leftwich MUCH more than Garrard. Just a better more accurate thrower.

Jason (Lakeland, FL): Dallas vs NYG, who do you pick?

Matt Williamson: Big D. Not a Giants fan at all this season. They could start okay, but I see the wheels falling off as the season progressed. Dallas is strong and the far better team all around.

Jack Spring Tx: Who do you think will make a bigger impact for their team? Devery Henderson or Calvin Johnson?

Matt Williamson: Henderson was outstanding last season. He has phenomanal speed and has developed into a more well rounded WR, but Calvin J is flat out special. Sure, he will have some growing pains, but he is an instant impact player.

Randy (Wyoming): Hey Matt love your insight! What kind of season do you see guys like Plaxico Burress and Joey Galloway having?

Matt Williamson: Like I touched on, I am not a believer in NYG and Burress goes into that mix as well. If comparing the two, Galloway is my vote for who ends up with better produciton. He hasn't lost a step and is playing very well at this point of his career.

George (Boston, Ma.): Whats your thoughts on Tampa picking up Trotter, does he fit into the Cover 2 scheme at all with his lack of coverage skills?

Matt Williamson: He doesn't fit in at all. Can't cover any ground. Certainly cannot handle the deep middle of the field. Get him matched up one on one with Reggie Bush? Forget about it.

Mike (Houston): There is a lot of optimism for this season in Houston. What do you see the Texans doing this year?

Matt Williamson: Not a believer at all. The passing game will be better though. Less sacks. More accurate and deeper throws. The D really scares me. Teams are going to rack up a lot of points against this crew. I still think they are 4th in the AFC South.

Ryan (Denver): How do you see the addition of Simeon Rice helping the Broncos Defense

Matt Williamson: I just turned in a blog on that subject about half an hour ago. Check it out-should be up tomorrow I would think. I like the move a lot. Denver is a great organization that really wants to win. Rice will help a good bit and should also help the development of Moss and Elvis.

Mike NY: What if the Saints and Bears win week 1? How would that change the perceived NFC/AFC balance of power?

Matt Williamson: Not a broad enough cross section to change my opinions.

PatsFan (Northboro, MA): Given the relative turmoil at Pats Camp (Seymour out, Harrison Out, Moss, Dave Thomas limited at camp), it seems the Jets have a great shot at home. How does week 1 play out NE/NYJ?

Matt Williamson: I hear ya and agree that the juggernaut Pats are a little vulnerable right now. Mangini will coach his butt off and have some wrinkles for his old club, but I just don't think the Jets are a very good football team. They have some gaping holes and are in for a rude awaking this year against a much tougher schedule. Give me the Pats.

Chucky Gruden (Tampa, Florida): What type of production do you think I will see out of Jeff Garcia this year saying he plays all 16 games?

Matt Williamson: Decent production, as your team will probably be losing quite a bit and will have to throw from behind. The running game could be very much improved along with the OL, but you guys just dont have the weapons and Garcia is nothing to get excited about. QB in round 1.

Cody, Minneapolis MN: I wouldn't mind seeing Leftwich with the Vikings.

Matt Williamson: He is a far better QB than the guys they have now for sure, but that elongated release he has doesnt' really fit their quick throw system. They also probably would not utilize his big arm. Bad fit, but still an upgrade.

Brad (Gadsden,Alabama): Matt, Will the packers go to the playoffs this year?

Matt Williamson: It could happen for sure. I really like their D and wrote a blog about it last week. The OL should be better. Driver needs to stay healthy and I don't trust the running game in general, but yeah, 9-7 could happen. 4-2 in their division? Maybe. The NFC is weak. They could sneak in, but won't make any noise.

jeremy(ohio): frye starts week 1, quinn starts week what ???

Matt Williamson: Week 4. After the bye at the latest.

Matt Williamson: Just curious guys-is there something wrong with the chat today? Did the link not send you here? I have gotten a measly 22 questions in 15 minutes and usually have about 10x that many. Something wrong on our end? Please help.

Jerry P (Federal Hill, MD): How does McGahee fit in Baltimore? Will the Ravens run offense improve from 25th last year? (I know a lot of that depends on McNair as well.)

Matt Williamson: I like Willis in Balt. Will catch a lot more passes than Lewis. That OL should improve a lot, although they really struggled without Ogden in the preseason. I don't trust McNair, but Willis was an excellent pickup and he should get near 1500 total yards.

Ryan (denver): the sportsnation chat wont let me in, get an adobe error, i'm on the HTML site

Matt Williamson: Hmmm....will see what I can do

Peyton (Indy): Honestly, do you really think the Jaguars are going to win the division or are you just trying to make one of those "bold statements" to gain some attention?

Matt Williamson: No-I believe it. The Colts D is garbage and will be exposed once again for being very soft against the run. I love Manning, but Jax is a very physical and big team that stops the run and runs the ball combined better than any team out there.

Josh (Irvine, CA): You're probably not getting many questions due to the front page's new design not having a direct link to the day's chats. You have to really be looking to find each chat now. It's no bueno. As for my RAMS, do you see them having a legit shot at the West crown this season with a slightly improved D and more firepower on Offense?

Matt Williamson: If that is true-that's no good. Will check-Thanks. As for the Rams, Their O will be sick if Holt is close to Holt. The D is still bad. That being said, they have as good of a chance at winning the West as SF, Sea or Zona. If I had to pick, I would take the Niners first, Seattle 2nd, St L 3rd and Zona 4th...but anything can really happen with that division. Should be a lot of fun. Can all four teams end up 3-3 in divisional play? Perhaps

Mike (Houston): Do you think Rivera being on the SD coaching staff will have an impact on the game this week? Do these types of factors really even affect the game much?

Matt Williamson: Good call. Yeah, it will help, as he knows things that Urlachre and company like to do, do not like to do, do well and do poorly. SD can attack a D in many ways now. Also, I am sure that Rivera has an idea or two of how to make like tough on Rex.

Jim Green Bay: Do you still like Favre as a top tier QB he looked great throughout the preseason?

Matt Williamson: Not top tier. A little over medioce. Maybe in the 12th to 15th range. Not even close to Peyton, Brady, Carson, McNabb or Brees.

Russ (San Diego): Rex Grossman vs. The Chargers front 7. Tell me, what will be the result of this matchup?

Matt Williamson: Utter confusion by Rex. Running the ball is going to be very tough on Chicago. Rex will have to step up. I sure have my doubts.

Donnie (LA): How do you see the Steelers and Big Ben doing this year?

Matt Williamson: Well. Potential playoff team for sure. Roethlisberger will still throw too many INTs, as he is a risk taker at heart and isn't going to change that, but he obviously feels much more comfortable in the pocket, isnt' holding the ball so long or starting down his target. He is back and should have his best season yet.

Joe (Dallas): Your thoughts on my Cowboys letting go of Aaron Glenn? They seem too inexperienced back there.

Matt Williamson: I hear ya there, but Glenn is a little "Too Experienced". Really struggled a year ago.

Brian D Adams, Hollywood: The skins first team in preseason looked quite great, do you see them doing huge things?

Matt Williamson: I really like the Skins' first team O. The D has to be better as well, but the depth of this team is really a problem. Can the Skins stay healthy? If Yes, they could be 9-7. If not, it could get ugly. I really like the Pete Kendall pickup though.

CT, NYC: Matt--how big of an impact do you think one person, in this case, Laron Landry, can have on the 'Skins defense this year? A lot of us in 'Skins nation are thinking he has a legitimate shot at DROY.

Matt Williamson: That isn't too far fetched. Coming out of LSU, finding weaknesses in his game was very tough to do. He has looked great. Still, expect him to get burned once or twice because of not being in the right place at the right time-aka rookie mistake. Yes, he is a differnece maker and I like Wash's LBs and secondary. Still worry about the DL.

Bailey (Atlanta): Being realistic, what do you see the Falcons record being this year? Will they have a top 3 pick next year? Would going after Leftwich help the team, or hurt the progress of Harrington?

Matt Williamson: Picking up Leftwich can't be a bad idea for the Falcons-unless he wants a ton of $$$. Still, he isn't a great fit in that O though. Yeah, top 3 overall sounds about right to me. I honestly didn't like this team with Vick and thought they were a 6 win team then. Now, they are worse.

John (Kingston, ON): What is the biggest "lock game" of week 1? I need to make my survivor pool pick.

Matt Williamson: That is a tough one Bro. A good bud of mine asked me that this morning. Going through the games, I liked 1. Sea 2. Wash 3. Dallas 4. Jax 5. Minn Not a great week though to start Survivor.

Joe, Michigan: What type of numbers do you expect Marshawn Lynch to put up this year?

Matt Williamson: Buffalo has the toughest schedule in the league and should be playing from behind more than their fair share. Lynch will probably also split carries during the first few games. Still, I like their OL and his ability to catch the ball. 1200 total yards and 7 TDs sounds about right to me.

Steve (Freehold, NJ): Do you expect Terry Glenn to be productive week 1? I saw that he returned to practice, but his knee still worries me from a fantasy standpoint.

Matt Williamson: Hold off if you can. I really liked Glenn as a FF draft pick and think he will have a good year, but I would want to see him play in Week 1 first. Have any other options?

JP (NY): Matt, who wins more games this season, Jets or Giants?

Matt Williamson: Jets 6-10, NYG 5-11

Matt (Grand Rapids): I have heard people say that Ahman Green will bounce back in Houston, what are your thoughts?

Matt Williamson: Going to take a lot for me to buy that. Aging. Not a real dynamic guy to begin with. Bad OL.

Asher - Indy': Matt, I play JG this week in the Green vs. Nation ff league, so wish him some luck - he's gonna need it. : )

Matt Williamson: I will be rooting for you, Asher

Jason (Boston): Who do you like in the season opener N.O. vs Indy

Matt Williamson: Indy 68, New Orleans 52

Honestly, I like Indy in a shootout.

Reg- Ft Worth: The top defensive units seem to come out of no where some years. What defense do you see surprising this year?

Matt Williamson: GBay and Jax. Does Oak still count? All could be top 10.

Mark (Chicago): Matt, Do you see Braylon Edwards making a leap in production this year? Or do you see him as being more of a "posession receiver" (god I had that term)

Matt Williamson: Terrible term indeed. Braylon will stretch the field and should take some positive steps as a WR. QBs will hurt him though. Look out for him and Quinn in 2008.

Xander (Philly): Are the Bills a 9-10 win team?

Matt Williamson: Nope. 7-at most.

Craig (DC): Skins a "lock" over Miami? Didn't the Skins only win 5 games last year and made very few moves during the offseason to address their problems?

Matt Williamson: Yeah, but Miami stinks. None of those were "locks", but they are the games that I liked best. Skins were VERY injured a year ago. Pretty healthy now.

Jayson (Newton, KS): How many sacks do you see from Simeon Rice this year in Denver where Bates likes to line up the DE wide to make it difficult on the Tackle.

Matt Williamson: Great fit in that D. Probably will not have to play a lot on early downs. Keep himself fresh for throwing downs. Rotation. 8 sacks.

Jesse (VA): Whith the Commanders getting P.Kendell do you see Portis and Betts rushing for more then 1700 yards this season?

Matt Williamson: Combined? Yes. I really like their OL now-as long as it stays healthy. They will face a lot of 8 man fronts early on until Campbell proves himself. 1700 is a good number though. Maybe even more.

Tia (Indianapolis): You say that Indy D is garbage, but do you think that they are better than the last year's group? If so, why would they be better? I think they are better than last year to be quite honest.

Matt Williamson: When fully healthy, yeah, they probably are better than what they played with a year ago, but their DTs are much worse and I really don't see any depth to speak of on that side of the ball. Players get hurt...then Indy could be in serious trouble on D.

Eddie (ID): Your thoughts on the Raider Nation??? Predictions? And who do you blame for the Russell fiasco?

Matt Williamson: If it is true that Russell told Al Davis not to pick him, then I blame Davis. Otherwise, who is to say? I like the Raiders a good bit more though than a year ago. D is very good. OL HAS to be better and moving to a zone blocking scheme will help. Jordan could have a good year. Still, if all that works out, 7 wins is their celing. More like 6-10.

Andrew Ohio: When do you see Cameron turning the dolphins into a contender for the playoffs again??

Matt Williamson: When they build an OL and develop a QB. Long time away from where we sit today, especially as their D gets older.

Andrew Ohio: If the dolphins have a top 5 pick next year, like most people believe, who should they get??

Matt Williamson: A LT (maybe Jake Long). Move Carey back to RT. Now you have the makings of an OL.

Sean (Dirty South): Do you see VY becoming the Michael Jordan of the NFL?

Matt Williamson: I like VY quite a bit, but come on...23 was pretty tough!!!

Matt (San Antonio): What do you think about the Titans this year? Any chance they make the playoffs?

Matt Williamson: Don't see it in the AFC. No weapons. Fisher and VY will pull out a few that they shouldn't, but they don't match up from a talent perspective all that well overall.

Mad Mike (Houston): Matt: Of course I was going to call you out on that. But, I will give you big props for sticking to your initial pick. As we all know anything can happen. So, do you still think the Texans are junk or was garbage the term you used? Thanks, MM

Matt Williamson: Oh yeah, they are bad. Might take a small step forward, but they are a 5 or 6 win team.

Marcus (Columbus): Are the Bengals gonna take back the North this year? I see 11 wins this year.

Matt Williamson: Tough division Marcus. Tough division. 11 wins seems too generous. 9 seems more like it. The D will play a little better though.

Alex Santa Barbara: Whats your take on 2nd year QB Cutler?

Matt Williamson: Pretty big fan of Cutler. Can sling it. Great fit in Denver. Shanny made the right move to give him the ball to finish the year in 2006.

Jesse (VA): I hear all the time that Portis is showing signs of ware. He hurt is sholder in the preseason the played with that for 8 weeks then broke his hand and that ended his season..Before he broke his hand he missing like 3 or 4 games total so how do you say he is showing signs of ware?

Matt Williamson: He isn't on the field enough. Is not huge RB. Doesn't have that elite burst that he once did.

Chad (Ft. Lauderdale): Does Mark Clayton make the 3rd year jump elite receivers often make? Or is he just another middle tier receiver?

Matt Williamson: Somewhere in between. Nice player. Will never be elite. Ideal #2 WR.

Greg - Cleveland: Once Romeo puts Quinn in after the bye, do you think the Browns could end up around .500?

Matt Williamson: 2008

Xander (Philly): Will Norwood or Dunn get more touches in Atlanta?

Matt Williamson: When it is all said and done, Norwood. My dynamic player who can hit the home run.

Zach ( TX): What's your take on Reggie Brown in Philly, now that Donte Stallworth is gone? Do you see Reggie Brown taking over as the #1 WR?

Matt Williamson: He will be their #1, but wouldn't be on many teams. Good #2 overall, but not a true #1. Curtis is an underrated pick up though. Could excel in this system.

Sean (Philly): Will Kitna make it through 16 games? He is already talking about his back, and that line gave up a lot of sacks last year.

Matt Williamson: That is scarey. Not the most mobile guy around...

Andy (Denver): Travis Henry: Over or under 1400 yards?

Matt Williamson: Big number. Over. Slightly. Good line you set though.

Joe (DC): Isn't Philly going to miss Stallworth? He really scared teams last year.

Matt Williamson: When healthy, Stallworth is a vastly underrated player. Scarey indeed. Could blow up in New Eng. Yeah, he will be missed, but like I said, Curtis is a nice pickup.

Jesse (VA): It's Been reported that he ran the 40 in 4.35 that's not elite burst?

Matt Williamson: Talking about Portis? 4.35 is flying bro. Would like to see that for myself. That burst he used to have was sick. Haven't seen it in a while though.

Tim (San Diego): What is your take on SD's Vincent Jackson?

Matt Williamson: I like, but also think that people out there are a little too excited about him-especially for FF. He will always be the thrid option at best for TDs, but he is a giant and can manhandle DBs. Still a bit raw and will develop. Rivers is going to have a big year and VJax will certainly be a major reason why.

Sergio (Kurkuik Iraq): True or False? Dallas get 9 or more wins.

Matt Williamson: T-Playoff team

Andrew (Columbus): Will the patriots ever return to the early years when they were the doormat of the league??

Matt Williamson: Not with the guys who they have running the show in NE

Derek (FLA): Any chance Marion Barber takes over the bulk of the carries this year?

Matt Williamson: Maybe, but I doubt it. I see a very similar rotation as last season and I also think that could work very well on that team.

Zach ( TX): Over/Under Larry Johnson 1300 yards rushing... 15 TD

Matt Williamson: Over on the yardage, but barely. Under on the TDs.

Zach, Tampa, FLA: Am I completely crazy for considering Reggie Bush with a third overall fantasy pick, or completely sane?

Matt Williamson: Yeah, that is a little crazy. Over Gore, LT, Addai and Jackson? Come on dude. Wake up!

Matt Williamson: Oaky guys. This was fun as always. See ya soon.

big dog cowboy

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WoodysGirl;1622370 said:
Greg - Cleveland: Once Romeo puts Quinn in after the bye, do you think the Browns could end up around .500?

Matt Williamson: 2008
Good answer.


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I think we go from good 1-2 RB combo Jones/Barber

to GREAT 1-2 RB combo in RUNDMC/MBIII

A TRUE lightning and thunder attack.... actually elusive and bulldozing better LOL


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WoodysGirl;1622370 said:
Hunter (Dallas, Tx): Do you think Darren Mcfadden will ever be an "every down back" in the NFL? At 6'2" 205lbs he's pretty skinny. Obviously he's going to be a weapon, but will he be a weapon akin to Reggie Bush or to Adrian Peterson. Will he ever average close to 20 carries a game?

Matt Williamson: I can't see him getting 20 carries per game in the NFL week in and week out.

Interesting opinion.

big dog cowboy

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AdamJT13;1622545 said:
Interesting opinion.
I'm shocked more people did not pick up on that answer.

We will have to watch his carry count this year.


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I have watched McFadden a lot and he does not strike me as skinny. He is listed at 215...I realize that could be padded, but so could his height.


Federal Agent
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McFadden is only 205 lbs? He looks closer to 220 to me.


Federal Agent
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big dog cowboy;1622631 said:
I'm shocked more people did not pick up on that answer.

We will have to watch his carry count this year.

Ok I give up... what am I missing?