ESPN Mort 10/17 Chat Wrap... 3 'boys


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Chris Mortensen: (10:58 AM ET ) Good morning again. We always have a lot to talk about so I'm anxious to get started a minute or two early.

Luke(Grand Forks): When will Childress wise up and make AP the man. It is rideculus that Chester is getting more carries than a freak of nature like All Day

Chris Mortensen: (11:00 AM ET ) I think most coaches would handle this the same way. First, Peterson is still embryonic in learning the passing nuances...even though he has good hands, the pass protection learning scale is great. Next, Peterson had injuries in college and he is in week 7 of a longer season, in a more physical environment, than he's ever had. He'll get plenty of carries as the season moves on.

Kenton (Indianapolis, IN): Mort, if both teams are undefeated heading into the Nov. 4 matchup will the Colts-Pats game be billed as the biggest regular season game ever?

Chris Mortensen: (11:01 AM ET ) I hope not but knowing that we just made a week 5 game between the Cowboys and Patriots as the "Duel in Dallas" tells me that the hype will be ridiculous if both teams are still unbeaten.

Scott ( Buffalo, NY): After this weeks QB debate in Buffalo I heard alot of why each QB should start but I feel that niether on will have success until they are allowed more control in the game. What is your take on the lack of control given to these young Players

Chris Mortensen: (11:03 AM ET ) The coaches clearly have been more conservative with Edwards. Losman gives the Bills a bigger arm, more explosive plays and more athleticism...I do think the Bills should be encouraged that they have two fairly talented young guys. But you have to take advantage of your explosive players like Lee Evans (who suggests Losman is the guy) so that Marshawn Lynch can get some breathing room to run, too.

Tommy(TheStatPack): Anything on Romo's shoulder or will he be good to go sunday? Do you think this was the wake-up call the Cowboys needed?

Chris Mortensen: (11:05 AM ET ) I am assuming Romo will play. Wake up call? The Cowboys are not a dominant team. I saw them struggle in Miami for three quarters, in Buffalo and the Bears' game wasn't a breeze. All they can do is work on their deficiencies. They're a good team and, trust me, there aren't a lot of good teams in the NFL.

Larry (New York): Hey Mort, The Skins are killing me...they should be 5-0..Don't you think they have the talent to be the best team in the NFC?...I don't see many weaknesses

Chris Mortensen: (11:07 AM ET ) I think they should have one or two more wins. They're lacking explosive plays, too.

Kenton (Indianapolis, IN): Mort, is it just me or is QB play in the NFL just plain mediocre? Manning and Brady seem to be the only great, consistent QB's in the league. Even guys like Favre, Brees, McNabb, and Palmer are inconsistent on a week-to-week basis.

Chris Mortensen: (11:08 AM ET ) Fair question. Quarterback plays has ALWAYS been dependent on what's happening around the QB. Brady is no different. Watch him when pass protection breaks down.

Dan: (Buffalo, NY): Come on Mort answer my question, I have class in 20 minutes! Losman may be the better athlete, but I think in the long haul Edwards will win many more games for the Bills than Losman. What do you think?

Chris Mortensen: (11:10 AM ET ) OK, before you get to class. I like 'em both. Losman absolutely has a bigger arm and is more athletic. They are both smart. I do like Edwards a lot...liked him in this last draft. I want to see Edwards more, see if he can get the ball downfield and see how he reacts to a nasty pass rush. I would be playing Losman now to win games and if it doesn't work, then move on to Edwards.

Tommy(TheStatPack): Can Chambers really be the #1 the Chargers have been looking for?

Chris Mortensen: (11:11 AM ET ) No, but he can be a really good No. 2 and, don't forget, the Patriots won three Super Bowls with WRs who were No. 2-type receivers.

Matt (Grand Rapids): Mort, why didn't the Lions trade Tatum Bell? He is going to be a backup after the bye now that Jones is ready. Duckett is healthy so they have no need for Bell and now he will leave in the offseason and they will get nothing in return. How does Millen still have a job?

Chris Mortensen: (11:12 AM ET ) Nobody wanted Tatum Bell. The Lions do have a winning record, no? The biggest concern should be will they committ more to the running game and will they get Calvin Johnson more involved in the passing game...if they run, they will protect Kitna better for the pass.

Babz (Aiken, SC): Michael Bennett in Tampa: re-birth of a career, or akin to putting a Band-aid on a gushing wound?

Chris Mortensen: (11:14 AM ET ) I would think it's just shoring up the obvious - depth in the backfield. Bennett's a good, solid back. I'm sure Graham will be the featured guy but Bennett was a good pick-up, I think.

josh (NYC): how can you say a team should have more wins than they have? You are what you are. I should have gotton a raise, but I didn't.

Chris Mortensen: (11:15 AM ET ) There you go.

Bernard (Princeton, NJ): I dont know about you Mort, but I am looking forward to the Steelers-Patriots game the most to see if the Steelers D can stifle the Pats O.

Chris Mortensen: (11:16 AM ET ) yeah, that'll be an interesting game on Dec. 9. It is in New England. But I think Steelers d-coord Dick LeBeau will test anyone. But the Steelers should still count on scoring at least 30 points if they want to win.

Ed (J'ville): Mort, do you think the Packers have played their best football yet? I know people are whining about the Commanders game, but let's face it, our D shut down the Skins in the second half. Do you like the Packers to get healthy over the bye and come up with a solution for their woeful ground game?

Chris Mortensen: (11:18 AM ET ) Whining? I liked the Commanders going into the game. That the Packers are 5-1 going into the bye with a chance to get some people healthy, including their running backs, should be an encouragement to Packers fans. Does everyone realize how hard it is to win in this league. Forget style points.

Zach(Tampa, FL): Come on Mort, answer my Brownies question!!! Give the upstart Browns some respect, all the talk is always about the same old teams!!!

Chris Mortensen: (11:18 AM ET ) You haven't been here in recenet weeks then.

Tommy(TheStatPack): Hey Mort, I here that the countdown guys hang around in the "War Room" on Sundays watching games and talking. Wouldnt that be a good show?...better then bowling

Chris Mortensen: (11:19 AM ET ) It's true, we watch all the games in a big conference room...big screens...HDTV... and it would be very popular TV....and some of us would probably get fired. (just kidding).

Jon (Grand Rapids, MI): What am I missing? Smith won?t trade their backup RB (Turner) for a 1st, but he?ll trade a second for a #2 WR.

Chris Mortensen: (11:21 AM ET ) The obvious message for the Chargers is that they must win this year. That was the standard they set whent hey fired a coach who went 14-2. You have a GM and coach who will be held accountable if there isn't a division title and success int he playoffs. I agree with AJ Smith not dealing Michael Turner. How would you feel if Tomlinson got hurt?

Scott ( Buffalo, NY): After the performance of Mr Overlooked Derek Anderson it seems as if Brady Quinn will have a longer wait to see the feild. Do you think Cleveland will be looking to Trade Anderson in the off season

Chris Mortensen: (11:23 AM ET ) Anderson will be a restricted free agent and the Browns are certain to slap the highest tender on him that would require first and third round picks for his services. If he keeps this up (which he might), I don't see a trade, even if Brady Quinn is hanging around.

Marc (New York): Mort - Please explain to me Magini's unwavering loyalty to Pennington? Why is he so resistant to making a change at QB?

Chris Mortensen: (11:24 AM ET ) What you say publicly and think privately are two different things. It's clear that Kellen Clemens is very close to playing.

Cole (Kansas City): Can the Chiefs shut down the Raiders offense? Where do you rate the play of Jarred Allen, Donnie Edwards and Derrick Johnson this year? An up-and-coming defense?

Chris Mortensen: (11:25 AM ET ) The Chiefs are a great surprise to me. And the defense is a primary reason. Gunther Cunning ham has done a great job and Donnie Edwards has brought in some leadership (and skill). Derrick Johnson could be a Pro Bowl guy one day and Jared Allen is a stud. Herm Edwards is now on my coach of the year list.

Willie (Portland, OR): Mort, what are your thoughs about Leftwich replacing Harrington? Did Joey really play so bad to lose his job?

Chris Mortensen: (11:27 AM ET ) I don't think so. Very tough situation. I'm sure they will get Leftwich in there at some point but the Falcons' weakness will only expose Leftwich's deficiencies (no mobility, slow release) but Byron wants to prove me (and others) wrong.

Vincent (Chicago): Why do teams continue to disrespect the pats with stupid comments to the media? When will guys like Crayton learn to shut his mouth after his team got dominated. NE players live for those types of soundbytes. Why can't coaches control what their players say?

Chris Mortensen: (11:30 AM ET ) You are so right. It's ridiculous of all teams you don't want to motivate I would think the Patriots would rank at the top of the list.

Chris Mortensen: (11:33 AM ET ) Working on this: Koren Robinson has been reinstated after his alcohol suspension. He can start playing for the Packers (they have a bye).

Ron (Hoboken NJ): Mort, please settle this debate between me and a buddy....who will be a better NFL RB - Ray Rice or Mike Hart?

Chris Mortensen: (11:35 AM ET ) Darren McFadden and Felix Jones of Arkansas will be better than both but since you're from Hoboken, I'll take Rice. I love the draft but I haven't done a lot of work on it yet, though.

Zac (MN): Hi Mort, how does the NFL decide who gets reinstated after a suspension? Odell Thurman gets denied, Onterrio Smith was denied and was never heard from again.

Chris Mortensen: (11:36 AM ET ) The doctors ultimately make the call. They have a lot of information, testing, counseling, etc., and they always make the recommendation, which is rubber-stamped by the commissioner.

Darren, SF: Has the league made a decision on Koren Robinson yet? Does he play for the Pack this year? If so, by when?

Chris Mortensen: (11:38 AM ET ) Just reported that Robinson has been cleared to return to the Packers. Now just waiting for the Packers to make it official that they're taking him back, which they will. Yes, he can play, effective week 8 when they return to action. Good pick-up for Favre.

Rob(NY): Mort I Promise no more ? I saw a video of the Joey Porter fight in Veagas it looked real bad for Porter will the NFL do more now that they have the tape?

Chris Mortensen: (11:40 AM ET ) I saw it for the first time late Sunday night on the Fox site (at first I thought it had been shown before, but that's not the case) and I thought it was bad. I know it had been reported that levi Jones (the victim) said he had been assaulted by Porter and his pals, but that was vicious. The league says it will not revisit the disiciplinary action (a fine for Porter) but I would reconsider if I were Roger Goodell.

JP (miami): Do you see John Beck playing for the Dolphins this season? At 0-6 what do they have to lose? What about Trent Green?

Chris Mortensen: (11:43 AM ET ) Trent Green said Monday on his radio show that he was of the mindset to keep playing but he also acknowledges that he's got a decision to make. The Dolphins just aren't a good team for Green to be playing with. I think the Fins have to give Cleo Lemon a good look before they turn to Beck. It will happen and it isn't a bad thing to have Trent Green around to help those guys. Green is a tremendous man and would be like having another coach on staff.

Tommy(TheStatPack): I know its early but I haven't heard many coaches on the hot seat yet. How safe is Marvin Lewis in Cincy?

Chris Mortensen: (11:44 AM ET ) The Bengals owner, Mike Brown, is generally patient. The next step, I believe, is for Brown to allow for a true general manager to work with Lewis. There has to be a change of organizational philosophy.

Cody (Indiana): How bad are the Broncos?

Chris Mortensen: (11:46 AM ET ) They're not very good. Anytime you trade out 10 or 11 starters like they did, it tells you something's not right. They're in great shape with the quarterback and the receivers, with the cornerbacks but they have to develop a lot of the young D-linemen, they have to rebuild the O-line, get another linebacker or two, and who knows about Travis Henry?

jeremy (ill): what are the chances of the commish cutting tanks suspension?

Chris Mortensen: (11:47 AM ET ) Very little chance of Tank Johnson coming back early. Just expect that it will be the Cowboys' ninth game (at the NY Giants, Nov. 11). That's a good one to come back for.

mike (san jose): Mort, why isn't Mike Nolan on the hot seat? the niners are marginally better than last year.

Chris Mortensen: (11:49 AM ET ) Mike Nolan had to come in and not only fix a broken down roster but a losing culture. Then he lost his offensive coordinator (Norv Turner) unexpectedly when all other teams had settled on their staffs. I believe Nolan needs another year to get this team where he wants it. Change would be the worst thing that could happen to the 49ers.

Reid (NOLA): Mortimer - Do the Saints have a legitimate chance of winning the NFC South?

Chris Mortensen: (11:52 AM ET ) The team that played in Seattle has a chance. Obviously, the NFC South is pretty weak but the Saints have let the Bucs and Panthers create a gap there.

Robbie (Chicago): Do you think if the D for Chicago gets right and they can get back to .500 by the bye week, they can make a run for the playoffs?

Chris Mortensen: (11:53 AM ET ) I'm not ruling anything out, including the Bears getting revived. The Vikings' loss was a setback and I have a feeling that the loser of the Bears-Eagles game this week is in trouble when it comes to the playoff picture.

Patrick (Cheyenne): I go to school in Boston. I see the Pats everywhere. They are good. Really good. However, 16-0, 19-0. Is it really going to happen? There has to be one mishap. But, maybe not? Can they really do it? Do you think the Patriots will go undefeated?

Chris Mortensen: (11:54 AM ET ) I'm only willing to have that discussion if they beat the Colts and are unbeaten at that time.

Tommy(TheStatPack): Hey Mort, I just bought Playing for Keeps haven't got a chance to read it yet but just wondering if you had any desire to write another book?

Chris Mortensen: (11:54 AM ET ) Thanks. I have a desire to write several books when my career settles into the next phase. I may give it a go this next off-season.

Sean Austin,Texas: Who are your number 1 and 2 teams in the NFC.

Chris Mortensen: (11:55 AM ET ) I guess I'd say the Cowboys, Packers and Giants would be my 1-2-3 in that order.

Brad(NM): Hey Mort, what do you think the actual reason the Bills only have one win instead of three? Is it poor coaching calls? Lack of offense? Inexperience in close games? Can the Bills regroup and still make something of the season after that devastating let down last Monday?

Chris Mortensen: (11:56 AM ET ) Even with injuries, the Bills still have some impact players like Evans, Parrish, Lynch. Losing Losman probably hurt but they should get some wins.

Evan (Toronto): Do you see the day when an NFL franchise comes to Toronto?

Chris Mortensen: (11:57 AM ET ) Yes, I do. Don't know when.

Steven (Indianapolis, IN): How much can injuries be to blame for the Bengals bad play this year? Having only 4 LBs for a game is ridiculous.

Chris Mortensen: (12:00 PM ET ) A lot of teams have injuries. Bill Belichick and Tony Dungy never let their teams use injuries as an excuse. That's why you have 53 players and an eight-man practice squad. Teams like the Bengals, Rams and Bills that talk about injuries are setting themselves up for failure.

Scott (Raleigh, NC): Mort - Enjoy your work. How is Cam Cameron being viewed around the league? I think the Dolphins troubles are more related to lack of drafting success for the last 10 years, but wanted to get your views on Cameron.

Chris Mortensen: (12:01 PM ET ) I would agree with you - it's hard for me to gauge Cameron because the team has done a poor job in personnel since Jimmy Johnson left.

Stephen(Morgantown): Three questions. How do you think Tennessee will finish this year? Any chance of a pacman return this season, and if the runningback situation doesnt work, do you think Steve Slaton would fint well there, since Tennessee like to spread the field?

Chris Mortensen: (12:02 PM ET ) I have thought the Titans will slip into the playoffs but I don't like the way they have played the past two games vs. the Falcons and Bucs. No chance with Pacman. And, yes, the Titans need to get a back, whether that's Slaton or anybody else.

Jon (Phoenix, AZ): How bad does it reflect on Clevelands coaching staff that they had all year to figure out who was better Anderson or Frye and it took till week 2 in the season to answer that question. Had they realized before hand this team could be 4-2

Chris Mortensen: (12:04 PM ET ) Well, to be honest, they were waiting for Anderson to win the job in training camp, just ready to name him but he had trouble being consistent. You are accountable to your own players and when you say competition is going to determine the best man, you have to stay true to that. In retrospect, they should have simply acknowledge the difference in talent and go with Anderson. If their defense gets better, they will be a factor.

Paul (Albany, OR): Mort, could not agree with you more about the injuries issue. It is frustrating that the Rams continue to use that excuse whenever the season does not pan out. Does this put Linehan on the hot seat at all? Thanks.

Chris Mortensen: (12:05 PM ET ) No matter what the injury situation is, you cannot go winless (or just win a handful) and look inept with a team that still has enough talent. And the defense is better. I believe Linehan is on the hot seat, yes.

Ryan Buckhead: Chris, why is it that that Giants were splitting carries Monday night between 3 RB's when Jacobs obviously is the best? I know he got nicked up a few times, but he gained atleast 5 yards everytime he touched the ball! How do you see this situation playing out from here?

Chris Mortensen: (12:07 PM ET ) Looks to me like they shouldn't change anything. Jacobs has never been the featured back, in three colleges, or in the pros. I believe Jacobs and Ward will rotate the same way with Droughns ready just in case.

Brian (Brooklyn): I have been very impressed with the Giants O-line play this year. No big names but they seem to get the job done.

Chris Mortensen: (12:07 PM ET ) yeah, that's a great job by the Giants, especially with David Diehl at LT.

Chris Mortensen: Gotta go. Check us out on ESPN Radio Primetime with Parcells and Keyshawn at 7 ET, not to mention Sunday NFL Countdown at 11 ET. Thanks and God Bless again.


Salary Cap Analyst
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The only way Crayton's comments come back to bite us is if we make the Super Bowl.

Gee darn. I hope THAT doesn't happen.


All Star
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I think it’s hard to be a dominating team when you are killing yourself with penalties. The ESPN guys are so feakle, they jump ships week to week.


Well-Known Member
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Larry (New York): Hey Mort, The Skins are killing me...they should be 5-0..Don't you think they have the talent to be the best team in the NFC?...I don't see many weaknesses

Chris Mortensen: (11:07 AM ET ) I think they should have one or two more wins. They're lacking explosive plays, too.

They're 3-2, Mort. Very astute...


Star Power
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Future 585;1715644 said:
What did Crayton say?

He said they're a bunch of cheaters. ;)

He said offensively they are great or elite. But defensively they are not. He also said, IF they make it to Arizona, he'd like to play them again. :)

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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What Crayton said wasn't the smartest-looking thing, that's true.

But why don't they ever mention the Pats leaving popcorn everywhere? The Pats have to know that T.O. has used that popcorn saying for years and that it wasn't directed at them. So they were talking just as much trash as anyone was by leaving it all over the locker room.

But I guess it's okay if they do it.


Rocky Mountain High
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WoodysGirl;1715626 said:
Sean Austin,Texas: Who are your number 1 and 2 teams in the NFC.

Chris Mortensen: (11:55 AM ET ) I guess I'd say the Cowboys, Packers and Giants would be my 1-2-3 in that order.

What?! No Skins in that list - the gall!


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AdamJT13;1715633 said:
The only way Crayton's comments come back to bite us is if we make the Super Bowl.

Gee darn. I hope THAT doesn't happen.


And if the Patriots make the Super Bowl.


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superpunk;1715645 said:
They're 3-2, Mort. Very astute...

I think Mort is saying, they are 3-2, but they should have one (4-1) or two (5-0) more wins.

In essence, he's agreeing with the caller.


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WoodysGirl;1715626 said:
Tommy(TheStatPack): Anything on Romo's shoulder or will he be good to go sunday? Do you think this was the wake-up call the Cowboys needed?

Chris Mortensen: (11:05 AM ET ) I am assuming Romo will play. Wake up call? The Cowboys are not a dominant team. I saw them struggle in Miami for three quarters, in Buffalo and the Bears' game wasn't a breeze. All they can do is work on their deficiencies.
They're a good team and, trust me, there aren't a lot of good teams in the NFL.

Hmmm.... what to make of this?

1. Dissing us?
2. Its actually true?
3. Its not true, he just didnt think before he posted it?
4. Just flat out irresponsible


Safety third
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When did CM become an evaluator?He has always been the guy who reports the inside scoop of who's hurt, who is going where in free agency, what is the league going to do about xxxx, etc.Suddenly he is ranking teams and suggesting the faults and advantages of teams?Sports "journalists" are taking themselves WAY TO SERIOUS.


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Chocolate Lab;1715670 said:
What Crayton said wasn't the smartest-looking thing, that's true.

But why don't they ever mention the Pats leaving popcorn everywhere? The Pats have to know that T.O. has used that popcorn saying for years and that it wasn't directed at them. So they were talking just as much trash as anyone was by leaving it all over the locker room.

But I guess it's okay if they do it.

I find it comical how the pats get a pass on everything.

In the stadium after every good play our offense made, bruschi, harrison and vrabel complained to officials right up until the ball was snapped.

I have always liked them, but I lost some respect for them sunday, they act like they are above all the nonsense and celebrating, yet they do it as much as anyone and they are extremely poor sports.

Heres to Indianapolis burying them.

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
WoodysGirl;1715626 said:
Sean Austin,Texas: Who are your number 1 and 2 teams in the NFC.

Chris Mortensen: (11:55 AM ET ) I guess I'd say the Cowboys, Packers and Giants would be my 1-2-3 in that order.
I thought Skip "the village idiot" Bayless said the GMen were his #5 team in the entire NFL.



Well-Known Member
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So, staying close with Miami and Chicago (who still had a good D at the time) into the 3rd quarter and going on to blow them out is "struggling" but NE being behind in the 3rd quarter and in a close game well into the 4th quarter before finally putting it away (and getting a gimme TD at the end) is being dominant, giving Dallas a thumping, stomped us, etc.

Got it.