ESPN poll on Irvin


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On on the right there's a poll asking if Irvin deserves to go to the Hall of Fame.
Great. Just when we stopped arguing about that.
Rayman said:

What Cowboys fan doesn't think he belongs?

I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.
StanleySpadowski said:
I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.
NAME EM':write::clubbed:
StanleySpadowski said:
I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.

He belongs and A.S.A.P. IT'S A NO BRAINER!!!!!!
StanleySpadowski said:
I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.

Are you basing that post on his personal decisions and mistakes in his life?

Because on the field he was money every time, all day long... and then some...
StanleySpadowski said:
I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.

Yeah I think we should take your Cowboys library card because this guy should have made the Hall of Fame this year and possibly last year. Do you realize teams feared Irvin so much they practically doubled him every down unless it was Deion or Woodson covering him??? The complete packege for a WR, and if you compare his numbers to ANY Steelers WR then you'll get the point!
"Borderline at best"!!! You must be :blind: I would really like to see explain that one.
StanleySpadowski said:
I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.

please name those dozen or so players...

Irvin was the most dominant WR in football from 91-96, he had great numbers and played huge in big games..everyone knew he wasgoing to get the ball and still couldnt stop him

he should have been a HOF on the first ballot

StanleySpadowski said:
I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.

Dude you're either joking or lost your frickin mind...
StanleySpadowski said:
I think he's borderline at best. I can think of a dozen or more players that I'd say "belong" before he does, heck even a half dozen former Cowboys.
I can't believe you just went there.
Again, if Swann and Stallworth are in, so Should Irvin!.
juice28 said:
"Borderline at best"!!! You must be :blind: I would really like to see explain that one.

Is he really talking to Jerry? Guy looks to young to be Jerry.

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