I’m not saying you’re wrong but I’m going to go back to my first thought. I wish our team competed on the field as much as they compete off the field with their salaries. Or I wish Jerry would stop rewarding players that play with little urgency. Either way I’d be happy. As a fan I want my players to care about winning.
As a fan it’s very discouraging and disappointing that Dak said he owes it to his QB brothers to get as much money as he can. If I was CD or any other Cowboy I’d be furious if anyone on my team put their position as a higher priority than the team. Dak needs to stop saying the soft part loud. There’s some things he needs to keep to himself. He’s not had a good week with this issue. He started the week by saying “be a fan or don’t be a fan “ and he’s ending the week with this.