News: ESPN: Scouts Inc.: Dallas has to be heavy on D

The Cowboys need to draft heavy on D? Really? Is water wet? Is the Pope Catholic? Is the White House white?

Do not worry, they are on it.

I think JJ is looking at his financial statement

...and, the doofus grandson in the background needs a slap, a hard slap...
Show the proper respect for our GM in 2031. bad....he may end up being in charge, but it won't make him any less of a doofus

he looks like he needs a SERIOUS wet willey or minimally, for someone to pants him when he is at a game and on the big screen...I could see him crying away from the camera screaming...pappy, pappy, tell them to stop laughing!!!!
How can Wilcox be a player but Heath needs to be in the Arena League if Heath took Wilcox's starting job even after he was healthy?

Wilcox is still learning the position. Heath supposedly already know it. Their career paths are going in the opposite direction.
Wait, who has ever said Jerry Jones produced the draft boards? You have started your ramble on a very bad foot here. Good luck arguing a point that nobody has ever suggested.

It appears you are arguing with your own delusion that people honestly believe Jones does what Ozzie Newsome or any other GM does. He does not go out and scout players and never has. I am fairly certain that nobody has argued that, yet you continue to preach to a bunch of empty pews.

You can say that again. And that is the problem you have had all along. A figurehead has nothing to do with the personnel process, from scouting to selection. Jones has always and continues to be the one responsible for making the final call.

This must be what a figurehead sounds like.

No spin doctoring here. If anyone is doing that it is you with your continuous desire to spin a tale where somehow you have the secret insight into how the organization is run just like every other team and every other owner does what Jones does. That is completely incorrect and the only one who comes close, Paul Brown, stops short at what Jones does.

I find it utterly amazing that despite the man's own words that come out of his mouth, you continue to insist you know differently.

Oh yeah, the cabal. You really should come up with a catchy nickname for your own non-title obsessed flunkies and we can all have a rumble.

And again, you are going on and on about how Jones is different. And?

I pay attention to what he says and what he says is the way it is. He has already stated over and over how unique his special arrangement is. It still does not make Ciskowski, McClay or anyone else more than an information gatherer.

What Jones does is what other GMs do at the end of the process. He picks the players. That is what has people angered at the results.

It is his role in the process that is continuing to bring the franchise down into mediocrity. Next year the coach will be gone and the syndrome continues.

Go Cowboys?
I did not have a doubt in my mind that the spin control would start in sentence 1, and it did. Let me point something out that I have never bothered to before, but it just seems a really funny time to do it now. Jerry Jones has 3 titles.

1. Owner
2. President
3. General Manager, a.k.a. GM

Funny how you guys (who suddenly know that Jerry does not produce the Draft boards and never has) never call for him to step down as President of the Dallas Cowboys. I can't help but wonder why that is, if as you now claim, you actually do realize that as GM he does not put together the plan that assembles this team? Why not call for him to step down as team President? Surely you can look at Green Bay and realize that President Mark Murphy has more stroke than GM Ted Thompson.

That just doesn't make any sense at all. You keep chanting "we need a new GM" but now you all, every single one of you, know that he's not the personnel guy? Then tell me why did you even bother to bring up the veiled shot at me about Ciskowski in a thread where I was not even engaged with you in a discussion? Are my opinions that damned important to you? You don't see that as just a little bit manic? What was your degree in again? You might need to go back and brush up on it if you can't see how silly that is. Don't pee on my leg and try to tell me that it is raining. I'm not that stupid and neither are you.

What have I repeatedly said Jerry's role is on this team as it pertains to his duties as GM? That he is the money man. That has been my constant argument, and you all damned well know it, even if you want to pretend otherwise. So, according to you guys, we need to change the GM to a guy who brings in even more money, but he doesn't need to give up his title as President? Fact alert. No one brings in more money in the NFL than Jerry Jones. Sorry, that is the truth. In that respect he is the NFL's most successful GM. Unless of course you think someone else does make more money than he does. Maybe you think the deceased Paul Brown does as you suggested earlier? Don't worry, I know that was a poor choice of words and that you meant Mike Brown. I won't harp on it from now on like you have with "figurehead." I'm not that desperate to make you admit something.

You guys are fond of constantly wrongly quoting Albert Einstein. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

How about this as an idea then? Stop grabbing your torches and pitchforks, stop howling at the moon, and recognize the fact that there are personnel guys on this team who do the work of building the team to the plan of the Head Coach; EXACTLY like I have been trying to tell you all for years. Then you don't need to constantly try and vilify the word "figurehead" to look smooth for your home boys. There is no need to point out veiled references to my opinions that you don't like to fit your opinions that you now pretend you never even had. Especially when I'm not even involved in a discussion with you.

Better yet, how about you all stop the freaking broken record about "we need a new GM?" Because whether or not you guys are man enough to accept the real world or not, the fact of the matter is that the NFL Owners all have final say on their football teams (meaning their businesses), and Jerry Jones is not going away as the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, because he is running the most lucrative business in the whole damned shooting match.

In other words, try to avoid your "we need a new GM" insanity. Can you do that? I honestly don't believe any of you can. In case you haven't noticed the man is rolling in money. You can hate that about him all you want. I wouldn't give a flying crap about that. My complaint is that in hating him as you guys do, you put him on a pedestal that he doesn't deserve to be on. I constantly tell you guys that when this team turns around I am not going to give him credit for it. If they do turn it around, and you guys don't give him some credit for it, then you are all nothing but hypocrites. That's fine if that is what you want to be. No skin off my nose. What will the spin control be then? I don't really care. I will be one guy who continues to realize that other people are building the football team, and Jerry Jones, and the owner, President, and GM, is making the money.

I called that a figurehead as GM in the role that you guys want to see GM. As I said, bad choice of words on my part, but don't ever sit there and try and cloak the fact that I was exactly right about the duties of Tom Ciskowski and the men before him in the same roles. You can play semantics all you want, and try and change the truth of my stance, but it is never going to work ace. Ever. You'd have better luck trying to shove melted butter up an unchained, rabid wildcat's *** with a hot poker under a July Death Valley sun.

Get this through your damned thick heads once and for all, NO ONE is happy at 8-8. NO ONE is happy that we've not had the playoff success we enjoyed in the 70's and 90's and not even the partial success we saw in the late 60's and early 80's. NO ONE accepts mediocrity. NO ONE doesn't want to see this team rise to the levels we once were.

I have always considered all of you guys to be fantastic fans of the football team. I consider that of anyone who actually knows some of or History and knows strategy on how to build a football team. It is a damned shame that some of you have to wrap that fantastic fan potential up in a whole lot of Internet tough guy cliques where you slap each other on the back at every childish insult thrown out to try and win points with each other just because you can't stand my opinions. High five! Props amigo!

It's nearly 10 years old man, turn the damned page already. I have reached out, tried to offer an olive branch to you personally even though I have no earthly idea what you are so pissed off at me about. You don't want my respect, fine. But for the love of hell would you please get over my opinions that you don't like. If you want to remain blind to the truth, go on with your bad self. I really couldn't give a damn.
Why are you acting like you're in the know with regards to each individual persons role with the team? To the point where your claims contradict Jerry Jones own words as to what his role is?

Do you even have a clue what a General Managers responsibilities with regards to building a football team is? Google it if you don't.
Seems like a good time to remind everybody that this thread has a topic, and that it's not really about what you might think of other posters. Please reply accordingly so we don't have to close a good thread. Thanks.
They better be way heavy on d. This team needs 7 new starters on d!!! At least 6 minimum
I really wish we'd draft at least 5 defensive players this year and sign at least one new starter in free agency. We also need new defensive coaches. Watch Seattle play defense and you just see a completely different culture and swagger.
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The role of the GM is to put a winning team together. We have 1 playoff win in 17 years.
Say we drafted Sharif Floyd last year. Does anyone really think the defense overall would have fared any better?

From my early observations of the 2014 draft, I think there is better talent in the top half (first three rounds) of the draft on offense rather than defense. So, if you are truly going BPA, then I would lean toward offensive players early and defensive later. I think there are some nice LBs available in the 4th to 7th rounds. And LB is a definite need after what I saw last year. Sure, the DL needs help, but no point in reaching for some DL just because we need a DL.

The defense took a couple of steps back this season. I think they may rebound this year. I worry about the offense a little more. A better offense can do wonders for the defense by keeping them off the field and placing less pressure on them. So, even though it isn't defense, I would surely welcome Auburn OT Greg Robinson in the 1st, Auburn RB Tre Mason in the 2nd, and LSU WR Jarvis Landry in the 3rd followed with some good athletic LBs.

this is comedy
He was replaced due to injury and IMO was never really right after that... Heath was horrible... JJ played well enough, when healthy, to beat out a Vet FA in Will Allen for the starting job. I'd say his ceiling is higher.

But range at the safety position will help out so much. Church has his limitations and I feel Wilcox will replace him. We need range and the ability to accelerate and jump.

On a side note any young russel wilson type player? lol
Would you like some more comedy? Google Sharif Floyd stats for 2013. 16 games - 9 tackles - 10 assists - 2.5 sacks. That would have really helped the Cowboys' defense. Maybe you're not too amused.:( :)

You made a good point. It is much better to take a offensive player that offers value than it is to reach for a defensive player that could turn out to be a bust. Reaching to fit a position of need is no way to get a quality draft. The defense needs help though, and I hope a quality defensive player is available.
Would you like some more comedy? Google Sharif Floyd stats for 2013. 16 games - 9 tackles - 10 assists - 2.5 sacks. That would have really helped the Cowboys' defense. Maybe you're not too amused.:( :)

T. Fredricks Center started 16 games solidified the offensive line:What he’s done: Since the day Frederick arrived at Valley Ranch, he has been the starting center. Much was made of the Cowboys trade down at the time and the over-drafting of Frederick with the 31st pick, but he has the looks of a building block on the line for many years to come.

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