lets see here..with ET...we have an unsavory weird "come get me" thing a couple years ago on our field..just bizarre, I mean who does that? Don't you have to question ones sanity after that alone? It just isn't done like that. Then we have the middle finger to his fans,coaches,team mates while he lay on the stretcher or what have you, around that same time. Then fast forward to the last year til now. We have a love triangle between he,his brother,and a couple hookers basically, ON HIS BED THAT HE SHARES WITH HIS WIFE NO LESS!! Lastly, SHE then draws a gun on him. As if that aint enough to churn your stomach, We now have the camp fist fight.I dunno much about this, so I will have to defer to others.Here is what common sense tells me. If his own team doesn't want him there and I am told teh vote was unanimous, then that is a very VERY BIG RED FLAG for me if I am a potential suitor. As more details are learned about this fight, maybe it will shed the full light on this. All I know is it HAD to be very bad for this to have caused the team ownership to concur with the players. Its just stunning. So, are we willing to say none of this matters? Are we THAT bloody desperate? Food for thought. Askin for some friends.