Even If Jerry Fired Himself


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  1. The chances of him taking a back seat to whomever is remote at best.
  2. A new mindset and philosophy are crucial but, the modern athlete and Players Association do not and will not, allow a hard-nosed coach and staff to implement significant changes. The Landry/Lombardi days are over.
  3. The new coach can demand all he wants to but unless Jerry has a "closed door" attitude toward the players, nothing changes.
  4. Ah, this is a big one - the modern player is not made of the same stuff as the old guard. There is no self-respect, pride and certainly no accountability. Kind of reminds one of the country as a whole.
  5. Players are all about themselves, end of sentence, new paragraph. The new measuring stick for success isn't winning on the field when there's no accountability.
  6. Even if all of the things necessary to achieve the laundry list of things you propose were to occur, the Salary Cap and Free Agency precludes keeping enough quality players in the organization long enough to really build the kind of team/culture you're rightfully seeking. I will never forget when Ken Norton Jr. immediately left the team after winning the 92/93 SB. It was a harbinger of the "New NFL", and it morphed into what we all see as 'normal" now.


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Well, one team each year does win the Superbowl. In this league. With the NFLPA. With modern coaches.

Now what?