That is hard to answer adbutcher but I will try to. TI have played or beta many of mmo out there they are growing or drowning by the way side. I started with the original one that really launched this gaming genera Ultima Online. I have since played Dark Ages of Camelot; Horizons and City of Heroes. I have beta tested savage; Wis; Ashorn Call and Anarchy Online to name a few.adbutcher said:I was thinking about getting a MMORPG but I am still undecided. Can someone give me some pros and cons? I typically like RPG's, sports, adventure, racing, and FPSs. I also, heard that MMORPGs are a time grind and if you don't dedicate extensive time you won’t be able to enjoy them. If that is the case then I might have to sit this round out until I can allocate more time.
Also, has any one played Worlds of Warcraft? I heard it was pretty good can any one share their experience. Thanks.
Thanks Kangaroo. I will research it a bit more and when I decide I will look you up.Kangaroo said:That is hard to answer adbutcher but I will try to. TI have played or beta many of mmo out there they are growing or drowning by the way side. I started with the original one that really launched this gaming genera Ultima Online. I have since played Dark Ages of Camelot; Horizons and City of Heroes. I have beta tested savage; Wis; Ashorn Call and Anarchy Online to name a few.
Now my play time varys greatly but I tend to play off peak hours do to my kids and schedule. I have had very few problems playing 2 hours on a night and about 8-10 total in the week on any of these games and was able to achieve most things it just took me longer to get there than some and some people will be slower than you. I also tend to create alts and play with other classes because it is fun. What you will find playing these is some games are easier than others and some have more grind than others a lot of the grind tends to be matter of perspective and will very depending on the person. Also the longer you played a game and you figure out what gives the most xp and the small things you usally start levekling faster.
Dark Age of Camelot has done things to make leveling eaiser now but they have been out 5 years and they are changing some of there quest which required 100 people sometimes but hey if you could schedule the event they where fun as hell and dropped items. the best part of DAOC is the PVE side where you battle realms because you joined one of three relams and you go to a common battle ground area and raid castles and things along that line. The crafting in DAOC is a horrid grind imo; but Horizons crafting could be a grind but i loved it and therefore I did not notice it as much but that is my perspective of it. I get bored to easy now days with non MMO games I love it I can log in and group or solo and have fun. WOW is suppose to be solo friendly and less of the grinding treadmill. EQ orginal and EQ2 is a lot eaiser to level grouping.
I say the best bet is to try one and see how you like it. There will also be a step learning curve when you 1st start usally; most senior players will help you out on this. I say try one and find out for yourself
adbutcher said:Any good sites where I can DL a demo?
DallasCowpoke said:
thanks gibbyGibby! said: