Everyone VOTE HERE so our fellow Cowboys fans can see the game!!!


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That is a Shreveport Louisiana Fox TV Station poll that is being dominated by Saints fans.

We need everyone on the forum to vote for that station to broadcast the COWBOYS GAME instead of the Saints game.

We don't want our fellow Cowboys Fans to miss the game!!!!
MmHmm... trying to replace a Saints game with a Cowboys game in Shreveport.

Not that I'm not for the cause (you have my vote), but best of luck with that....

NFK ticket is a friggin ripoff. Especially if you have an HD tv. But, glad your problem is solved bro.:D
Hook'em#11;3029397 said:
NFK ticket is a friggin ripoff. Especially if you have an HD tv. But, glad your problem is solved bro.:D

I guess ripoff is in the eye of the beholder. Do I wish it was less? Yes. But I also wish a bag of chips was less. It is worth it if you want to see the Cowboys in the comfort of your own home every week. If you live in a city with an NFL team, the local game is often shown. Sunday Ticket is a savior for those of us in this situation (who can afford it).
I doubt a poll is going to do anything to change that. If the station changes the game in favor of the Cowboys, it will just piss of the tens of Saints fans that live there.

As for the Cowboys games, I choose to use my high speed internet and a combination of peer to peer programs and radio....I can't see myself paying that much for 3-4 games a year.
Boyzmamacita;3029411 said:
I guess ripoff is in the eye of the beholder. Do I wish it was less? Yes. But I also wish a bag of chips was less. It is worth it if you want to see the Cowboys in the comfort of your own home every week. If you live in a city with an NFL team, the local game is often shown. Sunday Ticket is a savior for those of us in this situation (who can afford it).

No, I don't think it should be less. But, would be nice for Direct TV to tell when it is going to be raised. That would be a start. I had Direct TV for 6 years, and I had NFL Ticket for 5 yrs.

As well as I should not have to pay for a service twice in regards to HD. I already was paying an extra 10 bucks for the HD service, only to find out that you have to pay an "additional" 10 bucks for the HD to apply for the Ticket, That is crap.

Do you pay double the price for the same bag of chips? No, don't think so.
I love Sunday Ticket but so far every Cowboys game have been on regular tv here in Nashville. And I bought the Sunday Ticket.
New Orleans Saints vs Miami Dolphins - 82% (2619 votes)
Dallas Cowboys vs Atlanta Falcons - 18% (575 votes)

Total votes: 3194

Not looking good at all.
Cajuncowboy;3029438 said:
I love Sunday Ticket but so far every Cowboys game have been on regular tv here in Nashville. And I bought the Sunday Ticket.

LOL, Yep, I think in the last two years I had the ticket. I believed I would of missed maybe 4 games. I think the last year I had it, I would of only missed one. LOL. I was thinking "why am I paying for this? they show almost every game. "
I voted, but in the end it will be all for naught. The same problem exists over in my neck of the woods dealing with KARD (FOX) and KNOE (CBS).

The funny thing is that, once upon a time A.K.A. twenty years ago, it was rare for any television station airing NFL games in northern Louisiana (a region of the state dominated by Cowboys fans since the early 60's), would broadcast the Saints over the Cowboys. Once Finks and Mora started to change the Saints fortunes for the better, more Saints fans began to emerge north of Alexandria.

The local stations answered the cries of Saints fans, "You're a Louisiana based tv station! Why are you dissing your own team?" Funny thing about the average television station, though. Typically, their broadcast areas extended well-beyond the state borders where the station itself is located, such as KMSS-Shreveport.

No matter. All these La stations want is as much harmony as possible with their viewers, even though there is an even balance of Cowboys and Saints fans in the northern half of the state. Heck, that's why folks here do not see, for example, Titans games overriding Cowboys games IF Dallas is playing an AFC opponent on CBS. They know where their 'cha-CHING!' is coming from when the 'Saints are marching in'. :puke:
Hey guys.. I know what ya'll are wondering.. What the heck is Skeety doing at the zone hahaha, but I need a quick favor with the Zone's help along with Cowboys-Forum.com

The Fox affiliate in Shreveport has left it up to a vote on which game will be seen.. The NEW ORLEANS or DALLAS COWBOYS.. I know on our forum we have quite a few Shreveport area fans that will also hurt many far east Texas fans that will be left out in the cold and we are trying to do our part and spreading the word on Facebook, Twitter, and different forums and there are no bigger than the Forum and the Zone..

You can vote here, Cowboys are WAY behind..


Thanks guys and Mods of the Zone!

I feel for you...In my neck of the woods the local T.V. stations come from missouri....you know what that means....the always air the friggin Rams or the Chiefs first. I hate it!!
There is always the internet , quality might not be as good , but at least you can still view the game.
joshskeety;3029471 said:
Hey guys.. I know what ya'll are wondering.. What the heck is Skeety doing at the zone hahaha, but I need a quick favor with the Zone's help along with Cowboys-Forum.com

The Fox affiliate in Shreveport has left it up to a vote on which game will be seen.. The NEW ORLEANS or DALLAS COWBOYS.. I know on our forum we have quite a few Shreveport area fans that will also hurt many far east Texas fans that will be left out in the cold and we are trying to do our part and spreading the word on Facebook, Twitter, and different forums and there are no bigger than the Forum and the Zone..

You can vote here, Cowboys are WAY behind..


Thanks guys and Mods of the Zone!


Btw.. I posted this in the member section.. Mods, I didnt want to post in your main forums unless you want to move them there..

Thanks again for the Zone's help in this.. Hopefully we can gather enough of a vote so our counterparts in that area can watch the game..


Hook'em#11;3029458 said:
LOL, Yep, I think in the last two years I had the ticket. I believed I would of missed maybe 4 games. I think the last year I had it, I would of only missed one. LOL. I was thinking "why am I paying for this? they show almost every game. "

It's about the peace of mind for me. I know now matter what I will get to the see game.
SDogo;3029503 said:
It's about the peace of mind for me. I know now matter what I will get to the see game.


I guess it's where ya live. If I don't get the game, I know I can at the local bar. But, I would rather watch in my own house.

Now though, they don't show it. Time is spent with my 3 yr old. LOL. So, even if they do show the game, chances are, I am not seeing much of it anyhow. LOL
Thanks to everyone that voted.

I know it might be a lost cause but I was hoping we might get enough people across several forums to vote and help our fellow Cowboys fans out that might wind up missing the game.

I have relatives that live in East Texas and I know they'll be extremely disappointed if they can't see the Cowboys.
TEK2000;3029845 said:
Thanks to everyone that voted.

I know it might be a lost cause but I was hoping we might get enough people across several forums to vote and help our fellow Cowboys fans out that might wind up missing the game.

I have relatives that live in East Texas and I know they'll be extremely disappointed if they can't see the Cowboys.
That's a crime in and of itself. I would bet that there are more Cowboys fans within KMSS broadcast region on the Texas side of the border than there are Saints fans on the Louisiana side.
SilverStarCowboy;3029942 said:
Saints Fans deserve to see that team.
What obstacle prevents Saints fans in the KMSS broadcast region from seeing their team which no other fan rooting for any other team in any part of the country does not also share?

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