Exclusive: Bush, family received cash and gifts

HeavyHitta31 said:
Several flaws in this arguement.

First, let's get the worst out of the way. The average college football game this year is a little under 3 hours, nearly a half hour shorter than the average NFL game, due to the new clock rules.

Second, making paying players legal would destroy the college game in every imaginable way.

as much as paying them under the table has?

and my clock comment was tongue in cheek sorry you couldn't see my tongue
HeavyHitta31 said:
Second, making paying players legal would destroy the college game in every imaginable way.
They do it anyway, and they're going to continue. It's pretty hard to police.

I actually agree with you to a point. You can't just let the players get paid unlimited amounts of money. If you were to pay them, you would have to cap it at some point. But then again, if you cap it, chances are some are going to push the limits.
peplaw06 said:
You think somebody who is riding in a car where the DRIVER has weed and a gun registered in his name would still face charges even though a drug test came back negative?? Yeah okay:rolleyes:

Yes, as he should. First of all, there is no way to prove whose weed it is. Just like if you're at a party and you're under 18 and there is alcohol there, you will get a ticket whether you were drinking or not. For all we know, the guy with him is covering for him. Lord knows Texas players smoking pot isnt anything out of the ordinary.

Second, just the fact that he is a stupid enough to ride with someone with a loaded gun in his lap and bags of weed in his car alone is enough to throw him in jail. If nothing else he is guilty of being an unimaginable dumb***.
peplaw06 said:
They do it anyway, and they're going to continue. It's pretty hard to police.

I actually agree with you to a point. You can't just let the players get paid unlimited amounts of money. If you were to pay them, you would have to cap it at some point. But then again, if you cap it, chances are some are going to push the limits.

But most players dont get paid. Universities could not afford to give players a salary.
I love how transgressions this ridiculous and numerous get overlooked out at USC,,, at least until the guy is graduated and flown the coop,,, but let some Okie QB not show up to work on a regular basis and POW!! BAMMO!!! YER BUSTED!!!!
The NCAA doesn't allow scholarship athletes to hold down jobs either which is wrong, it will make taking money from anyone more appealing.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Yes, as he should. First of all, there is no way to prove whose weed it is. Just like if you're at a party and you're under 18 and there is alcohol there, you will get a ticket whether you were drinking or not. For all we know, the guy with him is covering for him. Lord knows Texas players smoking pot isnt anything out of the ordinary.
It's called exculpatory evidence. They couldn't prove that it was theirs, they weren't in possession of it (which is 98% of the law BTW), and they passed a drug test. Every DA would drop those charges.

Second, just the fact that he is a stupid enough to ride with someone with a loaded gun in his lap and bags of weed in his car alone is enough to throw him in jail. If nothing else he is guilty of being an unimaginable dumb***.
Nice... but that's the court of public opinion, not Travis County. And you can't be thrown in jail for being a *******... well not without something else.;)
peplaw06 said:
Nice... but that's the court of public opinion, not Travis County. And you can't be thrown in jail for being a *******... well not without something else.;)

The world would sure be a better place....And we'd all go broke from the upkeep of billions of prisoners
HeavyHitta31 said:
But most players dont get paid. Universities could not afford to give players a salary.

Oh they can afford it. UT may have to wait a few years for that new extension to Memorial Stadium or that new gargantuan Jumbotron, but they have the money. We're not talking millions here... well not in the scenario I have in my head. I'm talking somewhere around $10,000 to $20,000.