Exporting NFL

Dave the Sicilian

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don't know if something like this has already been posted.

What do you think about NFL exporting football games in Europe?

I know that in the past some games (pre-season I think) were played in Mexico and Germany, but these are "seasonal" games :).
I know also that there is a project to let the Bills play some games in Canada each season.

Anyway, this year will be the 2nd time in London (sadly, I think Italy is out of this plans :mad:) with Saints and (Sinners :p:) Chargers.
I'd like to know your opinion as american, 'cause I, as european, am extremely pleased of this project :D.
I made request for 2 ticket but, depending on the amount of request, it could be necessary a 'raffle' (like last year).
Of course, I hope that in the next year(s) the NFL choice will fall on our Cowboys :bounce:...and you? ;)


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Welcome to cowboyzone. Great to know that our team has fans over there.

I got mixed feelings about playing a regular season game in Europe. Do you think there would be enough European/British support for it to become a regular occurrence? Know you guys are wild about soccer (which you call football).

Anyway, I watched the Giants-Dolphins game last year. It was pitiful. The field was sloppy & not condusive to American football with our cleats; was surprised there weren't many injuries. A lot of travel time is required so I can't see too many games being played in Europe cause of that but also because the sod used in London didn't allow the traction necessary for the players to really get going. Also game was lousy also because the Dolphins were real bad last year, won't be a lot better this year & the Giants didn't look that good either.

Understand Jerry Jones is opposed to the Cowboys playing overseas in a regular season game at least for a few years. Don't forget playing in Europe requires a team to give up a home game & Cowboy fans don't like that. Besides 09 season will be our first in the new stadium (rumors naming rights will be sold to AT&T for megabucks). So no way will Jerry Jones allow the NFL to take away 1 of our home games cause he wants the money from it to help pay the so called mortgage.

BTW: How long have you been a Cowboy fan & when/how did it happen? I've been a fan for almost 2 decades but I'm not from Texas; only visited there a few times while my brother was in the military. I'm originally from the Delaware/Maryland/Washngton, D.C. area and hated the Commanders. So it was natural to root for the Cowboys & Staubach, etc. When he retired, it didn't change my love for the Cowboysl. Then of course there were the great 90's and those Super Bowls. Loved watching the Cowboys win so many games during the regular season but the playoff loss sure was a downer.

Keep posting.

Dave the Sicilian

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sago1;2035745 said:
Welcome to cowboyzone. Great to know that our team has fans over there.

:bow: many tx.

About the game in London I know that it can be strange for you and maybe not apreciated. But I think also that last year game can be considered as a goog first attempt, a kind of experiment. At least we can see that has been a success in terms of attendence (even if it was a very 'poor' game :p:): if I remember well it was sold out. I know some people that went there from Italy (a guy from Dolphins fan club Italia -!!!- was filmed during the game :)). Again, the week preceding the game has been full of news and event on the upcoming game (such as the big plastic statues in Piccadilly). Anyway, more has to be done if NFL wants to follow this way and...let me say it once again :eek:: ...I hope it :rolleyes: and I think that every year can be a success. Besides, I understand that in the next few years it could be a problem for the Cowboys to play a 'home' game overseas...but why not an away game? :D

sago1;2035745 said:
BTW: How long have you been a Cowboy fan & when/how did it happen?

Well, thanx for the question :). I start following NFL during the very early 90's but in a 'light' way...and then it was the first superbowl against the Bill that cought me straigth in the middle :)...I was strongly tackled :D by this game (intended as football) and I don't know exactly why but my affinity and my support went to the team named...COWBOYS from Dallas! Then I become more interested and, coincidence, I knew a guy from Huston named Chris Hammond. This guy was in the Navy in the NAS in Sigonella near Catania (my town) in Sicily and was my cousin's boy friend. It was affinity at once. Of course he was a Cowboys fanand let me know several things about this game and this team, like the rivalry (he use to call the Washington (R)Deadskins :dissskin:)...I grew into a Cowboy maniac.
I remember Superbowl XXX: we watched it toghether 'til 4 a.m. (Italian time)...tired but happy. Now this guy is back in the USA since several years and I don't have any of his contact :(. I'd like to re-see him one day or at least to get in touch.

Anyway, sorry for this long post...this is my Cowboy story. :starspin

PS we have also a football team in Catania joined to the Italian Football League

Dave the Sicilian

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Well :eek: I have been selected with many other among those who made the request to have the chance to purchase tickets for the event in London...
...even if this will not be a Cowboys game...I did it!!! :D

I took two tickets, for me and for my Girl and we'll make a mini-holiday in London and then, finally, for the first time I'll watch a NFL game live...a little bit expansive :( but we'll enjoy it

By the way...we'll support the Saints!!!


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I don't like it at all. if people wanna see the NFL they should come to America.


Drunken Mick
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Rampage;2133075 said:
I don't like it at all. if people wanna see the NFL they should come to America.

I don't like the games abroad myself, but you have it all wrong. The sole reason they play the games in different countries is to promote the sport and make money for the NFL. I'm sure they don't care about reaching the fans.


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sago1;2035745 said:
I got mixed feelings about playing a regular season game in Europe. Do you think there would be enough European/British support for it to become a regular occurrence?

Without a doubt, the NFL is bigger then ever in Europe. It was big back in the 80s to mid 90s then interest died off a bit but for the past 5 years it's really taken off like never before over here


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Rampage;2133075 said:
I don't like it at all. if people wanna see the NFL they should come to America.

Have been to Dallas twice, and look forward to coming over again to visit the new stadium. Have also seen games in Tampa & Pheonix (when on Vacation).

The NFL have already agreed to play games in the UK for the next three years. There is talk that they may play in Cardiff or Edinburgh next year.