

New Member
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It was obvious that Payton knew our weakness on D, he knows that we do not focus on the FB on D and Payton used this to his advantage. K.Davis is a great ST player, but he is the worst at making a play on the ball while the pass is in the air. Going back to the beginning of last year I think he might have only 2 tipped passes. We need to work Parrish into our D soon! Just like we gave the NFL a blueprint on how to beat the colts, I think Payton just gave the NFL how to beat the Cowboys. Parcells and Zimmer both got worked yesterday. Parcells should have known better than to throw the red flag with only 30secs. What he should have done was call a Time Out. I hope the way we lost helps us get better, I hope this teaches us to run the Rock. A strong running game opens up everything else. I think we got a little overconfident last week. I bet no players will be having any out of town bday party's this week. We tried to force feed the rock to TO last night, where was BArber, fasano, and crayton last night. Where are our trick plays, or does the coaching staff feel like they are to good to run gimmick plays. I liked the way the saints ran their delayed blitz with the DE crashing in and their LB's looping outside to where Romo would roll out to. Good scheme by NO last night. I pray that we see the Saints again! As long as we regroup and win the last 3, we'll be ok. This team needs to show they can come back from adversity again.


No Quarter
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crayton quit on the throw in the Endzone that almost was picked and created a FG.