Face up to it zoners, some of the cowboy players dont want a championship


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zoners, i am not jumping ship, i will fight to the bitter end till this problem is fixed and players like bobby carpenter, tony curtis, the offensive linemen, are held accountable, along with the coaches.

but rocket ishmael was on and after listening to bradie james, he said, we have to bring our a game because other teams are bringing their a game and hitting us in the mouth, and we react like wow

rocket said that means some of the players on this team are arrongant, stuck on themselves, and see no urgency to play hard till last few minutes to win the game, by that time romo was being beaten up, mcbrair was almost seriously hurt, because of dumb stupid mistakes, and the coaches letting them get away with it, and not having player be held accountable

there comes a time when you have to stand up and be held accountable

time is now, no more excuses, time for some shaking up on this team and holding players and coaches accountable, even read special teams coach
Joe, stop it man. You are way over reacting. There is no such thing as a player who does not want to win a Championship. If you want to say they aren't talented enough to get it done, that is one thing. What you are suggesting here is ridiculous.
I can hear Wade say this to this press conference this afternoon.

Accountability? We have talent we don't need to hold them accountable their grown men!

Discipline? These are grown men we are talking about. They know what needs to be done without me getting on them!

Soft? I don't know how you can call us soft when we moved the ball down the field and scored ten points in under three minutes!

Turnovers? Tony is going to throw interceptions with all the passing he does. We know that but who doesn't throw interceptions or fumble?

Special Teams? I don't see a problem with the coaching. The players missed their blocks it happens!

Romo's injury? Misfortunate, however, we have a great quarterback in Brad Johnson. We should still win all our games coming up.

Which leaves me to this: Denial! That's exactly what these coaches and players are in. DENIAL!!!!
all WANT the championship,

some just don't CARE ENOUGH to do WHAT IT TAKES TO GET the championship.
your probably right hostile, im just ticked off the way the offensive line played, way bobby carpenter has been playing, letting flozell adams stay in the game when he had a hurt shoulder and couldnt lift his left arm, heck you could see that he couldnt pass block;

i was going by what rocket ishmael was saying after bradie james said on air that the cowboys have to bring their a game, or they will get beat because teams want to beat the cowboys bad.

and that some of the players seem to be arrogant they are aall this and dont have to play hard till at the end of the game;

just right now, ticked off hostile, and with romo hurt now for 4 weeks, i just dont see it, teams will come after brad johnson like crazy and he sure cant run or move like romo, so i just dont see it, just because some players whiffed yesterday on blocks etc,
some just don't CARE ENOUGH to do WHAT IT TAKES TO GET the championship

thats what i probably should have said, some just dont care enough to win a championship to do what it takes to get to the championship
The Cowboys are being humbled right now. This IS A good thing for this team in the long run. If this years team does not learn from this type of adversity, it NEVER will and we are doomed anyways. Better this happens now than with 2-3 games left. Hang in there homers!!
The quicker Bradie James is off this team the better. He can't be a leader making all his tackles 8-10 yards down the field.
For me it has been about the lack of credible solutions to problems that have been pretty clear...I'm not sure what can be done at this point to correct the problems at hand
cowboyjoe;2333594 said:
your probably right hostile, im just ticked off the way the offensive line played, way bobby carpenter has been playing, letting flozell adams stay in the game when he had a hurt shoulder and couldnt lift his left arm, heck you could see that he couldnt pass block;

i was going by what rocket ishmael was saying after bradie james said on air that the cowboys have to bring their a game, or they will get beat because teams want to beat the cowboys bad.

and that some of the players seem to be arrogant they are aall this and dont have to play hard till at the end of the game;

just right now, ticked off hostile, and with romo hurt now for 4 weeks, i just dont see it, teams will come after brad johnson like crazy and he sure cant run or move like romo, so i just dont see it, just because some players whiffed yesterday on blocks etc,
So am I.

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