Let's examine this one further. So because a person kills a dog, they should be given the death penalty or life in prison. This is what is wrong with society extream over reactions to relatively small events. People want to feel like they are apart of the story and personalize everything. Its like they want to see who can say the most outrageous over the top idea. We had one poster who stated he would do physical harm and murder another human being over this. That is far more indicative of a mental health issue than Shembo. While I don't agree with abusing animals as I think it is wrong. I also don't agree with jail time for first time offenders. Fine him, give him community service, but let's not waste money and time with jail. There are far worse people out there than Shembo.
No that is not true at all. You can say most serial killers have tortured small animals, but you cannot say most people who have tortured small animals are serial killers. Additionally, peer reviewed research has show this. Additionally, in one study, 28% of college students admitted to abusing small animals. Are you saying that 28% of college students have a murders profile? Let's get real here. I don't believe that there has been a link between murderers and killing/abusing small animals.
Do I really have to explain the difference between a dog/pet and a person? Last time I looked people were not a source of food in some places. Last time I looked we didn't force people to have sex so that we could sell their babies for profit. We didn't force specific people to breed with other people so that we could make the "bloodline better". WE don't execute our homeless. But please tell me how people and pets are the same. SMH