Family Bonding

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You guys better be spending time with your spouses, Kids, girlfriends etc. Before the season starts I turn my attention even stronger because football season begins I'm tough to move. My wife have said in the past "you love the boys more than me". So May begins to Begining of August vacation, shopping etc whatever she wants to do so when the season starts I can enjoy the games
I do similar things. For example, my wife has complete control of the Hi Def TV in the off season. I have set things up where I can grill and keep an eye on the game so I get points for cooking while I watch the games. I try to be sensitive to her desires when the games are not on during the season as well.
Wife's a huge Dolphins fan. We bring the extra receiver and TV down every sunday during the season so we can watch both at the same time. She has absolutely no problem with me wasting ten hours on a sunday watching football. Lucky lucky.
I gave up college football and regular season basketball (and increasingly I am fine not watching the playoff) when I got married. I watch far less NFL too (aside from the Boys).

My choice -- nobody wants to be married to someone who spends the entire weekend watching sports.
abersonc said:
I gave up college football and regular season basketball (and increasingly I am fine not watching the playoff) when I got married. I watch far less NFL too (aside from the Boys).

My choice -- nobody wants to be married to someone who spends the entire weekend watching sports.

Yeah - the auxillary stuff had to go. Don't watch baseball, or basketball except some playoffs. But the wife does like hockey. So that still works some. But I don't even watch that all that much anymore. The OLN is so hard to find. ;)

Never been much of a college football fan. The only sporting event that drives the wife nuts is march madness. I love me some madness.
I'm a football nut, College and Pro. I know May and June is over but it's not too late. Quality time is always good before the season starts
Personally I try to watch less TV during offseason, since even my little girls exclaim about me watching Football all the time :D And oldest one is just 6 years old too :)

At one point after the we had both our kids, I stopped watching too much college football, but I am almost back to normal with watching games both days though. Although I try to keep Saturday watching optional.

One thing though, I do more than half of cooking and washing dishes at home, football or not ( I like cooking and I am good at it), so it helps that I get those big brownie points from my wife ( top of it, I do my own laundry and cleaning etc. so less chance of complaints) :D

Plus almost 10 years into marriage, wife has gotten pretty much used to football season, to the point, she no longer complains that I don't pick up the phone during game time ;)
ha im not married or taken :laugh1: but my mom still gets on me :(
A successful marriage will always involve a good amount of give and take. Being a die-hard Cowboys fan shouldn't take a husband/father away from his loved ones...the games are only about 3 hours long.

I pity the "man" that puts sports above a good woman and his own children.
my wife knew it before we got married,football season rolls around,don't mess with me!Especially during the Boys games!
djdoug said:
my wife knew it before we got married,football season rolls around,don't mess with me!Especially during the Boys games!

If not what? You were going to spin out some nasty tunes out loud to your wife?:D
RCowboyFan said:
If not what? You were going to spin out some nasty tunes out loud to your wife?:D

:lmao2: thats good,no I just crank up my mic and scream GET OUTTA DA WAY!!!!!!!!

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