Fan fight at the game

trashy people, + Beer = mindless scenarios like this.
The nfl evidently approves of this crap. The beer is the official beer of chargers lol. And no limits to how much you can buy !!
The nfl is not into fan safety lol.
trashy people, + Beer = mindless scenarios like this.
The nfl evidently approves of this crap. The beer is the official beer of chargers lol. And no limits to how much you can buy !!
The nfl is not into fan safety lol.

Nor is MLB, they been fighting at stadiums for years.
they should have gave them some bud light and it would have been totally different. lol
They all should've just went home, no hands on any of them.
I wonder who threw the oil slick down? That was a smart move.
And it's sad how bad some people are at throwing hands. I mean honestly WTH was that? I don't know if I saw a single hard punch landed.
Isn't there enough violence in this world without these infant school-minded imbeciles fighting each other over a sport where the players couldn't care less about them? Ban these imbeciles from future games.

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