Fans Can Have A Voice


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I have been reading most of the threads and some of you are aware that nothing is going to change as long as Jerry is the GM.

Still that does not stop people from calling me a Dak hater or not a true fan etc…
Truth is I’ve been a Cowboys for well over 50 years, I’ve seen Staubach play, Landry coach, Danny White lose to the 49ers and the triplets.
The cowboys were consistent and like Landry once said “every know and then a team will come along and mow us like a blade of grass, but we will grow back”
This team was built by players who wanted to win a championship.
Today we have our QB that had to remind himself of the ultimate goal of playing in the SB in Las Vegas, by buying Louis Vitton bags because the LV reminded him of Las Vegas.
We have a loudmouth on defense who calls himself a lion but plays like a kitty cat and we the fans are making excuses for him. Saying teams gameplan for him… guess what? Teams plan for Bosa and TJ Watt as well. We and the media compare to him to LT, what???
I see the fans every year go to Oxnard and state this is the year. Jerry stating how much he wants to win a championship and fans believe him. Only to have every year end the same as before…
Newsflash for most of you, if Jerry wanted to truly win then he would’ve shopped at the trade deadline to improve a team with glaring needs. Instead he stated we are fine with the personnel we have.
Stop and think for a moment… this team is the most expensive sports franchise in the world and they haven’t won anything in 28 years…
Jerry is a fantastic businessman and that’s all he is.
I’ve been to away games where there are more cowboys fans than the home team.
We are the problem, as much as Jerry is to blame, the players, coaches. We are the problem.
If fans did not go to games, did not buy merchandise and the cowboys were to fall from being the most expensive franchise. When Jerry would hurt cause the revenue would decrease, only then would real change happen.

I’m not going to change allegiance, but I will no longer watch the games buy merchandise etc…

We all like to laugh at Philly for this past failure of a season. But look at what Philly has accomplished since 2000.

We have the power to effect and demand change. Boycott this team and change will happen.

Oh I’m sure some of you will call me a hater etc…
Difference is, you all know I am right.

You can keep believing Jerry’s empty promises or you can make changes…


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We all say we're going to boycott, I understand the comments etc, if that's what you'll truly do then that's on you, no harm no foul. As a fan we've been through so many ups and downs, seems like more downs than ups, and people are tired!!!

Don't get it twisted we sign a few decent players, start the season off 3-0, the fan in you will and SHALL return!!


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Across the league fans run a distant 4th to ego, money and status.


Well-Known Member
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Don't think you have to go to that extreme....yes, we're all sick of Jerry and his antics. So play along with it. Instead of getting frustrated and sickened by his insensible acts and idiotic moves, just laugh at his results. Like Wile E. Coyote having the boulder fall on his head, or the acme bomb blowing up in his face and trying all kinds of ways to catch that nasty Roadrunner and winding up as the sad sap who can't do anything right. Yeah, that's him.. so go along with it and think of this as pure entertainment just like one of those funny Saturday morning cartoons you enjoyed. We all knew the poor coyote was gonna fail at the end, just like these last 28 years of Jerry. Seems like no matter what he does HIS way, ain't the right way. But just like Wile E. Coyote, he thinks he will get lucky some day.


Well-Known Member
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I have been reading most of the threads and some of you are aware that nothing is going to change as long as Jerry is the GM.

Still that does not stop people from calling me a Dak hater or not a true fan etc…
Truth is I’ve been a Cowboys for well over 50 years, I’ve seen Staubach play, Landry coach, Danny White lose to the 49ers and the triplets.
The cowboys were consistent and like Landry once said “every know and then a team will come along and mow us like a blade of grass, but we will grow back”
This team was built by players who wanted to win a championship.
Today we have our QB that had to remind himself of the ultimate goal of playing in the SB in Las Vegas, by buying Louis Vitton bags because the LV reminded him of Las Vegas.
We have a loudmouth on defense who calls himself a lion but plays like a kitty cat and we the fans are making excuses for him. Saying teams gameplan for him… guess what? Teams plan for Bosa and TJ Watt as well. We and the media compare to him to LT, what???
I see the fans every year go to Oxnard and state this is the year. Jerry stating how much he wants to win a championship and fans believe him. Only to have every year end the same as before…
Newsflash for most of you, if Jerry wanted to truly win then he would’ve shopped at the trade deadline to improve a team with glaring needs. Instead he stated we are fine with the personnel we have.
Stop and think for a moment… this team is the most expensive sports franchise in the world and they haven’t won anything in 28 years…
Jerry is a fantastic businessman and that’s all he is.
I’ve been to away games where there are more cowboys fans than the home team.
We are the problem, as much as Jerry is to blame, the players, coaches. We are the problem.
If fans did not go to games, did not buy merchandise and the cowboys were to fall from being the most expensive franchise. When Jerry would hurt cause the revenue would decrease, only then would real change happen.

I’m not going to change allegiance, but I will no longer watch the games buy merchandise etc…

We all like to laugh at Philly for this past failure of a season. But look at what Philly has accomplished since 2000.

We have the power to effect and demand change. Boycott this team and change will happen.

Oh I’m sure some of you will call me a hater etc…
Difference is, you all know I am right.

You can keep believing Jerry’s empty promises or you can make changes…
People keep calling you a Dak hater? Who? I've never seen a post of yours in my life...we laugh at Philly because we are Cowboys fans.

As far as your're preaching to the choir. Most of us know the lack of success the Cowboys have had since the 90's....I don't think we needed you to remind us but thanks.

But yeah good luck on your journey. Probably should go cold turkey and not discuss the Cowboys at all.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I undestand what you are hoping to accomplish, but it is just not very realistic.

As I have mentioned several times over the years, "boycotting the Cowboys" will have little to no impact at all the Cowboys.

The bulk of NFL team revenue comes from media contracts, team sponsorships and stadium revenue.

Media contracts are worked out years in advance and they include all 32 teams, not just the Cowboys, so even if the Cowboys sucked every year, it would have litlte to no impact on the revenue sharing deals the NFL has with the media networks to broadcast their games and content.

Beyond that, for every Cowboys fan that quits watching games on TV, going to games in person, etc., there are plenty of non-Cowboys fans who will glady take their place.

The Cowboys are either loved or hated by sports fans, so there are always people out there who will watch the Cowboys games hoping they lose or take a vacation trip to AT&T stadium to see their team beat the Cowboys. The less Cowboys fans that go to the games, the cheaper the tickets get which makes it easier for more fans to go and then spend the same amount on other in-stadium purchases.

The bottom line is that as long as the Cowboys are competiting for the playoffs, Cowboys fans and non-Cowboys fans are going to be watching them, going to their games, buying Cowboys merchandise, etc. Sure, some fans may refuse to buy new jerseys, but there are a lot of people out there who will gladly buy a Parsons or Lamb jersey despite not being a Cowboys fan.

It would likely take years of bad seasons by the Cowboys to impact the Cowboys revenue and likely even longer to impact their market valuation.

Jerry is in his 80s now, so the only thing he probably cares about is doing things his way and taking credit for it if/when it actually produces results.

The truth is the only real way Cowboys fans will have an impact on the Cowboys strong enough to force the organization to change would be for a large number of Cowboys fans to lose interest in the team completely (if you are telling people about it, you haven't lost it) over a period of years, not just temporarily or until big changes happen.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I have been reading most of the threads and some of you are aware that nothing is going to change as long as Jerry is the GM.

Still that does not stop people from calling me a Dak hater or not a true fan etc…
Truth is I’ve been a Cowboys for well over 50 years, I’ve seen Staubach play, Landry coach, Danny White lose to the 49ers and the triplets.
The cowboys were consistent and like Landry once said “every know and then a team will come along and mow us like a blade of grass, but we will grow back”
This team was built by players who wanted to win a championship.
Today we have our QB that had to remind himself of the ultimate goal of playing in the SB in Las Vegas, by buying Louis Vitton bags because the LV reminded him of Las Vegas.
We have a loudmouth on defense who calls himself a lion but plays like a kitty cat and we the fans are making excuses for him. Saying teams gameplan for him… guess what? Teams plan for Bosa and TJ Watt as well. We and the media compare to him to LT, what???
I see the fans every year go to Oxnard and state this is the year. Jerry stating how much he wants to win a championship and fans believe him. Only to have every year end the same as before…
Newsflash for most of you, if Jerry wanted to truly win then he would’ve shopped at the trade deadline to improve a team with glaring needs. Instead he stated we are fine with the personnel we have.
Stop and think for a moment… this team is the most expensive sports franchise in the world and they haven’t won anything in 28 years…
Jerry is a fantastic businessman and that’s all he is.
I’ve been to away games where there are more cowboys fans than the home team.
We are the problem, as much as Jerry is to blame, the players, coaches. We are the problem.
If fans did not go to games, did not buy merchandise and the cowboys were to fall from being the most expensive franchise. When Jerry would hurt cause the revenue would decrease, only then would real change happen.

I’m not going to change allegiance, but I will no longer watch the games buy merchandise etc…

We all like to laugh at Philly for this past failure of a season. But look at what Philly has accomplished since 2000.

We have the power to effect and demand change. Boycott this team and change will happen.

Oh I’m sure some of you will call me a hater etc…
Difference is, you all know I am right.

You can keep believing Jerry’s empty promises or you can make changes…
I think the majority know Jerry is the problem.
He is the only constant the last 28 years of futility.
You are not a hater.
You just love the Cowboys like we all do and hate to see the franchise decend into mediocrity.


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We have a voice yes, but the emperor doesn’t care to hear it, that’s the issue…and the machine is just too big to stop it at this point.

The only real way anything would change is if there were unsold or empty seats at game’s regularly…and that will never happen bc opposing fans will buy them up and jump at the chance to come.

All the fans on this site for the most part are die hards and many of us are forgoing things , but it’s not this group it’s the masses of fair weather fans out there that mindlessly jump on the bandwagon when there are a couple of good regular season wins


Well-Known Member
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I have been reading most of the threads and some of you are aware that nothing is going to change as long as Jerry is the GM.

Still that does not stop people from calling me a Dak hater or not a true fan etc…
Truth is I’ve been a Cowboys for well over 50 years, I’ve seen Staubach play, Landry coach, Danny White lose to the 49ers and the triplets.
The cowboys were consistent and like Landry once said “every know and then a team will come along and mow us like a blade of grass, but we will grow back”
This team was built by players who wanted to win a championship.
Today we have our QB that had to remind himself of the ultimate goal of playing in the SB in Las Vegas, by buying Louis Vitton bags because the LV reminded him of Las Vegas.
We have a loudmouth on defense who calls himself a lion but plays like a kitty cat and we the fans are making excuses for him. Saying teams gameplan for him… guess what? Teams plan for Bosa and TJ Watt as well. We and the media compare to him to LT, what???
I see the fans every year go to Oxnard and state this is the year. Jerry stating how much he wants to win a championship and fans believe him. Only to have every year end the same as before…
Newsflash for most of you, if Jerry wanted to truly win then he would’ve shopped at the trade deadline to improve a team with glaring needs. Instead he stated we are fine with the personnel we have.
Stop and think for a moment… this team is the most expensive sports franchise in the world and they haven’t won anything in 28 years…
Jerry is a fantastic businessman and that’s all he is.
I’ve been to away games where there are more cowboys fans than the home team.
We are the problem, as much as Jerry is to blame, the players, coaches. We are the problem.
If fans did not go to games, did not buy merchandise and the cowboys were to fall from being the most expensive franchise. When Jerry would hurt cause the revenue would decrease, only then would real change happen.

I’m not going to change allegiance, but I will no longer watch the games buy merchandise etc…

We all like to laugh at Philly for this past failure of a season. But look at what Philly has accomplished since 2000.

We have the power to effect and demand change. Boycott this team and change will happen.

Oh I’m sure some of you will call me a hater etc…
Difference is, you all know I am right.

You can keep believing Jerry’s empty promises or you can make changes…
Post more often Blue


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The Dallas media does us ZERO favors...that is for damn sure. Always taking the easy way out and reporting what "fans are saying....blah, blah, blah"......never any biting commentary of what they actually think about this S show. Never pinning Booger down on edicts he throws down when he "appears" to be upset for the cameras.


Well-Known Member
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Don't think you have to go to that extreme....yes, we're all sick of Jerry and his antics. So play along with it. Instead of getting frustrated and sickened by his insensible acts and idiotic moves, just laugh at his results. Like Wile E. Coyote having the boulder fall on his head, or the acme bomb blowing up in his face and trying all kinds of ways to catch that nasty Roadrunner and winding up as the sad sap who can't do anything right. Yeah, that's him.. so go along with it and think of this as pure entertainment just like one of those funny Saturday morning cartoons you enjoyed. We all knew the poor coyote was gonna fail at the end, just like these last 28 years of Jerry. Seems like no matter what he does HIS way, ain't the right way. But just like Wile E. Coyote, he thinks he will get lucky some day.
Exactly. Just expect the disappointing outcomes while Jerry is breathing. One more thing don't open your wallets! The more we purchase the more Jerry is fueled. The only way to break Jerry before he is dust is to hit him in the wallet.

TO of all people made this point a few days and he was right. I have not bought Dallas Cowboys gear in years. Now I will no longer purchase Sunday Ticket.


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It would be great if the whole stadium chanted Jerry sucks every week. Not that it would accomplish anything, it would just be nice to hear. And even then he’d probably figure out a way to spin that into a positive! but no boycott will effect the finances of this team. That machine will continue with or without you.


Well-Known Member
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I have been reading most of the threads and some of you are aware that nothing is going to change as long as Jerry is the GM.

Still that does not stop people from calling me a Dak hater or not a true fan etc…
Truth is I’ve been a Cowboys for well over 50 years, I’ve seen Staubach play, Landry coach, Danny White lose to the 49ers and the triplets.
The cowboys were consistent and like Landry once said “every know and then a team will come along and mow us like a blade of grass, but we will grow back”
This team was built by players who wanted to win a championship.
Today we have our QB that had to remind himself of the ultimate goal of playing in the SB in Las Vegas, by buying Louis Vitton bags because the LV reminded him of Las Vegas.
We have a loudmouth on defense who calls himself a lion but plays like a kitty cat and we the fans are making excuses for him. Saying teams gameplan for him… guess what? Teams plan for Bosa and TJ Watt as well. We and the media compare to him to LT, what???
I see the fans every year go to Oxnard and state this is the year. Jerry stating how much he wants to win a championship and fans believe him. Only to have every year end the same as before…
Newsflash for most of you, if Jerry wanted to truly win then he would’ve shopped at the trade deadline to improve a team with glaring needs. Instead he stated we are fine with the personnel we have.
Stop and think for a moment… this team is the most expensive sports franchise in the world and they haven’t won anything in 28 years…
Jerry is a fantastic businessman and that’s all he is.
I’ve been to away games where there are more cowboys fans than the home team.
We are the problem, as much as Jerry is to blame, the players, coaches. We are the problem.
If fans did not go to games, did not buy merchandise and the cowboys were to fall from being the most expensive franchise. When Jerry would hurt cause the revenue would decrease, only then would real change happen.

I’m not going to change allegiance, but I will no longer watch the games buy merchandise etc…

We all like to laugh at Philly for this past failure of a season. But look at what Philly has accomplished since 2000.

We have the power to effect and demand change. Boycott this team and change will happen.

Oh I’m sure some of you will call me a hater etc…
Difference is, you all know I am right.

You can keep believing Jerry’s empty promises or you can make changes…
A boycott? Seriously?


Reaction score
I honestly think the only show of fan a Million Fan March to the Fiasco Start gates...would get attentions.

AND even then you'd get Jerry saying "Well em, I feel for our fans, they deserve better and errr we know they are angry but we think we have the people here to get it done." Then he would invite them in for free t-shirts.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No one is willing to go after Jones psychologically.

In contrast, too many people talk about going after his wallet but never do anything that will realistically make that strategy come true. Not hope for. Actually make happen.

At some point, fans will blame other fans for their unwillingness, to do the hard work they want, of organizing a real, nationwide, bonafide effort to manipulate Jones' narcissism by minimally impacting his bottom line.

I wonder how often this cycle of misplaced blame and shortsightedness repeats on other Cowboys' fansites? Surely, CowboysZone does not hold a monopoly on it. Right?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Fans should have used their voice against the Packers and BOOED! Didn’t hear a single boo at the stadium. As frustrated and angry as this fan base is it was surprising.