Fans Can Have A Voice


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Stop thinking you as a fan can control sports, because you can't.

It's entertainment. Sometimes you get a good movie and sometimes you get a stinker. But you continue to watch movies to be entertained. That's what sports are.

You can come on sites like this to commiserate, but it won't change the real world.

Like I said before, treat every year individually.

Once the league year starts, that's when the year begins. Enjoy the draft, OTAs, training camp, the regular season, and playoffs. And no matter how the year goes, 0-17 or SB. Once the next year starts the previous year is forgotten.

This will keep every year exciting and fresh. You will find that your not stressed about the results ending in a more enjoyable experience.

It's not real life, it's sports. Just enjoy it.


What Just Happened Here
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Who you kidding man?


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I undestand what you are hoping to accomplish, but it is just not very realistic.

As I have mentioned several times over the years, "boycotting the Cowboys" will have little to no impact at all the Cowboys.

The bulk of NFL team revenue comes from media contracts, team sponsorships and stadium revenue.

Media contracts are worked out years in advance and they include all 32 teams, not just the Cowboys, so even if the Cowboys sucked every year, it would have litlte to no impact on the revenue sharing deals the NFL has with the media networks to broadcast their games and content.

Beyond that, for every Cowboys fan that quits watching games on TV, going to games in person, etc., there are plenty of non-Cowboys fans who will glady take their place.

The Cowboys are either loved or hated by sports fans, so there are always people out there who will watch the Cowboys games hoping they lose or take a vacation trip to AT&T stadium to see their team beat the Cowboys. The less Cowboys fans that go to the games, the cheaper the tickets get which makes it easier for more fans to go and then spend the same amount on other in-stadium purchases.

The bottom line is that as long as the Cowboys are competiting for the playoffs, Cowboys fans and non-Cowboys fans are going to be watching them, going to their games, buying Cowboys merchandise, etc. Sure, some fans may refuse to buy new jerseys, but there are a lot of people out there who will gladly buy a Parsons or Lamb jersey despite not being a Cowboys fan.

It would likely take years of bad seasons by the Cowboys to impact the Cowboys revenue and likely even longer to impact their market valuation.

Jerry is in his 80s now, so the only thing he probably cares about is doing things his way and taking credit for it if/when it actually produces results.

The truth is the only real way Cowboys fans will have an impact on the Cowboys strong enough to force the organization to change would be for a large number of Cowboys fans to lose interest in the team completely (if you are telling people about it, you haven't lost it) over a period of years, not just temporarily or until big changes happen.
Jimmy made his last big trade in 2010. Oh, those cards are still at the table if McCarthy now doesn't succeed. Team being built by the intense effort by Stephen to stabilize cap with the draft...


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The Dallas media does us ZERO favors...that is for damn sure. Always taking the easy way out and reporting what "fans are saying....blah, blah, blah"......never any biting commentary of what they actually think about this S show. Never pinning Booger down on edicts he throws down when he "appears" to be upset for the cameras.
Jerry is too valuable to the City of Dallas...sure thing, do a boycott against area success. Don't forget the bill boards, flags, and signs. For striking loud protest, include Americanized Palestinians also. They'll march.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I have been reading most of the threads and some of you are aware that nothing is going to change as long as Jerry is the GM.

Still that does not stop people from calling me a Dak hater or not a true fan etc…
Truth is I’ve been a Cowboys for well over 50 years, I’ve seen Staubach play, Landry coach, Danny White lose to the 49ers and the triplets.
The cowboys were consistent and like Landry once said “every know and then a team will come along and mow us like a blade of grass, but we will grow back”
This team was built by players who wanted to win a championship.
Today we have our QB that had to remind himself of the ultimate goal of playing in the SB in Las Vegas, by buying Louis Vitton bags because the LV reminded him of Las Vegas.
We have a loudmouth on defense who calls himself a lion but plays like a kitty cat and we the fans are making excuses for him. Saying teams gameplan for him… guess what? Teams plan for Bosa and TJ Watt as well. We and the media compare to him to LT, what???
I see the fans every year go to Oxnard and state this is the year. Jerry stating how much he wants to win a championship and fans believe him. Only to have every year end the same as before…
Newsflash for most of you, if Jerry wanted to truly win then he would’ve shopped at the trade deadline to improve a team with glaring needs. Instead he stated we are fine with the personnel we have.
Stop and think for a moment… this team is the most expensive sports franchise in the world and they haven’t won anything in 28 years…
Jerry is a fantastic businessman and that’s all he is.
I’ve been to away games where there are more cowboys fans than the home team.
We are the problem, as much as Jerry is to blame, the players, coaches. We are the problem.
If fans did not go to games, did not buy merchandise and the cowboys were to fall from being the most expensive franchise. When Jerry would hurt cause the revenue would decrease, only then would real change happen.

I’m not going to change allegiance, but I will no longer watch the games buy merchandise etc…

We all like to laugh at Philly for this past failure of a season. But look at what Philly has accomplished since 2000.

We have the power to effect and demand change. Boycott this team and change will happen.

Oh I’m sure some of you will call me a hater etc…
Difference is, you all know I am right.

You can keep believing Jerry’s empty promises or you can make changes…
We can have a voice, but no one is listening. Most that threaten to leave, don', the point is moot. If we truly had a voice I'd be complaining too, we don't, so I won't waste my time.


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The Dallas media does us ZERO favors...that is for damn sure. Always taking the easy way out and reporting what "fans are saying....blah, blah, blah"......never any biting commentary of what they actually think about this S show. Never pinning Booger down on edicts he throws down when he "appears" to be upset for the cameras.
The media does say Jerry is a failure all the time, every show... do they do it like the east cost because if you did that screeching voice yelling here you wouldnt be on the air..its a much diferent audience here...but every local sports show is saying it and has for years..if you just listen to Mickey and such you are literally listening to people on Jerry's payroll...


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I agree with some of the OP comments but I am still going to watch them play. It's like asking me to turn away from watching a train wreck. I will continue with not buying merchandise as I never really did . I will root for them but have come to accept that the Cowboys aren't going to the Superbowl anytime soon with Dak at QB and the Joneses being the owners. Yep , that might mean never seeing the Cowboys win another SUPERBOWL. :confused:


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I have been reading most of the threads and some of you are aware that nothing is going to change as long as Jerry is the GM.

Still that does not stop people from calling me a Dak hater or not a true fan etc…
Truth is I’ve been a Cowboys for well over 50 years, I’ve seen Staubach play, Landry coach, Danny White lose to the 49ers and the triplets.
The cowboys were consistent and like Landry once said “every know and then a team will come along and mow us like a blade of grass, but we will grow back”
This team was built by players who wanted to win a championship.
Today we have our QB that had to remind himself of the ultimate goal of playing in the SB in Las Vegas, by buying Louis Vitton bags because the LV reminded him of Las Vegas.
We have a loudmouth on defense who calls himself a lion but plays like a kitty cat and we the fans are making excuses for him. Saying teams gameplan for him… guess what? Teams plan for Bosa and TJ Watt as well. We and the media compare to him to LT, what???
I see the fans every year go to Oxnard and state this is the year. Jerry stating how much he wants to win a championship and fans believe him. Only to have every year end the same as before…
Newsflash for most of you, if Jerry wanted to truly win then he would’ve shopped at the trade deadline to improve a team with glaring needs. Instead he stated we are fine with the personnel we have.
Stop and think for a moment… this team is the most expensive sports franchise in the world and they haven’t won anything in 28 years…
Jerry is a fantastic businessman and that’s all he is.
I’ve been to away games where there are more cowboys fans than the home team.
We are the problem, as much as Jerry is to blame, the players, coaches. We are the problem.
If fans did not go to games, did not buy merchandise and the cowboys were to fall from being the most expensive franchise. When Jerry would hurt cause the revenue would decrease, only then would real change happen.

I’m not going to change allegiance, but I will no longer watch the games buy merchandise etc…

We all like to laugh at Philly for this past failure of a season. But look at what Philly has accomplished since 2000.

We have the power to effect and demand change. Boycott this team and change will happen.

Oh I’m sure some of you will call me a hater etc…
Difference is, you all know I am right.

You can keep believing Jerry’s empty promises or you can make changes…

you raise some valid and accurate points. And for those that call you a "hater" to hell with them, they don't matter anyways.

The main problem with your idea is not that it wouldn't work--it would
the issue is, it'll never happen.

If people truly did stop watching the Cowboys, and didn't buy tickets, and stopped buying jerseys and merch, etc, you can bet Jerry Would take notice in a hurry and make the needed changes. Guaranteed he would, He would literally have no choice.

but, unfortunately, it won't happen because of a variety of reasons.
People will continue to tune it because either they're just die hards and aren't really concerned with results, it's just a habit and it's never going to break. Or some will continue to buy the false hope every year that springs eternal in week 1 and convince themselves that "this is really the year" even though they know it's not. Some will watch becasue they are bored and lead pointless lives and live through the Cowboys because they have nothing else. ETc etc. There are a million reasons but they are all real to the fan in question and they will tune in and buy the merch because of it.

They'll stamp their feet and complain when we get waxed in the WC round next year, same as always, but they'll be back. They can't not be back, even if they want to.

Your idea would work well if it was really put into practice. But the odds of that happening are slim and none. Unfortunately. Becuase I truly believe it's the only way this gets fixed. Jerry is too much of a drunk and an egomaniac for it to be fixed any other way.


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you raise some valid and accurate points. And for those that call you a "hater" to hell with them, they don't matter anyways.

The main problem with your idea is not that it wouldn't work--it would
the issue is, it'll never happen.

If people truly did stop watching the Cowboys, and didn't buy tickets, and stopped buying jerseys and merch, etc, you can bet Jerry Would take notice in a hurry and make the needed changes. Guaranteed he would, He would literally have no choice.

but, unfortunately, it won't happen because of a variety of reasons.
People will continue to tune it because either they're just die hards and aren't really concerned with results, it's just a habit and it's never going to break. Or some will continue to buy the false hope every year that springs eternal in week 1 and convince themselves that "this is really the year" even though they know it's not. Some will watch becasue they are bored and lead pointless lives and live through the Cowboys because they have nothing else. ETc etc. There are a million reasons but they are all real to the fan in question and they will tune in and buy the merch because of it.

They'll stamp their feet and complain when we get waxed in the WC round next year, same as always, but they'll be back. They can't not be back, even if they want to.

Your idea would work well if it was really put into practice. But the odds of that happening are slim and none. Unfortunately. Becuase I truly believe it's the only way this gets fixed. Jerry is too much of a drunk and an egomaniac for it to be fixed any other way.

A good percentage of merchandise sold is probably gifts. You think some grand mother out there is going to join this boycott? It runs much deeper than diehard fans. On top of that these stadiums have seat licenses where people paid thousands just for the right to purchase tickets every year. No one is going to turn around and forfeit that money. Any talk of fans calling for a strike is far fetched. It's not feasible at all and Jerry will never feel It. He's a multi billionaire. And to top it off the stadium hosts more events than it does football games. He would've felt it back in the early 2000s, but that yacht sailed a long time ago.


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A good percentage of merchandise sold is probably gifts. You think some grand mother out there is going to join this boycott? It runs much deeper than diehard fans. On top of that these stadiums have seat licenses where people paid thousands just for the right to purchase tickets every year. No one is going to turn around and forfeit that money. Any talk of fans calling for a strike is far fetched. It's not feasible at all and Jerry will never feel It. He's a multi billionaire. And to top it off the stadium hosts more events than it does football games. He would've felt it back in the early 2000s, but that yacht sailed a long time ago.
You raise some valid points, I hadn't thought of the income stream from other events like boxing, concerts, etc but you're correct he'd be making money off of that.

Otherwise, you kind of agreed with me. That people aren't going to just quit even if it would make a difference, for a variety of reasons. I think you adn I agree on that.

One more thing though--I do think if the Cowboys in particular had a fan revolt and basically people stopped watching, I think it would hit him in ways more than simply monetarily. We all know Jerry, and he's a tremendous businessman and promoter, he's unflappable and eternally optimistic, etc.
But he's also (imo) a tremendous egomaniac. He gets a HUGE stroke out of the Forbes rankings that have the Cowboys valued as the most valuable franchise and brand. That gets him off, in a big big way. And he loves being seen as the face of it, even when some of the press is negative. He's basically PT Barnum, on steroids, sitting there in his luxury box presiding over the most valuable and recognized show on earth.

If the Cowboys truly became viewed as a total and complete joke that was really in gutter with a full scale fan revolt, I think it would shake him to his very core. That ego stroke he gets out of sitting up in his luxury box with a stadium full of 90,000 people watching *his* show at *his* palace, would be tough to lose. And if it was taken away, it might rock his world to the point that he'd have to do something.

I'm not speaking in hyperbole. We've seen factual confirmation of this mindset in the past.

The team won 2 Super Bowls and was poised to go on potentially the greatest run of all time in NFL history and it wasn't enough for him, because he thought too many people gave too much credit to Jimmy and minimized Jerry's role in the 90's Cowboy dynasty.

Can you actually imagine that? Being poised to be the owner and GM of maybe the most prolific Super Bowl Dynasty of all time (I Think they could have won 5 straight, had they kept the Nucleus together), and having an ego so large that you were not satisfied with that unless you were viewed as the central piece to the puzzle?

For all of his wonderful qualities, deep down, that's who Jerry Jones is. You take away that front and center dominance from him, he would crumble. Absolutely crumble. IMO