Fans of the show LOST


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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A new show is on tonight....not sure if is the start of the second season or not.

Wednesday, Jan. 5, 8/7c
"Whatever the Case May Be"
Jack, Kate and Sawyer fight over possession of a newly discovered locked metal briefcase which might contain insights into Kate's mysterious past. Meanwhile, Sayid asks a reluctant Shannon to translate notes he took from the French woman, a rising tide threatens to engulf the fuselage and the entire beach encampment, and Rose and a grieving Charlie tentatively bond over Claire's baffling disappearance.
It's about time.

I am kinda glad they have been replaying the first ones though since I missed the first two. You really miss a lot not seeing them.
I am pissed that I missed this show from the start hence I'm not watching it. I'll wait until the DVD set comes out so I can get into it. Heard a lot of good things.

Kind of like 24, you need to watch it from the start or you'll be 'lost'.
Midswat said:
What if I'm not a fan of the show?

Can I still post here?

NO....You got your own big eared hunka hunka burning love. :p
I'm glad its back on again. We've been having lost withdrawals since they started their holiday break.

Best news of all is the new season of Alias starts tonight. I hope its not as stupid as the last season was. I dont think Jennifer Gardner could make me come bak to the show if this season stinks.
So, are you guys keeping up with the show. Looks like the season finale is gonna be pretty good.

I am getting a little tired of them showing a new show then a repeat though.

Anyone care to guess what's going on with the Island?
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
So, are you guys keeping up with the show. Looks like the season finale is gonna be pretty good.

I am getting a little tired of them showing a new show then a repeat though.

Anyone care to guess what's going on with the Island?

There was an old thread but I can not find it, had a bunch of ideas in it.

I think that whole new show, old show deal is to stretch the season out some and also give them a quicker turn around to the new season.

I really like the show, I just wish they would do more back ground on other characters...they have done enough with the Jack hero complex background IMO.
BrAinPaiNt said:
There was an old thread but I can not find it, had a bunch of ideas in it.

I think that whole new show, old show deal is to stretch the season out some and also give them a quicker turn around to the new season.

I really like the show, I just wish they would do more back ground on other characters...they have done enough with the Jack hero complex background IMO.

Yes, I knew there were a bunch of ideas about the island in that previous thread. I should have said anyone want to revise their opinions since season one is almost over.

I can't figure out the whole hatch in the ground thing. Kinda makes me think it might be a Matrix type program thing but I've kinda felt it might be a Stephen King - Langoliers type of time displacement thing since the series started.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
Yes, I knew there were a bunch of ideas about the island in that previous thread. I should have said anyone want to revise their opinions since season one is almost over.

I can't figure out the whole hatch in the ground thing. Kinda makes me think it might be a Matrix type program thing but I've kinda felt it might be a Stephen King - Langoliers type of time displacement thing since the series started.

That whole show does have that Stephen King Vibe to me as well...felt that way from the first episode....not sure if is a Langoliers or a Buick 8 vibe, but definately Stephen King vibe.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
So, are you guys keeping up with the show. Looks like the season finale is gonna be pretty good.

I am getting a little tired of them showing a new show then a repeat though.

Anyone care to guess what's going on with the Island?

I think what I love about that show is that you can use just about any explanation for it. It could be anything from they all died and are in some type of purgatory to it's a real island with some strange experiments going on. I just hope when they do reveal what the light was from the vessel that Locke opened up, that it doesn't get X-Files corny. I'm afraid that once we find out what some of the mysteries are, the show won't be as good.

I read rumors on fan websites of "Lost" that someone was going to die soon but I was still surprised that they did it. I guess if someone had to go, it was Boone. He didn't have a baby, no crazy numbers linked to him, wasn't a main character and probably wasn't as interesting as some of the other people and their secret pasts. I won't be surprised, though, if we see him come back in some way. Anything is possible on that show. I hope they don't get rid of Locke, in the previews for the next show they show him getting shot. :eek:
I never saw this thread in Jan - was reading and saw Midswat....durn near fell outta my chair. Forgot how hideous those ears were......
I got the feeling that in order for the baby to come into the island that boone, or someone had to leave but who knows if that was the idea.

Something to consider though, the girl was told that her baby was special, did not say good or bad.

Also the one guy Michael and his son (can not remember the boys name on the show) ......either the son has shown some sort of powers.

I am wondering if they are setting it up for a good vs evil with the baby and the boy....sort of a second coming vs the anti-christ or something.

Just something to think about.
BP heres my gift to you from one fan of the show to another. Theres SERIOUS discussion about the hidden meanings of things in the show ranging from the numbers to character in the 7 degrees of seperation sense (Incase you havent started to see the relations between Lockes mothers psych hospital was the same one Hurley was in, Jacks father met Sawyer and the list continues to grow). Check out the lost message board there are some serious fanatic of the show hanging there

Check it out and let me know what you think
Here's the first post-death interview with the fella who played Boone and it reveals a little about the future direction of the show. Looks like there will be two factions in season two with Locke and the Doc facing off against each other.,6115,1045702_3_0_,00.html

Ian Somerhalder was on vacation when he found out he was going to die. It was supposed to be a relaxing weekend of wine tasting on the California coast — a well-earned respite during a breakout month for the 26-year-old model-turned-actor. Just days earlier, Somerhalder's showcase episode of Lost had aired, revealing that his character, Boone, had once knocked boots with stepsister Shannon (Maggie Grace). At long last, fans had an idea of who Boone was — and, by extension, the actor who played him. A hit show, career heat — yes, life was sweet for the young star. Slightly creepy, but sweet. Now he wanted to savor it, along with some very fine wine.

Then came the call.

''Pretty devastating,'' says Somerhalder, of getting the bad news from Lost producers. ''Thank God I already had four glasses of really good pinot in me.'' It's two months later on a gray March day in Hollywood. A cold and a night of clubbing have left Somerhalder wiped. A patch of skin across one of his perfect cheekbones looks red-meat rare — a chemical burn from the prosthetic he wore during his final moments as Boone. ''The week [before] I got the call, I started looking for a house in Hawaii. Now I'm looking for a house in Venice Beach,'' says Somerhalder, an unlit cigarette wagging from his lip. After bumming a light from a passerby, he takes a stab at perspective: ''I guess this is TV history, huh? The first main character to be killed on Lost.''

It's a little early in the life of Lost for grandiose contextualization, but what can be said is that Boone's death on April 6 made for riveting and poignant TV. Brief obit: Boone Carlisle, 28, son of a bridal-shop magnate; died from injuries sustained while investigating a small plane stuck in a big tree (said plane fell out of said tree while Boone was inside); took to his grave the possible revelation that there might be other survivors on the island (voices on the radio in said plane suggested as much). For the actor, playing the death scene really hurt. Like, really hurt: ''I was spacey and nauseous and a little pissed. It's hard walking a fine line between lucid and not lucid while Matthew Fox is ramming a needle into my chest.''

From the very beginning, Lost cocreators J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof have said the threat of death hangs over the crash survivors. As the writers mapped out the season's final episodes, they followed through on that threat, deciding to kill a character whose story line had run its course. Another reason: Boone's death would especially affect his father figure, Locke (Terry O'Quinn), and the island's doctor and resident hero, Jack (Fox). ''It was a narrative imperative that we kill Boone,'' says executive producer Carlton Cuse. ''It sets in motion a chain of events leading to the season finale.'' Adds Lindelof: ''The show is about the conflict between Jack and Locke. Boone's death will be a divisive point between them.''

Although Somerhalder understands the creative reasons for his alter ego's demise, he feels Abrams and Lindelof ''boxed themselves into a corner'' by telling the press someone was going to die — statements which left the cast anxious. ''We didn't really appreciate that,'' he says. ''They already fooled the audience twice,'' with the apparent deaths of Shannon (a dream) and Charlie (Dominic Monaghan, revived after much CPR). ''It's like, 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, I'm going to stop watching your show.''' Lindelof doesn't disagree: ''That's completely fair. In our defense, if we don't kill someone off, the stakes just aren't real.'' (That same reasoning helped sell ABC, which initially had an ''if it ain't broke, why kill somebody?'' attitude.)

Talking about his brief life on Lost, Somerhalder yo-yos between criticism and resignation, cynicism and gratitude. ''It's been emotional hell. That's why I started smoking again,'' says Somerhalder, whose previous acting credits include The Rules of Attraction and Life as a House. He takes a puff. ''This is the last cigarette I'm smoking. Can't smoke anymore.'' Now he wants movie roles, quality projects — more Ian McKellen than Ian Ziering. Nothing is lined up yet; while he works on that, the biz-savvy Somerhalder will be tending to his real estate venture and production company — that is, when he's not hanging in Hawaii with the Lostmates who have become dear friends: Fox, Grace, O'Quinn, Josh Holloway.

Like the actor, Boone fans don't have to say goodbye just yet: He'll appear in the two-hour season finale May 25, during a flashback to the flight that brought everyone to the island. ''I'll always have a place in Hawaii,'' says Somerhalder. ''Trust me — life is great. It's f---ing great. And you know what? This show has made it that much better.'' A little more time, and he may actually believe that.
I got the feeling that in order for the baby to come into the island that boone, or someone had to leave but who knows if that was the idea.

Yup, that's what I kinda thought also. That someone had to die before the baby could be born.

I think what I love about that show is that you can use just about any explanation for it.

It really can have a whole lot of explanations. Alien abduction, government experiment, just a dream... the list goes on. They haven't given away a whole lot yet. I hope BPs thought about the next season starting soon is correct because I am addicted to this series. It is really the only thing I watch religiously.

thanks for the link ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›

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