Fans upset about unavailability of Cowboys' games


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Muhast;1742002 said:
I dont see the big deal, but I live in atlanta so I goto a sports bar every week to watch it, even when they are on tv. That way I dont have to worry about them switching games if its a blow out, etc.

Just goto a bar, buy a beer and some wings and enjoy it. Total cost: 20 or so. Its still much cheaper then actual game tickets.

People sometimes seem to think the sports bars are awful places, I always have a great time

I don't know what kind of bar you go to, but that is some expensive beer and wings. If you got that kind of money to blow could you send some my way? ;) :jackpot:

There is a really nice sports bar I can go to to watch games. At that place I can get a cheeseburger and fries basket with a coke for 6-8 dollars.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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EPL0c0;1742118 said:
Time Warner has a weak argument; that customers shouldn't have to pay for programming they don't want/watch.

Ha! I say. I'd gladly trade: 3 "Faith and Inspiration" channels, 5 "Latino" channels, plus Golf, SPEED, VERSUS, Sportsman, Outdoor and the 50 "Music Choice Digital Music" channels for NFL Network.

It's about greed for both sides: NFL wants Network on basic so it can reach more viewers (of commericials), and TW and others want to be able to charge a premium price for Network. It's not about the's about the bottom line.

Bingo! If the cable companies really cared about the customers they would structure their programming "menu" style so you could choose the channels you want to watch.


Pixel Pusher
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EPL0c0;1742118 said:
Time Warner has a weak argument; that customers shouldn't have to pay for programming they don't want/watch.

Ha! I say. I'd gladly trade: 3 "Faith and Inspiration" channels, 5 "Latino" channels, plus Golf, SPEED, VERSUS, Sportsman, Outdoor and the 50 "Music Choice Digital Music" channels for NFL Network.

It's about greed for both sides: NFL wants Network on basic so it can reach more viewers (of commericials), and TW and others want to be able to charge a premium price for Network. It's not about the's about the bottom line.

I think you nailed it.


Be Realistic. Demand the Impossible.
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comcast had NFLN for free w/digital cable, but recently they change it, charging you $6 ($2 starter) but you get a bunch of other sports channel. I guess i can't complain too much since I now get NBA tv too.

the day I realized I didn't get NFLN anymore, I was pissed!! I called them and they were like, well, we don't want to charge our customers who don't watch the NFLN, and so we decided to bundle it with the sports, i want NFLN, that is why I'm calling! they took it out of the regular digital cable pkg, and yet the regular digital cable pkg did not decrease in cost. what a rip off. If my apt complex let me have directv, I might have switched. I'm so fed up w/time warner and comcast.


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Did the FCC pass regs prohibiting exclusive arrangements in Apt complexes, or is it just a proposal?


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Muhast;1742002 said:
I dont see the big deal, but I live in atlanta so I goto a sports bar every week to watch it, even when they are on tv. That way I dont have to worry about them switching games if its a blow out, etc.

Just goto a bar, buy a beer and some wings and enjoy it. Total cost: 20 or so. Its still much cheaper then actual game tickets.

People sometimes seem to think the sports bars are awful places, I always have a great time

Hey, cool idea. You think they will mind if I bring my 6 and 3 year old? My wife and I both love the cowboys. I guess we need to find a baby sitter for this.

O wait, I just think these two **** holes should get there **** together, because as a Cowboy fan I am ****ing tired as **** of this crap. Each one has a great argument they say. Well, this here is a supreme example of what limited competition will get you. In a perfect world, I would pay for only the channels I want. I wouldn't have to deal with the 3 shopping networks, and the channels that display praise god stuff 24/7. Sure, I wouldn't get CSPAN and the other ****ing News channels, but I would make due I think. I could simply pay my montly fee for NFL network, along with the family tier so my kids could watch their progarmming each mornign before they head off to school. Good god, there are channels up in the 1500 range for my digital cable , but I swear to the allmighty I only watch 25 or so of the channels if that mutch!

Here in the austin area where I live, the only cable company is Time Warner. And those **** tards will not work the NFL network, because they don't want to even give us an option to buy. No, even while these to ******* moron providers hash our their differences, us cable owners have no freaking choice even if we would pay to get the channel. Sure, I could go Satellite, but I have heard plenty of horror stories about reception and the like with these people as well. Not to mention I would need to ditch Road Runner since I would no longer get the package discount.

All I can say is that there are other alternatives comming. I hear AT&T uverse if soon to come, and even though it is not the perfect answer, I can assure you that once it is available with NFL network, I will be dropping Time Warner like the warm piece of ****ing **** they are.

Of course in 4 - 6 years this will all be moot as we will be able to stream all this content for a reasonable fee via the internet to our 72" lcd/plasma monitors hooked up to our internet connected media PCs. I guess Time Warner has seen this light and wants to gouge us for everything its worth while there is still a chance.

I hope your language filters caught all this filfth, because I am freaking sick and tired of this crap. **** you Time Warner, and **** you NFL network. I know I don't have enough cred to spew this filth, but I hope the mods let the language filter handle my prose and let me post another day. Sorry to all those I offended, but I am sick and freaking tired of this BULL****.



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Gryphon;1741942 said:
By: Reagan Hackleman

On the field, it's all about football. But when you get off the field, it's all about green, and we're not talking about the grass.

Eight NFL football games shown exclusively on the NFL Network, including two Dallas Cowboy's games, are causing all the controversy.

"The NFL wants to take football games that were free to the public, anyone could get over the air, whether you had cable, satellite or an antenna, and those eight games are being taken away," Stacy Schmitt with Time Warner Cable said.

The eight games in question will only be broadcast live over the NFL Network, and will be unavailable in any other format, causing thousands of fans to miss out.

"All other networks, over 240 other cable and satellite companies, have our network figured in their business plan," Jerry Jones of the NFL Network said.

The cost to Time Warner Cable would be over $150 million, smoething the network doesn't want to pay for a service that they feel was once freely available. They aren't alone; Comcast, the nation's largest cable provider, has also refused to support the NFL Network.

Time Warner said they offered a compromise of allowing the channel in its sports-tier package on digital cable, but the NFL Network said they wanted to be part of standard cable.

The debate has been a hot topic during drive time on the Jeff Ward radio show, which airs on KLBJ's AM station.

"Both sides are awfully powerful and I think have legitimate arguments on both sides, they both know that if they give they know they might not get it back," Ward said.

Either way you look at it, this feud between the NFL Network and Time Warner Cable is bad news for Cowboys' fans, but it's good news for businesses like the Tavern.

Tavern manager Nathan Glowacki subscribes to both Time Warner and a satellite provider.

"It's bad news for me as a fan, but I like it because it brings more people in here because you can't sit at home and watch it," he said.

"I just want to see the games. I think everybody in their region should be able to see their games," Time Warner Cable subscriber Jack Davis said.

Editor's note: News 8 is a subsidiary of Time Warner Cable.

for more updates visit

Eh, I dunno, maybe it wouldn't hurt us all to miss a Cowboys game. I mean it is just a football game. There are plenty other things to do. Play with your kids. Read a book. Have sex. Read the Bible. Go shopping.

I can't believe I just typed that.


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EPL0c0;1742118 said:
Time Warner has a weak argument; that customers shouldn't have to pay for programming they don't want/watch.

Ha! I say. I'd gladly trade: 3 "Faith and Inspiration" channels, 5 "Latino" channels, plus Golf, SPEED, VERSUS, Sportsman, Outdoor and the 50 "Music Choice Digital Music" channels for NFL Network.

It's about greed for both sides: NFL wants Network on basic so it can reach more viewers (of commericials), and TW and others want to be able to charge a premium price for Network. It's not about the's about the bottom line.

Time Warner just wants to scam more money from people. Why should the network of the arguably most popular sport in the US go on a pay tier. Why, because they'd make more from it that way! NFL certainly has it's desire to reach more viewers (and make more moola too), but Time Warner is the bigger *******.

And they are perfectly happy to foist channels on us that we have no interest in otherwise. And on the basic tier too.


Official CZ Ea-girls hater
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i can't believe what a battle this has turned into here in san antonio.

i find this to be absurd b/c

a) we don't even have an nfl team...why are we embedded in controversy?

b) i live in texas, and it is RIDICULOUS that I should have to go to a bar to watch TWO....TWO cowboys games.


I truly hate time warner cable.


Federal Agent
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5Stars;1741959 said:
Ohh...OK, then why didn't you type dat?

LT = the Chargers running back

LT = Left tackle

LT = a sandwich with out bacon

LT = well, you know wat I mean...


What, you don't have a Norish to English dictionary?

Just another on a long list of things I hate about the guy.


The Funcooker
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BBQ101;1742245 said:
Hey, cool idea. You think they will mind if I bring my 6 and 3 year old? My wife and I both love the cowboys. I guess we need to find a baby sitter for this.

O wait, I just think these two **** holes should get there **** together, because as a Cowboy fan I am ****ing tired as **** of this crap. Each one has a great argument they say. Well, this here is a supreme example of what limited competition will get you. In a perfect world, I would pay for only the channels I want. I wouldn't have to deal with the 3 shopping networks, and the channels that display praise god stuff 24/7. Sure, I wouldn't get CSPAN and the other ****ing News channels, but I would make due I think. I could simply pay my montly fee for NFL network, along with the family tier so my kids could watch their progarmming each mornign before they head off to school. Good god, there are channels up in the 1500 range for my digital cable , but I swear to the allmighty I only watch 25 or so of the channels if that mutch!

Here in the austin area where I live, the only cable company is Time Warner. And those **** tards will not work the NFL network, because they don't want to even give us an option to buy. No, even while these to ******* moron providers hash our their differences, us cable owners have no freaking choice even if we would pay to get the channel. Sure, I could go Satellite, but I have heard plenty of horror stories about reception and the like with these people as well. Not to mention I would need to ditch Road Runner since I would no longer get the package discount.

All I can say is that there are other alternatives comming. I hear AT&T uverse if soon to come, and even though it is not the perfect answer, I can assure you that once it is available with NFL network, I will be dropping Time Warner like the warm piece of ****ing **** they are.

Of course in 4 - 6 years this will all be moot as we will be able to stream all this content for a reasonable fee via the internet to our 72" lcd/plasma monitors hooked up to our internet connected media PCs. I guess Time Warner has seen this light and wants to gouge us for everything its worth while there is still a chance.

I hope your language filters caught all this filfth, because I am freaking sick and tired of this crap. **** you Time Warner, and **** you NFL network. I know I don't have enough cred to spew this filth, but I hope the mods let the language filter handle my prose and let me post another day. Sorry to all those I offended, but I am sick and freaking tired of this BULL****.

Yeah plus, at home, you can just not care. Make a mess, who cares. Get as loud and obnoxious as you want, who cares. Fart a lot...who cares.

Then yes, the kids...what to do with the kids who want to watch just as bad.

i guess stream it and hook up the laptop to the TV maybe


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Rack;1742318 said:
What, you don't have a Norish to English dictionary?

Just another on a long list of things I hate about the guy.

Go mudding rack, shoot a squirel and brisket it. Then go enjoy the Game tonight.


Federal Agent
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Nors;1742404 said:
Go mudding rack, shoot a squirel and brisket it. Then go enjoy the Game tonight.

I'll go mudding if you stick your ugly face under my tire right before I step on the gas, Chico.


Intramural Legend
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AtomicDog;1742250 said:
Eh, I dunno, maybe it wouldn't hurt us all to miss a Cowboys game. I mean it is just a football game. There are plenty other things to do. Play with your kids. Read a book. Have sex. Read the Bible. Go shopping.

I can't believe I just typed that.

me neither


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BBQ101;1742245 said:
Hey, cool idea. You think they will mind if I bring my 6 and 3 year old? My wife and I both love the cowboys. I guess we need to find a baby sitter for this.

O wait, I just think these two **** holes should get there **** together, because as a Cowboy fan I am ****ing tired as **** of this crap. Each one has a great argument they say. Well, this here is a supreme example of what limited competition will get you. In a perfect world, I would pay for only the channels I want. I wouldn't have to deal with the 3 shopping networks, and the channels that display praise god stuff 24/7. Sure, I wouldn't get CSPAN and the other ****ing News channels, but I would make due I think. I could simply pay my montly fee for NFL network, along with the family tier so my kids could watch their progarmming each mornign before they head off to school. Good god, there are channels up in the 1500 range for my digital cable , but I swear to the allmighty I only watch 25 or so of the channels if that mutch!

Here in the austin area where I live, the only cable company is Time Warner. And those **** tards will not work the NFL network, because they don't want to even give us an option to buy. No, even while these to ******* moron providers hash our their differences, us cable owners have no freaking choice even if we would pay to get the channel. Sure, I could go Satellite, but I have heard plenty of horror stories about reception and the like with these people as well. Not to mention I would need to ditch Road Runner since I would no longer get the package discount.

All I can say is that there are other alternatives comming. I hear AT&T uverse if soon to come, and even though it is not the perfect answer, I can assure you that once it is available with NFL network, I will be dropping Time Warner like the warm piece of ****ing **** they are.

Of course in 4 - 6 years this will all be moot as we will be able to stream all this content for a reasonable fee via the internet to our 72" lcd/plasma monitors hooked up to our internet connected media PCs. I guess Time Warner has seen this light and wants to gouge us for everything its worth while there is still a chance.

I hope your language filters caught all this filfth, because I am freaking sick and tired of this crap. **** you Time Warner, and **** you NFL network. I know I don't have enough cred to spew this filth, but I hope the mods let the language filter handle my prose and let me post another day. Sorry to all those I offended, but I am sick and freaking tired of this BULL****.


You know you'd still be able to keep road runner and probably save more. The price difference between cable and Sat. should easily make up the difference.


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ChldsPlay;1742555 said:
You know you'd still be able to keep road runner and probably save more. The price difference between cable and Sat. should easily make up the difference.

I'm not so sure about that. I live in Austin as well. My cable bills runs about 150.00 a month. That includes phone, road runner, and HD DVR w/ digital cable.

To get what I have right now w/ Dish or DirectTV, it'll be higher.