Actually I was on a forum and someone posted a link to it. I really couldn't watch the entire video, he literally went on for over an hour. He had drawings of what he believed were points outlining the dragon and everything. This guy was way down the rabbit hole. I'm surprised he could even see the sky, much less the moon, from there.
OMG that is terrible. The last video I saw like that on YT was a guy who said that US research stations purposefully caused the hurricane that devastated the Philippines.
He went on for about the same amount of time citing his psudeo-science and scientists that were studying non-conventional theories.
Anyway it seriously made me p'ed off because a lot of people who watched his video believed him and were livid at the US that we were using a weapon to create hurricanes.
I looked at the "evidence" and posted about what exactly happened in the radar about a glitch that occurs regularly and linked videos of it happening on land too.
I knew some people were gullible and ignorant but this was not a normal troll ratio, there were genuinely people with very deep hatred and some that just clung to preternatural beliefs that were thoroughly convinced due to his volumetric rant about how much research he has done on the topic, he cited all poor sources and misconstrued quite a bit of it.