Oh, they've got a word for it. Necrophobia. I grew up across the street from a cemetery and refused to be outside after dark. I'm not afraid of the dark, but the dead people and marble as the sun is setting or moon shining on the headstones. My ex and I went to a Civil War area in Mississippi. The sun started setting as I was looking at a marble memorial, I started hyperventilating, jumped in the car and said "let's get out of here".
I was crawling under our house when I was young and got caught between the hardened dirt and a support beam. I learned then and there that I was claustrophobic. I had to grab my composure and squirm out before my chest tightened up and I lost control of the situation. I'm extremely claustrophobic and avoid anything that might trigger it. No watching it on TV.
I'm a needlephobic and known fainter as the nurses call it. I don't mind shots, but a needle going into my veins will take me out. I can't watch it on TV either. I avoid doctors because of this and will only go once the pain is unbearable. I had to give blood and told them about the impending drama. They had me lay down as one nurse supervised, the most experienced nurse prepared to draw blood and two on the other side to distract me. Another woman came in to have blood drawn and saw the majority of the staff with me and asked why she had to sit in a chair if I got to lay down. The nurse waved her arm my direction and said "she's a known fainter". Another nurse thought she could handle me. I sat up, she had already cleaned the area, had the band around my arm with me pumping a ball and asked "How's the weather outside?" right as she stuck me. I screamed "I DON'T KNOW!". Another nurse comes running in thinking there's trouble and sees me slumped down in the chair like I've just ridden across Texas on a three legged donkey. Needless to say, I never stop for a blood drive.
Hemophobia. Momma asked for help her after her dental surgery. She started vomiting blood so I ran outside and laid down. It was sprinkling rain, the concrete was cool and the world had stopped spinning. I was given a dishonorable discharge. Friends know better than to have me in an ER with them if they're bleeding. Medical staff don't like for people to slide down walls and lay on the floor.
Definitely ophidiophobia! My ex was watching a nature channel as I was doing laundry. I came around the corner and there was a snake slithering across the screen. I froze in my tracks. Suddenly another snake jumped out and bit that one on the head and started pulling it back into the pits of hell. When the second snake bit the first snake, every muscle in my body went limp. He couldn't stop laughing at me. I'm whispering with every breath "change channels, change channels". I didn't know the bass turds were cannibals. They just can't be trusted. The only good snakes are the ones that have been dead for thousands of years.
I have another one, but Runny would just post pictures of it. It's labeled a phobia, but it's more of a repulsion to the images.