felix jones recap


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physically any difference than college
yes he is a real quiet soft spoken person, more than college and you have to be in shape

more mental, than physical

head spinning alittle, yes, its a dream, i grew up watching cowboys from oklahoma, admiring football players and you allways wanted to be a part of that, and its a blessing

call from cowboys; yeah, jerry jones getting that call very special, its amazing when they call your name

i was excited, really wanted to go out, just clamed out becuse was with people, but when by myself i let it out

just unreal being with cowboys

absoutley what i thought it would be, its fun, cant wait to play that frist nfl game

j jones thing; homerun threat, oh yeah, just going out here and practice, getting feel of game and speed of game and lots bigger guys, somethign im going to work on in game situations

delay draw, yeah really does open up field and give me some running lanes

someone dumped water on me, right after meetings saw ware, he said hardknows show with him ware took a detoour, im thinking what is going on, but he set me up, i heard somethiing from upstairs, and he dumped a trashcan full of water on me, adam jones did

not played a down yet, ware and adam jones there,
well, i mean i just take it, as fun way they punked me question

i thiink all rookies have to go through it, and i may have to show a rookie part of game later in life

meetings wiht pass protection, kinda difficult , beware of defense and what is going on, im getting it all together, im coming on

big time stress, if you miss your bloick you might get your qb hurt or someone else

talked about college tulas or booker t, felix says booker t

again felix is real soft spoken, but hard worker, seems to be quiet person

draft time, i discusses with my family, allways a dream of mine and nfl presented me with that dream

concern about barber here already and choice here,
no, just producing on field and worried about what i have to do, just go out and play football and take care of assignments

cowboy helmet first day; means alot to me, been a dream of mine, star on helmet, i have pictured myself doign it, now dream come true

go ahead, arkansaw call
ohhhhhhh pig sooey
thats it