Fellow Fans of Deadwood....

BrAinPaiNt said:
Poor Al and Molly's thumb LOL
Ole Al isn't looking to good so far and I think her name was Dolly :D

One of the things I found interesting is that a character that hasn't been introduced yet is played by the same actor that played Jack McCall. I wonder if they will mention him looking like Jack :D
Yeagermeister said:
Ole Al isn't looking to good so far and I think her name was Dolly :D

One of the things I found interesting is that a character that hasn't been introduced yet is played by the same actor that played Jack McCall. I wonder if they will mention him looking like Jack :D

Well a new character that is coming on the show is a rep for the Hearst family (either the father or grandfather of william randolph hearst) and is said to side with Tolliver so that should get interesting.

Saw it on Behind the scenes of Deadwood season two....anyone that has HBO on Demand can watch it, only around 15 minutes long.....not sure if that is the guy playing the character or not.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Well a new character that is coming on the show is a rep for the Hearst family (either the father or grandfather of william randolph hearst) and is said to side with Tolliver so that should get interesting.

Saw it on Behind the scenes of Deadwood season two....anyone that has HBO on Demand can watch it, only around 15 minutes long.....not sure if that is the guy playing the character or not.
I saw that it was on when there was about 1 min left :(
BrAinPaiNt said:
Well a new character that is coming on the show is a rep for the Hearst family (either the father or grandfather of william randolph hearst) and is said to side with Tolliver so that should get interesting.

Saw it on Behind the scenes of Deadwood season two....anyone that has HBO on Demand can watch it, only around 15 minutes long.....not sure if that is the guy playing the character or not.

Man is that guy creepy. Deadwood sure does know how to cast the bad guys in this show. Can't wait to see next week's episode when Al Swearingen comes back and realizes what has been going on. (Speaking of Al, I don't know I've ever cringed as much while watching a television show after Doc treated his stones. :eek: ) Looks like Cy realizes he is getting screwed too and starts to fight Hearst's minions. The previews have the Sheriff getting into a nice gunfight too. Should be a great episode next week.
Yeagermeister said:
Ole Al isn't looking to good so far and I think her name was Dolly :D

One of the things I found interesting is that a character that hasn't been introduced yet is played by the same actor that played Jack McCall. I wonder if they will mention him looking like Jack :D

Was that the fellas with the ear problem? It looked like the same actor.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Was that the fellas with the ear problem? It looked like the same actor.
I don't believe he was the same actor but his problem became making Dority mad lol
Yeagermeister said:
I don't believe he was the same actor but his problem became making Dority mad lol

What I want to know is if the actor who plays Jack McCall has that same stuttering, stupid look in real life. Because if he doesn't, that is one damn good actor. That whole show is maybe one of the most talented casts I've ever seen in a TV show. From Brad Douriff as the Doc, to Powers Booth as Cy Tolliver, to Ian McShane as Al Swearengen, I feel like everyone in that show could win an award for their performances. I also can't believe that the fella who plays Seth Bullock was the young drug dealer in that movie "Go" a few years ago, man does he look different.
The guy that played Jack McCall is the one who is now playing Mr W aka Francis Willcott (sp?), the rep for Hearst.

I saw a behind the scenes show and they were showing the makeup job they were doing to make him look bad when playing Jack McCall in the first season.....now he does not have the droopy eye (which wild bill was making fun of in that first season).
BrAinPaiNt said:
The guy that played Jack McCall is the one who is now playing Mr W aka Francis Willcott (sp?), the rep for Hearst.

I saw a behind the scenes show and they were showing the makeup job they were doing to make him look bad when playing Jack McCall in the first season.....now he does not have the droopy eye (which wild bill was making fun of in that first season).

That's him?? :eek: Holy cow is he a great actor!!!
TruBlueCowboy said:
What I want to know is if the actor who plays Jack McCall has that same stuttering, stupid look in real life. Because if he doesn't, that is one damn good actor. That whole show is maybe one of the most talented casts I've ever seen in a TV show. From Brad Douriff as the Doc, to Powers Booth as Cy Tolliver, to Ian McShane as Al Swearengen, I feel like everyone in that show could win an award for their performances. I also can't believe that the fella who plays Seth Bullock was the young drug dealer in that movie "Go" a few years ago, man does he look different.
Ian McShane, Al Swearengen, did win an award for best actor in a drama series.

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