Finally A Bledsoe Rumor...

Hostile;1444250 said:
I just don't see it as even plausible.
I kinda do, in a way. If I was wanting to start and knew that was not possible in the NFL, I'd look to go to a team with a runner like Vick. I mean, the chances of injury would seem to be a little higher. Just thinking out loud here.
Hostile;1444250 said:
I just don't see it as even plausible.

me either... it just doesn't ring true but this does... if we could get Bledsoe to Qb the opposing team every week and throughout the playoffs we might go undefeated :eek:
BLT;1444177 said:
so honestly you'd rather have brad johnson than bledsoe? brad johnson is the definition of a bus driver but than again bledsoe is a gun slinger

The Bus driver has a ring while the gunslinger has a history of choking. Neither will get you to the promised land over a whole season. As a backup, I'll take Johnson thank you.
c0wb0y_m0nkey;1444139 said:
Don't forget Vick, Bledsoe and accuracy.

That is not quite opposite. It is average accuracy in Bledsoe and bad accuracy with Vick. Neither guy is accurate and Vick is worse.

I like Bledsoe as much as the next guy, but who was really dying for a rumor of where a guy no longer on the Cowboys team was going to end up? ;)
superpunk;1444432 said:

I like Bledsoe as much as the next guy, but who was really dying for a rumor of where a guy no longer on the Cowboys team was going to end up? ;)
KingTuna... :)
superpunk;1444432 said:

I like Bledsoe as much as the next guy, but who was really dying for a rumor of where a guy no longer on the Cowboys team was going to end up? ;)
Look at the original author's sig pic.

Now, do the math.
philo beddoe;1444475 said:
He's better than the ancient Brad Johnson who has no arm or mobility!:eek:

do even think before you type crap?LOL.
philo beddoe;1444475 said:
He's better than the ancient Brad Johnson who has no arm or mobility!:eek:

Is he? Statistically over the last three years they have been very similar. Brad Johnson has a 78.9 QB rating in the past three seasons and Drew Bledsoe has a 78.7 over that same time period. The average QB rating over the last three years is 81.3.

The difference between the two right now is that Brad will accept being a back up, Drew will not. That is what makes one more valuable than the other.
No way this rumor is true. Bledsoe has already said he doesn't want to be a backup. There are enough teams out there where he'd have a chance to compete for a starters job. Aside from that, why would Atlanta want a backup that would change their entire offense should he have to play? I heard a while back that the Raiders had shown some interest. Now that's a rumor that could have some merit to it.

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