The action changes nothing. I get it's your freedom to protest, you can do what you want, but if you really want to start a revolution to change the world then try taking the actual steps to start one. I promise not standing at a national anthem 16 times a year isn't going to get the ball rolling.
I guessed you missed the part where this has made a lot of casual fans more socially aware, and has raised money for the "cause".
I wish someone who says it is so "disrespectful" would address why it is so necessary to play the national anthem at sporting events first, and then address why should "the land of the free" force people to salute a song they don't believe in. The protesters never said they don't respect those that bled to make the country free, that's the interpretation pushed by those "offended".
Francis Scott Key was a well known slave owner. So when he wrote the song with versus that have been removed, who exactly was he referring to in the line "land of the free" and "home of the brave"?
So people like Charles Woodson publicly state that Kap's actions forced him to educate himself about the history of the song. He doesn't like what he found out.