First Look: Virtual Julius Jones!


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Taken from ESPN NFL Football 2k5:

BlueStar22 said:
Taken from ESPN NFL Football 2k5:

What cares about what he looks like on ESPN? I want to know how Julius Jones looks like on Madden.
ESPN football is gonna gain some serious ground on Madden this year. We can all hpoe they do anyway. The better they do, the more work EA will put into madden the following year.

For the first time ever I'll be buying Madden and ESPN Football (this year). Oh, and NCAA football (better then Madden and ESPN football) of course.
jdnalls said:
What cares about what he looks like on ESPN? I want to know how Julius Jones looks like on Madden.
Looking forward to the same crappy game with the same problems year after year I suppose. :D
BlueStar22 said:
Taken from ESPN NFL Football 2k5:


If you look close enough, you can see linemen 7 or 8 yards in the background. I'd say that would be a successful run. :cool:
BlueStar22 said:
Looking forward to the same crappy game with the same problems year after year I suppose. :D
Since when did I ever say I was looking forward to ESPN?
you all know the price of espn2k5 will be $19.99 right? They are serious about wanting to take #1 in football game this year there willing to sell it for cheap. I may picj this up just to pitch it on the side for when i get mad at madden lol. Dont believe me go to or and look.
You should try it before making a comment like that because you just might change your mind. IMO, the last two iterations of ESPN football was superior to the last two iterations of Madden. Most of the people I know that were die-hard Madden fans (myself included) switched or bought both after giving it a solid chance.
Ruff_Rider said:
NICE, i still dont think this game will be better than madden though. :D
He looks like he's red mad, symetrical, tiny(i thought he was bulky???), and doing jumping jac.....hey wait a minute!!!

Got a link so i can see it???

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