First speeding ticket in nearly 8 years.


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ChldsPlay;2708346 said:
Was taking the wife to work this morning and I took the long way because we had a lot of snow and figured the highway would be the clearest roads. Got to a point where the speed limit changes from 55 to 65 and I accelerated and when I looked it was at 67 or 68 and I saw a car up ahead on the side of the road and to be cautious I let it back down to 65.

It was a cop from the sheriff's office and he pulled behind me. I wasn't even sure what he was doing for awhile because he had his lights on but for a long time was just going very slow way back behind me. I pulled over (despite someone in the right lane in a van who just kept trucking a long) and he pulled in behind me. He gave me a ticket for doing 70 in a 55.

This kind of pisses me off since it was at a point where the speed limit went up to 65 and I don't think I ever got as high as 70. The cost of the ticket is $108 which I guess isn't too bad, but I'm more worried about it impacting my insurance. I'm also contemplating going to court and hoping the guy won't show or that the judge will understand that I just accelerated for the speed change. I don't really want to do the lawyer thing since they cost too much. Any suggestions?

To make things worse, I went home via the route I normally take and it was perfectly clear. At least he didn't give me another ticket for no front license plate or tinted windows. That's 2 tickets now this month, one for the plate, and now one for speeding....both times the cop asked if it was a Charger. :bang2:

You can represent yourself and ask for a jury trial. Sometimes the judge will just throw it out. If he doesn't then you need a lawyer. Or you can agree to pay a fine and ask for deferred adjudication (Probation basically.) Another option is to request defensive driving. I hear you can take it online in some states.

Personally I just give it to an attorney in the community where the ticket occurred.


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the kid 05;2708530 said:
at least you didn't get a ticket for not using your turn signal like i did :| 85 dollers not well spent. I did manage to receive a warning for having a smoked window and an expired drivers license though (thank god i wouldn' tlast in jail lol)

Well the ticket I got a few weeks ago for not displaying a front license plate (stupid, stupid law) was $85.


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deferred disposition/deferred adjudication all you need to say


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Jon88;2708481 said:
I would challenge that because it's going to be an expensive ticket.

I did.

Got off paying 60 bucks.

Its crazy because people in jail pay about a 200 dollar fine for going down the street the wrong way while drunk and thats all they got when I was in court.


This is a house of learned doctors
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When I was sixteen I had a cop pull me over for going 115 in a 60 mph zone. He got a call as soon as he pulled me over, so he laid into me for about sixty seconds just cursing me out, then he sped off.

Pretty stupid move by me. kind of scared me straight, though, because I never put myself in that situation again.

Bob Sacamano

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CATCH17;2708471 said:
I had the same thing happen to me about 2 weeks ago except mine went from 55 to 35 because it was a school zone.

I litterally saw the cop half a mile ahead of me. Made sure I was going slow.

I could have come to a complete stop before the guy ever even noticed me.

He said he clocked me at 50 and on my speedometer it said 37.

He had to of clock me before I ever got in the school zone and his actions are obviously pre-meditated so he wasn't paying much attention.

You would think these idiots would at least pay attention if they are going to go around stealing your money instead of solving real crime.

I don't have much respect for most cops now days because of what their job actually consists of.

Who wants to be the jerk handing out tickets?

On top of that the place where I work is inside that school zone so its not like I can just blow through it because I have to pull in to park.

radar can get you from a couple miles away

of course the cop is going to know that people will slow down once they see him, so they try to get people a ways off before they even know it


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Washington man streams his anger -- but still must pay traffic ticket

by Aimee Green, The Oregonian
Tuesday March 24, 2009, 7:58 PM

No one likes a speeding ticket.

But 47-year-old Michael Harold Lynch, of Bellevue, Wash., apparently took his anger to a new level when he emptied $206 in small change into a plastic bag, soaking it in urine and mailing it to the payments division of the Multnomah County courthouse. Mailroom staff handed over the box -- and the angry letter that accompanied it -- to a sheriff's sergeant.

"It was nasty. It reeked," said Sgt. Phil Anderchuk.

Anderchuk called a U.S. postal inspector to see if federal law had been broken, and learned that it's not against the law to mail a box of bodily fluids, as long as it's properly packed and doesn't emit an obnoxious odor. (Court staff could only smell the contents once they opened the package).

So the sergeant sealed up the box and mailed it back to Lynch -- with $27.30 postage due if Lynch wanted his change back.

Lynch had been ticketed by Portland police Officer Chris Cass last October for driving 19 mph over the posted 35 mph speed limit in a construction zone along Southeast McLoughlin Boulevard near the Ross Island Bridge. Lynch apparently ignored the ticket and missed a court date in which he could have shown up to fight the ticket or argued his case to the judge in a letter. He racked up an extra $65 in fees.

Then, the box showed up.

In explaining why the courthouse couldn't accept Lynch's payment, the sergeant wrote that "the pile of coins emitted a strong, pungent odor of stale urine. This was very concerning to me."

Anderchuk reminded Lynch he still owed for the ticket.

"I encourage you to submit your payment in a more traditional form," he wrote in a January letter. He told Lynch to expect a visit from a postal inspector, presumably to talk about how close he came to violating federal law.

Lynch apparently got the message, because a few weeks later a check arrived. But it was made out to the wrong agency. Courthouse staff sent it back. In February, a new check arrived, but this time it was made out for the wrong amount: $206, which didn't account for $65 in penalties for arriving late. Last week, the state turned Lynch's case over to a collection agency.

The Oregonian could not reach Lynch for comment.

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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ChldsPlay;2708738 said:
Well the ticket I got a few weeks ago for not displaying a front license plate (stupid, stupid law) was $85.

where do you live? i see all sorts of vets/stangs/camaros/1limegreen charger (no challengers yet tho) has no plates and as far as i know they dont get tickets


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Get a deferral. I did a while back.

I was coming over a bridge and when I got to the top of it I just started to coast. Picked up speed and the cop scanned me just at the bottom of the hill.

Gave me a ticket for going 53 in a 35 or something like that. It was 18 over whatever it was.

Anyway, driving the same road I got pulled over again and this time the cop comes up and says "just wanted you to be aware your license plate light is out". I talked to him for a minute about cops scanning people at the bottom of hills and his reply was probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

He said:

"We do it because people shouldn't be speeding at any time. Look at it this way, if we randomly stopped people at the bottom of the hill and gave them 10 thousand dollars, I'd bet people would make sure that they are not gaining too much speed going down hill"

Any way, I went to the court date, asked for a deferral and paid a little extra to have it never go on my record. My ticket was like $150 but I didn't have to bother with any classes and just got it out of the way.


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the kid 05;2709344 said:
where do you live? i see all sorts of vets/stangs/camaros/1limegreen charger (no challengers yet tho) has no plates and as far as i know they dont get tickets

Missouri. The law had to be passed by the Missouruhuns that live here. At least Kansas did one thing right. I'm still not putting a plate on. I'm not going to spend $30k+ on a car, with the look of the car being a very large reason for it and then ruin the look with a totally out of place license plate.


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ChldsPlay;2709958 said:
Missouri. The law had to be passed by the Missouruhuns that live here. At least Kansas did one thing right. I'm still not putting a plate on. I'm not going to spend $30k+ on a car, with the look of the car being a very large reason for it and then ruin the look with a totally out of place license plate.

If you get pulled over again just tell them it's currently in the mail.