Twitter: Fisher about Cowboys adding language after the contract was agreed on


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I am sorry JJ and SJ. It apparently wasn’t your fault. Gregory stuck it to JJ. IF JJ did not stick with Gregory through the last few suspensions (especially the last one) then he would not be in the NFL. Even if he came cheap would any team had taken a chance on him. JJ lost out on about what 3 seasons waiting on him to clean up. He should own his rights for every game or year he lost out on. Injury is one thing.
everyone lost and everyone deserves blame. I've turned the page. Lets sign Miller and Wagner.


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Randy Gregory is now a bronco because he wanted to be a bronco


Randy wanted to smoke without fear of being arrested and losing money.

Simple as that. To slander the cowboys on the way out....buh bye!


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He's been suspended numerous times and the Cowboys never tried to enforce any forfeiture of any monies when the same clause was in his contract. I'm done with Randy. The Cowboys supported him when no one would. He wants to play for Denver obviously.
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He's been suspended numerous times and the Cowboys never tried to enforce any forfeiture of any monies when the same clause was in his contract. I'm done with Randy. The Cowboys supported him when no one would. He wants to play for Denver obviously.

Honestly and truly he may have been out of football if not for this FO giving him more opportunities. I know they had their own selfish reasons for continuing to support him, but had they waived him where would he be?

I cant say some team was going to give him a chance while he dealt with being Bipolar and unable to stop smoking. He wouldn't have had the support group he did while facing multiple suspensions.

This atmosphere, the game, probably saved him. Im happy for the guy, but surprised how things ended.


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Fish, I call BullS... on your BullSh...
Reading is fundamental my Arlington Jonesboys. So read this link and understand why the Arlington Jonesboys will never ever and have never ever tried to win a Super Bowl the last 26 years...
You can ask for something uncommon in NFL contracts but you can not expect to get great players with average NFL agents.

Arlington Jonesboys tried to be slick and got caught. It was not worth it. But to me knowing for 26 years that this team is not the Dallas Cowboys, it doesn't matter...


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- I keeping from local media points, that Jerry himself was " livid" .. about losing Gregory to Denver.

- It's being said that one of Cowboys capologists was the fine line and last resort with this Cowboys clause contract.
Sounds like the Jones left it up to this cap guy,(they have several on their team) and assumed Gregory camp would still go for it ...

- Jerry stepped in for the DLaw new contract ...but not available to rescue the Gregory contract.... ??


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At this point I think it is obvious that Gregory wanted to go to Denver and his agent is using this nonsense about a forfeiture clause as an excuse. This makes Gregory a double back stabber. First he left Jerry after all Jerry did for him the last 4 years. Then he lied about it to make Jerry look bad. I don't blame Gregory for taking the deal he preferred, but making Jerry look bad in the process is a low character move. Don't know this to be true but if Gregory went to Denver because of the drug laws there then all the more reason the clause was necessary.


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Gregory is a roll of the dice.

Gregory looked good enough in the 2nd half that you had to beleive the Cowboys would dominate once Lawrence returned

Their disappearence in January had to be the 2nd greatest disappointment of the season. The first was the disappearance of the offense when they were needed the most.


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His agent either lied or didn't know the clause is standard in the CBA.
FOR A SUSPENSION, not a fine. A fine alone is way tyo ticky tack and could be for anything. Our office let us down, period. Screw this.


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If this is correct, Dallas is at a disadvantage by placing it in the contract instead of just referencing the CBA.

My question is if it's already in the CBA and enforceable without being in the Cowboys contract per Fish, why not remove it when the agent asked?
we dont know if the agent asked, I think agent showed that page to RG knowing he would then go to denver.
Agent makes the same amount either team, so I think he wanted RG to sign with broncos.

Why wouldnt RG call jerry and say hey I wont sign with that clause in there ! take it out and I sign with cowboys.
It is all wishy washy to me, it is like dumb dumber and really dumb were all trying to get a deal done, and dumb came out on top!:p


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Randy wanted to smoke without fear of being arrested and losing money.

Simple as that. To slander the cowboys on the way out....buh bye!
This is soooooo point on, in my opinion.
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The video is long, but there's a great point in the beginning. This isn't about the contract. This was about preventing the tag from being used. RG likely wanted out, but knew he would be tagged. So they agreed in principle and then the tag was used on Schultz. Cowboys made him and offer and he took the deal to Denver who matched it. This way he got around the tag and still got his huge payday.

The Joneses getting pwned by another War Daddy, as they extend the last War Daddy who pwned them in negotiations.