Twitter: Fisher believes refs missed holding calls

Fisher called pick plays all game long. He knows the rules are arbitrary and it's about what you can get away with.
There is holding on literally every single play in the NFL. Once they legalized open handed blocking in 1978, they legalized holding.

To me, it's the one penalty that is senseless to complain about. And, if Fisher thinks his team lost because of "missed" holding calls, then he missed Scott Wells forgetting that his QB was in the shotgun, a poor 4th and 1 call, and his defense being awful on third down from late in the second quarter onward.
Losers lose. Stop enabling your guys Fisher, thought he was better than that.
I noticed it. I also noticed that Garrett kinda had to go after him a bit before Fish turned around to shake hands. A little petty, but at least he did it.[/quote]

That's pretty weak on Fisher's part. Glad we've smacked them around the last few times we played them.
in addition to fines, he should be removed from the competition committee for crying in public.
You know what else, I re-watched the game yesterday and I swear after the 4th quarter ended Garrett attempted to meet Fisher on the field to shake hands and it looked like Fisher straight avoided him.

I was re-watching via the Sunday Ticket "shortcut" so it cut off before I could see if that was truly the case.

Anyone else notice this?

Fisher's lame.

Fisher was worried that Garrett might not let go of his hand.

A dozen? Let's see, the Cowboys ran 52 offensive plays and were called for holding zero times. That means there were at least 52 uncalled holds, and probably a lot more. Of course, the Cards ran 72 plays, so there were even more uncalled holds on those guys.
in addition to fines, he should be removed from the competition committee for crying in public.

why is a coach even on the competition committee? or anyone associated with a team for that matter
why is a coach even on the competition committee? or anyone associated with a team for that matter

I imagine so it's not just filled with front office types who aren't close to the action
weak is a
I noticed it. I also noticed that Garrett kinda had to go after him a bit before Fish turned around to shake hands. A little petty, but at least he did it.

That's pretty weak on Fisher's part. Glad we've smacked them around the last few times we played them.[/quote]

weak is a good wors. maybe wanted the cowbous job after wade?

We could go an entire season without a flag thrown against us and it would never make up
for the Super Bowl screw jobs against us in the 70's..... just sayin'..... sorry, just channeling my dad for a moment.
I was born in '71.
If I heard that, I would be embarrassed to be a Rams fan. Oh, wait, never mind.
someone call the Wahhhmbulance, and tell them to bring more sour grapes for Fisher

There was a leg whip on Murray when he fumbled, I'm sure Fisher wont be whining about not being flagged. Surprised that clown didn't try to have his punter hit the scoreboard again. Sore Loser.
Fisher is right , there was a lot of holding by the tackles in Rams offense.

Thanks for accepting Fisher ! LOL. ;)
He can whine and moan about the refs all he wants. However, the refs didn't decide to go for it on 4th down in the red zone, instead of kicking what is pretty much a sure 3 pts. Oh and the Rams lost by 3. Also, the refs didn't drop a pass for a TD, that was the Rams TE. The refs didn't throw a pick 6 or a late pick to seal the loss.

As stated by several other posters, he got a gift on the Murray fumble, since Murray was illegally tripped. If the refs had called the trip, Dallas keeps the ball and probably drives for a TD, if not a FG. They were going right down the field until that fumble.
He is always crying about something. He needs to start preparing for his next game, he lost in spite of all of the favorable no calls his team received. There were several blocks in the back that weren't called. It happens every game, we should know because we have been on the short end of a lot of blown calls. It feels good when some favorable reffing rolls our way. Dub G must of put the word out to her rreffing friends. :)

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