I got a funny story.
My wife and I decided that we would get our son a new game console. He has a PS2, a regular Xbox and a PS3, but the PS3 at his real dad's house. He said he wanted a Xbox360.
Well, I can hate on a company all I want, but I won't prevent my family from getting something fro them if they want it. (My wife and kids all have iPods or iTouch, I on the other hand use my Blackberry for music)
So, we go and drop $500+ an Xbox360, a couple of games, and accessories and take it home. It's DOA. Error code E80. Hardware failure. Great.

Never even booted, it went straight to the error screen and blinking circle. I call Microsoft and they say I need to send it back and it will take 3-4 weeks to get it back! :insane:
Hell no, I box it back up and take it back to the store. They bring out a second one and I'm like. I'm not sure I want an exchange as I don't want another DOA Xbox or it end up dead in six months.
The guy responds, "
This one should be fine, I can't imagine having two dead Xbox in a row." I informed him that 52% of all Xbox fail. He says wow, he didn't know it was that high. He then repeated, "This one should be fine". I said prove it and I will take it. He talks to his manager, they open the box plug it in and guess what. DEAD. :laugh2:
I say, no thanks, I will take my money back and we leave.
My son is extremely unhappy now. After he whinned for a long time and begged to try one more time, I said ok, but let me call a gamer freak buddy of mine that owns both. ...So I give Al a call.
This is what he said. They both have great games, but there is a big difference between them. He said the Xbox360 is geared more towards young gamers while the PS3 is geared more towards the older hard core gamers from the PC, Super Nintendo, PS1, early PS2 days. For my son an Xbox is the best system for him. Then he said "BUT". That but was he has returned his Xbox360 five times due to it failing.
He said he loves the games, but the hardware is a total peice of ****. (his exact words) That was enough for me to put a stop to any ideas of purchasing an Xbox360. I'm sure the next time they design one, they won't be as stupid as they were with this device. I'm not going to spend $500+ on a system that is prone to failure.