For all you pro Xbox360 / Anti-PS3 guys

theogt;2895361 said:
Dreamcast rocked and was way ahead of its time.

I had a Dreamcast and it most definitely was ahead of its time. Sega made a really good choice with the PowerVR chip and that thing would have held up quite a while versus the PS2 in the graphics department if they hadn't gotten screwed by the FUD campaign.

It was a really smart and efficient piece of hardware. It's too bad it didn't catch on like it should have.
I got a funny story.

My wife and I decided that we would get our son a new game console. He has a PS2, a regular Xbox and a PS3, but the PS3 at his real dad's house. He said he wanted a Xbox360.

Well, I can hate on a company all I want, but I won't prevent my family from getting something fro them if they want it. (My wife and kids all have iPods or iTouch, I on the other hand use my Blackberry for music)

So, we go and drop $500+ an Xbox360, a couple of games, and accessories and take it home. It's DOA. Error code E80. Hardware failure. Great. :banghead: Never even booted, it went straight to the error screen and blinking circle. I call Microsoft and they say I need to send it back and it will take 3-4 weeks to get it back! :insane:

Hell no, I box it back up and take it back to the store. They bring out a second one and I'm like. I'm not sure I want an exchange as I don't want another DOA Xbox or it end up dead in six months.

The guy responds, "This one should be fine, I can't imagine having two dead Xbox in a row." I informed him that 52% of all Xbox fail. He says wow, he didn't know it was that high. He then repeated, "This one should be fine". I said prove it and I will take it. He talks to his manager, they open the box plug it in and guess what. DEAD. :laugh2:

I say, no thanks, I will take my money back and we leave.

My son is extremely unhappy now. After he whinned for a long time and begged to try one more time, I said ok, but let me call a gamer freak buddy of mine that owns both. ...So I give Al a call.

This is what he said. They both have great games, but there is a big difference between them. He said the Xbox360 is geared more towards young gamers while the PS3 is geared more towards the older hard core gamers from the PC, Super Nintendo, PS1, early PS2 days. For my son an Xbox is the best system for him. Then he said "BUT". That but was he has returned his Xbox360 five times due to it failing.

He said he loves the games, but the hardware is a total peice of ****. (his exact words) That was enough for me to put a stop to any ideas of purchasing an Xbox360. I'm sure the next time they design one, they won't be as stupid as they were with this device. I'm not going to spend $500+ on a system that is prone to failure.
So, you don't own a 360, haven't really ever played one, don't know much about the differences -- and yet you consistently rail against it?

That doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.
Ozzu;2896226 said:
I had a Dreamcast and it most definitely was ahead of its time. Sega made a really good choice with the PowerVR chip and that thing would have held up quite a while versus the PS2 in the graphics department if they hadn't gotten screwed by the FUD campaign.

It was a really smart and efficient piece of hardware. It's too bad it didn't catch on like it should have.

theogt;2898798 said:
So, you don't own a 360, haven't really ever played one, don't know much about the differences -- and yet you consistently rail against it?

That doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

Eh? Railing against a peice of **** device that that a several class action law suits against it because of the fact it's a POS doesn't make sense? :confused:

btw, I have actually played an Xbox360 before. I don't game that often and when I do, I burn out on it quickly. For me specifically, game consoles aren't worth the money. I will buy a game (say Madden) play it for 2 weeks and then it will just collect dust.
nyc;2898849 said:
Eh? Railing against a peice of **** device that that a several class action law suits against it because of the fact it's a POS doesn't make sense? :confused:

btw, I have actually played an Xbox360 before. I don't game that often and when I do, I burn out on it quickly. For me specifically, game consoles aren't worth the money. I will buy a game (say Madden) play it for 2 weeks and then it will just collect dust.

then just send Madden to me when you're done

you get bored of games easily, and I'm cheap/broke

it's a win/win for both of us ;)
nyc;2898849 said:
Eh? Railing against a peice of **** device that that a several class action law suits against it because of the fact it's a POS doesn't make sense? :confused:

btw, I have actually played an Xbox360 before. I don't game that often and when I do, I burn out on it quickly. For me specifically, game consoles aren't worth the money. I will buy a game (say Madden) play it for 2 weeks and then it will just collect dust.
What's funny is that you feel qualified to say it's a POS device.
nyc;2898755 said:
I got a funny story.

My wife and I decided that we would get our son a new game console. He has a PS2, a regular Xbox and a PS3, but the PS3 at his real dad's house. He said he wanted a Xbox360.

Well, I can hate on a company all I want, but I won't prevent my family from getting something fro them if they want it. (My wife and kids all have iPods or iTouch, I on the other hand use my Blackberry for music)

So, we go and drop $500+ an Xbox360, a couple of games, and accessories and take it home. It's DOA. Error code E80. Hardware failure. Great. :banghead: Never even booted, it went straight to the error screen and blinking circle. I call Microsoft and they say I need to send it back and it will take 3-4 weeks to get it back! :insane:

Hell no, I box it back up and take it back to the store. They bring out a second one and I'm like. I'm not sure I want an exchange as I don't want another DOA Xbox or it end up dead in six months.

The guy responds, "This one should be fine, I can't imagine having two dead Xbox in a row." I informed him that 52% of all Xbox fail. He says wow, he didn't know it was that high. He then repeated, "This one should be fine". I said prove it and I will take it. He talks to his manager, they open the box plug it in and guess what. DEAD. :laugh2:

I say, no thanks, I will take my money back and we leave.

My son is extremely unhappy now. After he whinned for a long time and begged to try one more time, I said ok, but let me call a gamer freak buddy of mine that owns both. ...So I give Al a call.

This is what he said. They both have great games, but there is a big difference between them. He said the Xbox360 is geared more towards young gamers while the PS3 is geared more towards the older hard core gamers from the PC, Super Nintendo, PS1, early PS2 days. For my son an Xbox is the best system for him. Then he said "BUT". That but was he has returned his Xbox360 five times due to it failing.

He said he loves the games, but the hardware is a total peice of ****. (his exact words) That was enough for me to put a stop to any ideas of purchasing an Xbox360. I'm sure the next time they design one, they won't be as stupid as they were with this device. I'm not going to spend $500+ on a system that is prone to failure.

Wow, what a coincidence. You make a thread trolling about how much you think the 360 sucks...You then post this new "story". I put story in quotations because this is so obviously made up. Learn not to show your hand so easily next time.
DemonBlood;2899501 said:
Wow, what a coincidence. You make a thread trolling about how much you think the 360 sucks...You then post this new "story". I put story in quotations because this is so obviously made up. Learn not to show your hand so easily next time.

You think it's made up? I still have the receipt. (with the items marketed off for return) I will scan it tomorrow at work and post it.

Thanks for playing though. ;)
I have to admit I don't believe that story either. Sorry. An E80 doesn't occur right out of the box. The only way you get that error is if a resistor is removed/damaged during the course of repair/service and you update to the latest dashboard. That xbox would have had to have been a return sold as new for that to have happened to you.

Adding the story that the second, brand-new-in-the-store unit failed to boot just makes it even less believable. The 360s well-documented redring issue is the result of console overheating + shoddy design. So unless that console had been used, redringed, and returned to the store, the chances of it being DOA when you opened it are quite low.

So, your story consists of two incidents with brand-new xboxes with faults that don't occur in brand-new xboxes. Hmmm.

Also, if you friend told you that xbox was geared for kids while ps3 was geared for adults, I think that might have been him injecting a little wishful thinking there (if he did indeed say that). Because 90% of the games on the xbox and ps3 are multiplatform, available on both ps3 and xbox and offer the exact same content and experience.

If I had to buy one, I wouldn't buy the xbox either and would opt for the ps3 but I also wouldn't have to make up stories to justify my dislike of the hardware to other fanboys.
nyc;2899543 said:
You think it's made up? I still have the receipt. (with the items marketed off for return) I will scan it tomorrow at work and post it.

Thanks for playing though. ;)

If the stories somehow real...Then that will be the funniest and best story ever. You make a thread about how much you hate the 360 and then you're talked into buying one. BOOM your worst fears come true and you get screwed not once but twice in a row. That's funny as hell to me.
DemonBlood;2899668 said:
If the stories somehow real...Then that will be the funniest and best story ever. You make a thread about how much you hate the 360 and then you're talked into buying one. BOOM your worst fears come true and you get screwed not once but twice in a row. That's funny as hell to me.

It gets better. Later that night after my son kept whinning, I told him if he still wanted a new console it had to be a PS3. (as noted, he already has one at his real dad's house) He finally said ok, and we went to get one. We picked it up and went home. We open the box and it was NOT a new PS3. It was a return or something as the parts were not packed in their plastic sleeves. Not only that the cable used to connect it to the TV was missing. So, I'm not even sure it if worked.

I ended up returning it first thing in the morning. They didn't have any more PS3's and took that as an omen that this was not meant to be.

Xbox360 receipt with return markings


PS3 receipt:

theogt;2899655 said:
No, I read it. And I've had one fail on me, personally.

But is that the only argument against the 360?

I have 1 argument against the 360, (a huge one mind you) and about 50 arguments against Microsoft the company. Thats 51-0.
I bought the original XBOX the week it came out and got the red rings on 3 different occasions. This was back when it took microsoft like two months to fix your system when you sent it in.

So at some point, like an idiot, I thought man I'm just going to get a new one and when the other one comes back, I'll return this one. So I bought one of the Elite systems.

The other one came back but I never returned the Elite cause I wanted a backup. Long story short, as of today I have two xboxes giving me the red rings, one of them out of warranty.

So when I hear the failure rate is 50 percent, it sounds too low to me, I've had a %100 failure rate with them.

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