Those gasoline workers aren't the product. They help put the actual product out there, but they are not the product. Football players are the "product." We essentially buy them, through tickets to come watch them, or merchandise sales, etc. I don't know about you,but I've never paid 120 bucks to watch some stiff make gasoline, LOL.
I don't know why people always try to compare their salaries to NFL salaries. Sure, we'd all love to be paid millions to play a game we love, but we're not skilled enough. Most people are paid based on a few things.
(a) Skill level
(b) How easily replacable you are
(c) demand for your services
(d) Difficulty of job.
(e) Profits generated by worker
NFL players are highly skilled, extremely hard to replace, in huge demand, have a difficult job, and generate enormous profits. They in turn get paid very well. It's pretty simple economic stuff.