Danny was my favorite player before Emmitt. He was my first QB of memory. He is one of the reasons 11 is my favorite number.
Death sucks.....when a parent dies, it leaves a huge hole in your life......your original hero, champion is gone. Now who do you go to for wisdom and advice?
When your spouse passes, it's like losing half of yourself. When you are with someone for so many years, the two of you basically become 1. You become so co-dependent on one another. You almost take it for granted that the other one is there and always will be. Then, one day, they are not, and it just rips a huge Texas-sized hole in your heart and life......it is devastating to say the least.
This thread is making me very sad, I am actually holding back tears as I type. I feel so bad for Danny.......and it scares me to death to think about death and my Baby.
RIP Mrs. White