Those that are not Excel nerds like me may want to stop reading here
the way that the value works is on a 1,000 point scale with the following breakdown:
* Up to 250 going to the value of the pick (i.e.: the # where the player is selected - the value decreases with each number and goes down by 1.5625 for each selection)
* Team need: 250 for top need, then 200 for 2nd biggest need, 175, 150, 100, defaults to 50 if not a top 5 need
* Up to 200 going to the overall ranking of that player (goes down by 0.625 for each selection)
* Up to 100 each for offense/defense ranking (value decreases by 0.6024 per rank - there were 166 to grab the "weight" from), positional ranking (drops by 2.564 per rank - 39 in the weights), and functional ranking (i.e.: OL - guards, centers, tackles) - drops by 1.1236 per rank - 89 in the weights);
I am not sure where you get the 800 vs 798. When I select "chiefs" and "1" across from Joeckel's name, I get 925.000 points. If the chiefs traded down to #2 and selected him there, then his value drops a smidgen to 923.438. If, say, the Eagles traded up for him to #1 and picked him, the value to them is 850.000 points.
The formula looks at the following: the team that picks him, the position in the draft where selected, points for team need (ex: joeckel gets a value of
100 pts for the eagles as OT is their 5th most needed item, while the chiefs would get 175 as that is their 3rd most needed position).
Here is a little more of an example. Let's say Joeckel either goes first to KC, 2nd to Jax or 4th to the eagles. The points for each break down as follows:
KC = 925.000 = 175 (3rd highest position of need for them) + 250 for being the #1 overall pick + 200 (overall rank as a player is 200) + 100 (higest Off/Def rank) + 100 (highest position rank for OT) + 100 (highest functional rank for all OL) = 925
Jax = 848.438 = 100 (5th highest position of need) + 248.4375 (being the #2 pick) + 500 (the rest are the same as his rankings didn't change)
Eagles = 845.313 = the value to the eagles is almost identical; everything is the same as jax's with the exception of getting slightly less value as the #4 pick (245.3125), instead of #2 (248.4375)
the formula reads all of the info and automatically assigns the value
Here is another example. Let's look and Cooper and 3 examples. Let's say he goes to one of 3 teams, Dallas @ #18, San Diego at #11, the Cardinals @ #7
Dallas = 952.140 = 250 (highest team need value) + 223.4375 (18th pick value) + 189.375 (18th ranked player on board) + 96.3855 (7th highest Off/Def Rank) + 97.4359 (2nd highest positional rank) + 95.5056 (5th highest functional rank for OL
San Diego = 913.077 = 200 (Team need) + 234.375 (11th pick value) + 478.702 (ranking values are the same as with cowboys)
Cardinals = 769.327 = 50 (team need, if not in top 5 needs, defaults to 50 points) + 240.625 + 478.702 (same ranking values)
So, bottom line is that the value is determined by where the player is selected, the team that selects him (and their need at that position) and the rankings listed for that player. As seen with the Cooper example, the values can change a lot based on the need of the team. I felt team need was important to each selection so I gave it the weight that I did.
Thoughts? questions?