Here is a 'plot' of the results so far:
1 Injured/cut - bodi, pjthedoors, rkell87, marionbarberthe4th
1.5 - tm119
2 Backup - starboyz83
2.5 - chrisinarizona,
3 Starter - cowboyblue22, rockdoc
3.25 - theranchsucks, ghst187
3.5 - joshjwp, cowboysyankslakers, mcompact, ghostofpelleur, hardhittin'witten, tyle1doe, michaelwinicki
3.75 - ka0ik
4 - Marginal Probowl - wavingmonkey, gmoney112, iamliko22, waldoputty, howboutdemcowboys31, shaketiller, eric_h, mahoney_bill
4.5 -sdcowboy85, daillest88
5 Solid Probowl - bigdogcowboy, rat2k8
6 Generational - rgv_clos, scotman, gameover, xwalker (made joke?), phildadon86
statistically, the bell curve is still centered around 3.75 (3.5 and 4 are tied with 7 votes each), though there are good-sized peaks on both extremes of the bell curve which is highly unusual statistically...
curve may be skewed during to fans' excitement (5 votes for generational player) and the slow decay on the other end due to continuing disbelief (4 votes for injury/cut)...
unclear answers from: t-ro, stilltheguru88, mrtxstar, ccboy, maverick84, ksadler1, viman96, reddyuta, cowboys22, haleyrules, jerryrage