From 5g to 6g


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This whole article was fascinating. I wanted to copy and past the whole article, but if you like new technology, I would read the whole thing.

A network that can sense – The most notable aspect of 6G would be its ability to sense the environment, people and objects. The network becomes a source of situational information, gathering signals that are bouncing off objects and determining type and shape, relative location, velocity and perhaps even material properties. Such a mode of sensing can help create a “mirror” or digital twin of the physical world in combination with other sensing modalities, thereby extending our senses to every point the network touches. Combining this information with AI/ML will provide new insights from the physical world, making the network more cognitive.

Enhanced mobile broadband combined with lower latency and enhanced reliability will improve the experience of real-time video communications, holographic experiences or even digital twin models updated in real-time through the deployment of video sensors.

In the 6G era, we can expect use cases with networks that have specific requirements in sub-networks, creating networks of networks with networks as an endpoint. Machine area networks such as a car area network or a body area network(Bio Sensors) can have hundreds of sensors over an area of less than 100 meters. These sensors will need to communicate within 100 microseconds with extreme high reliability for the operation of that machine system. Making networks within cars or on robots truly wireless will open a new era for the designers of those devices as they would no longer need to install lengthy and bulky cable systems.

You can see it moving forward in articles like this:

New York City has an agreement with CityBridge, the team behind LinkNYC, that involves installing 2,000 5G towers over the next several years, an effort to help eliminate the city’s “internet deserts.”

New York City, the internet desert. Help is on the way, haha

An example of a twinning mentioned in the Nokia article. Nvidia earth 2.
Nokia also talked about a 6g real time signal mapping twinning.

1. Does this interest anyone else?
2. Are you looking forward to the technology?
3. With the way things are going, do you think it will happen before 2025 5g advanced and 2030 6g target dates?
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I’m looking forward to 6G

Would you want to fight on the robot side or the human side? With all the stuff being developed in the bio tech field, depending on what you put in your body, you might be fighting next to the robots. And when you are not fighting, you will be doing tasks given to you in real time through your bio tech and getting paid in NFT's upon completion of the tasks. Then you can buy goods at amazon with your nft
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If you haven't looked at the current version of the earth 2 map, cowboys stadium has already been purchased. I went looking to buy, so that I could sell it to the jones in the future

I figured when it went interactive, I could have racked up big bucks selling the property to the cowboys. I would have created pro opponent content that everyone could see with their augmented reality glasses(or built in augmented reality) when attending the games, and piss off the organization until they forked over the money.
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This is overly optimistic. Have you seen how accurate current military robots are with firing weapons? 2029? They'd never miss. Not once. Humanity would have been wiped.

I haven't seen the movie, but I heard someone talking about the first kingsman movie, and how they wanted everyone to have a cell phone to emit a violence inducing signal.

5g and 6g is a weapon system, I wonder what can be done with it. They might not even need robots that target

I did read an article about tanks that auto aim on targets, and all that the operator needed to do was hit the button to kill. If that is true, that is pretty advanced
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Would you want to fight on the robot side or the human side? With all the stuff being developed in the bio tech field, depending on what you put in your body, you might be fighting next to the robots. And when you are not fighting, you will be doing tasks given to you in real time through your bio tech and getting paid in NFT's upon completion of the tasks. Then you can buy goods at amazon with your nft

If the robots promise to be benevolent leaders for me. It may not be any worse than being governed by people. To be honest. Lol


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If the robots promise to be benevolent leaders for me. It may not be any worse than being governed by people. To be honest. Lol

Governed is not the right word. A prison system is being built, where everyone will be prisoners, including the people building it.

There are now and will be different types of robots, but that is the wrong way to look at it. It is about data, quantum computers, quantum entanglement with quantum computers, bio tech, bio sensors, smart dust, nano tech, etc.

Everything is going digital including the human body, meaning it is turned into 0's and 1's, and then the data is processed by computers.

IF you take the biotech aspect or the human body going digital, it almost sounds unreal, but it is not. It has been happening, and since 2020 it is accelerating. There was an order that went out to the whole nation by our top leader not to long ago. That means to colleges, to pharmaceuticals, technology sector etc. that read:

"We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence"

"Unlocking the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence" means that there are sensors in your body converting your biological data into 0's and 1's and transmitting the data to a computer to be processed. The nokia article i quoted from, gave examples of car area networks and body area networks and the need for 6g transmissions, but you can add phone area networks, 6g tower networks, comupter networks, etc all transmitting and being computed as 1's and 0's.

Here is one example of it being a prison. Your body network, is sitting in front of your tv network. Lets say you are watching someone give a speech. No one can actually know what you believe by watching you or listening to what you say. You can get pretty close (facial recognition, normal human intuition, interaction, and reading, etc ), but you never really know. You are watching this speech that you should be agreeing with and falling in line with, but your biometric data is being sent by your bio sensors and it is being interpreted by computers that you are angry, disagree, and that there is a high probability that you are not going to comply. It also calculates that there will be issues, and its assessment is that actions need to be taken. If we were in a system like China, an example of minimal action being taken is that your social credit score is lowered and it negatively impacts your life.

Surveillance of the body, and then there is surveillance of everything in the world by the twinning mentioned in the nokia article, the mapping out of everything through frequency.
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Yes, social credit scores are not just for China! Be aware People…


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6th sense

Another interesting read.


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They're making Roko's basilisk.

lol, look that one up. It's an interesting thought experiment. Or you can see a video explanation here:

You're welcome for me dooming you. All hail our new AI overlord.


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They're making Roko's basilisk.

lol, look that one up. It's an interesting thought experiment. Or you can see a video explanation here:

You're welcome for me dooming you. All hail our new AI overlord.

I like that, and it is interesting.

Although, I disagree on this being Roko's basilisk. What I am talking about is current technology and plans on that current technology. The infrastructure for 5g advance and 6g is being put in place with the 5g infrastructure. There is a cube or a sphere being built with all spectrum's of radio and wifi signals. We are being bathed in radio and wifi frequencies. I don't have a full grasp of it yet, but the A.I. will be able to determine the optimal frequency, convert, and use all spectrum's of radio and wifi for communications. There are and will be sensors everywhere for a type of sonar.

As to the biotech aspect, that is current technology, and a view of what is to come. It is happening now and it is accelerating. An order from our top leader confirms that this is the trajectory the nation is going.

I guess you could put it under a Roko's basalisk label, but it is also the advancement of technology. The prediction of it being weaponized might be a good example, but technology is always taken to its full capacity and weaponized.
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Humans do a good job, but most humans like to cut corners no matter what the profession might be. I’m thinking robots won’t do that. Problems would be solved quickly and efficiently if the robot was made properly. Problem is would most of us be able to afford one, I’m guessing no.


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AI is the great holy grail to many.

But I doubt we see it in any of our lifetimes.

As regards they would rule better than humans, what really is the basis for this belief?
Cold calculating logic supposedly.
Think on that; and do you really want to be rule by such as that?


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I like that, and it is interesting.

Although, I disagree on this being Roko's basilisk. What I am talking about is current technology and plans on that current technology. The infrastructure for 5g advance and 6g is being put in place with the 5g infrastructure. There is a cube or a sphere being built with all spectrum's of radio and wifi signals. We are being bathed in radio and wifi frequencies. I don't have a full grasp of it yet, but the A.I. will be able to determine the optimal frequency, convert, and use all spectrum's of radio and wifi for communications. There are and will be sensors everywhere for a type of sonar.

As to the biotech aspect, that is current technology, and a view of what is to come. It is happening now and it is accelerating. An order from our top leader confirms that this is the trajectory the nation is going.

I guess you could put it under a Roko's basalisk label, but it is also the advancement of technology. The prediction of it being weaponized might be a good example, but technology is always taken to its full capacity and weaponized.

Oh I wasn't serious at all. I just thought it was sort of a funny little reference and hint it was a precursor. I don't believe it at all. As far as 6G and AI? We're soooo far from a general intelligence AI that it's not even funny.


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Oh I wasn't serious at all. I just thought it was sort of a funny little reference and hint it was a precursor. I don't believe it at all. As far as 6G and AI? We're soooo far from a general intelligence AI that it's not even funny.

In my opinion, I don't think general intelligence a.i. is a concern. I think the concern is the network being built with 5g and 6g, along with super computers, quantum computers, human brains/body. A.I.'s are programs run by computers. The super computers and quantum computers being built are more of threat. The connection of the body/mind through biotech with those computers through 5g and 6g. I have a 2nd grade education on this stuff, and as I learn, I am attempting to mimic someone else who researches it.

This was back in 2017. They were able to wirelessly flip a switch in the nuerons of mice to make them hungry or not hungry. The whole article is worth reading but I will clip a few things. I only watched it once, and I might be wrong, but I think there was a reference to something like this in the movie Black Widow, with pigs.

"With their method, published last year in Nature, biologists can turn neurons on or off in a live animal at will—quickly, repeatedly, and without implants—by engineering the cells to make them receptive to radio waves or a magnetic field."

“We’ve combined molecules already used in cells for other purposes in a manner that allows an invisible force to take control of an instinct as primal as hunger,”

"Friedman’s team realized that they could use a genetically engineered virus to create doorways into a neuron’s outer membrane. If they could then somehow attach each door to a ferritin particle, they reasoned, they might be able to wiggle the ferritin enough to jostle the door open. “The ‘door’ we chose is called TRPV1,” says Stanley. “Once TRPV1 is activated, calcium and sodium ions would next flow into the cell and trigger the neuron to fire.” The bits borrowed from camels and jellyfish provided what the scientists needed to connect the door to the ferritin"

"Once the virus had enough time to infect and transform the target neurons, the researchers switched on a radio transmitter tuned to 465 kHz, a little below the band used for AM radio. The neurons responded. They began to fire, signaling a shortage of glucose even though the animal’s blood sugar levels were normal. And other parts of the body responded just as they would to a real drop in blood sugar: insulin levels fell, the liver started pumping out more glucose, and the animals started eating more. “In effect,” Friedman says, “we created a perceptual illusion that the animal had low blood glucose even though the levels were normal.”

This was in 2017, and then in 2020 we had something else happened.

Magnetic hydrogels using ferriten cages with iron, graphine, and graphine oxide are all interesting things to look into
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I don't like this dude or even like to listen to him, but he has said a lot of stuff over the last 5 or 6 years on major platforms like this one, WEF, 60 minutes, etc. This excerpt was in 2021, and there is a lot more he says if you listen to the whole thing
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I don't like this dude or even like to listen to him, but he has said a lot of stuff over the last 5 or 6 years on major platforms like this one, WEF, 60 minutes, etc. This excerpt was in 2021, and there is a lot more he says if you listen to the whole thing

WEF is the one to be concerned about imo, there are others as well.