Funny Bruschi audioclip...

I love when something truly catches me off guard and makes me laugh out loud.

A lot of things are funny, but few things are spit-spray through the nose funny.

This was. More than once.
WV Cowboy said:
I love when something truly catches me off guard and makes me laugh out loud.

A lot of things are funny, but few things are spit-spray through the nose funny.

This was. More than once.
Thought I was the only who listened to it over and over... :D
It's not working for me at work. Must be a firewall setting or something...
Thanks much for posting this.

My sides are seriously hurting. I just sent it to a coworker...they're now crying from laughing so hard.

That was great.
yeah that was funny!!!
bruschi just matched all six numbers and is splitting it to all the fans, what a great man.

WV Cowboy said:
I love when something truly catches me off guard and makes me laugh out loud.

A lot of things are funny, but few things are spit-spray through the nose funny.

This was. More than once.

Agreed...It did catch me off guard...I thought it was going to be Bruschi talking! :lmao2:

The love fest was a bit much.
Here is an MP3 version to save that I ripped from the stream

Click to go to the download page.

I listened to it 3 times before leaving for work this morning...made my day just a little bit easier to get into.

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