Funny how we ...


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... found the money for Price but not Robinson. Bad move so far.
It wasnt the money it was the roster spot. Thank Tyson for that one ;)
bbgun said:
... found the money for Price but not Robinson. Bad move so far.
Robinson was not buying into what the team was trying to do. It had nothing to do with money why he was let go. He was a locker room malcontent.
Hostile, where did you hear this? This is the first I've ever heard anything like that.
VirusX said:
It wasnt the money it was the roster spot. Thank Tyson for that one ;)

What? I don't think I understand. They weren't going to keep Condo and Robinson.

It wasn't the money. What was it? About $1 million? That isn't too much.

Condo needs to step it up or he will be without a job. I can't say that Robinson was automatic because he missed several snaps last season, but so far Condo's good snaps are the rare ones.
Rack said:
Hostile, where did you hear this? This is the first I've ever heard anything like that.
The night before the Cardinals pre season game I took Dale and AdButcher out to eat. Dale told us that Robinson was really arrogant and openly scoffs at a lot of instructions.
Well, I don't know if that qualifies him for "Malcontent" status. He's an a-hole. It's ok as long as he's not an a-hole of TO proportions.

I think it was a money issue that he is gone. We had a good young snapper NOW so why not keep him when you can since Robinson is gone next year anyway? Now we have some money to sign someone incase of emergency or to extend a couple of contracts in the middle to end of the season.
Rack said:
Well, I don't know if that qualifies him for "Malcontent" status. He's an a-hole. It's ok as long as he's not an a-hole of TO proportions.

I think it was a money issue that he is gone. We had a good young snapper NOW so why not keep him when you can since Robinson is gone next year anyway? Now we have some money to sign someone incase of emergency or to extend a couple of contracts in the middle to end of the season.
Parcells couldn't stand Robinson I guess. Dale mentioned something along the lines of he was the last of the guys not buying into the system.
Hostile said:
Parcells couldn't stand Robinson I guess. Dale mentioned something along the lines of he was the last of the guys not buying into the system.


First time I have heard this anywhere.

But what kind of "system" do you have to buy into when your job is hiking the ball between your legs?
Alexander said:

First time I have heard this anywhere.

But what kind of "system" do you have to buy into when your job is hiking the ball between your legs?
If Dale wishes he can correct me if my interpretation is off.

Last year Parcells hoped Landon Trusty would take Robinson's job. Remember he was left home at one point? It didn't happen and he was the LS again.

In other words, as good as he was, Parcells wanted someone else. From what I understand the reason is his attitude.

As for the "sytem" I think it is just doing things Parcells way.
Hostile said:
As for the "sytem" I think it is just doing things Parcells way.

Coach Parcells wanted him to grip the ball a certain way?

I still recall him saying once either last year or the year before that there were several players who were "safe" and he was one of them.

I don't get it and I really hope this decision does not come back to haunt us as it did when Hellestrae left.
You people are delusional. Evey report out of Dallas said the impetus for Robinson's release was that it would save the Boys one million dollars. Period. Who truly believes that Condo won it based on ability?
bbgun said:
You people are delusional. Evey report out of Dallas said the impetus for Robinson's release was that it would save the Boys one million dollars. Period. Who truly believes that Condo won it based on ability?

But what about Mr. LongSnapper or whatever it was called?:cool:
probably had more with him being a complete jackass ( at least thats the way it seems from hos report). nobody wants an a-hole who will bring everyone down all the time. if Robinson wants to do his own thing, let him do it at home, when he's a Dallas cowboy, he has to answer to parcells.

Alexander said:

Coach Parcells wanted him to grip the ball a certain way?

I still recall him saying once either last year or the year before that there were several players who were "safe" and he was one of them.

I don't get it and I really hope this decision does not come back to haunt us as it did when Hellestrae left.
Alexander said:

Coach Parcells wanted him to grip the ball a certain way?

I still recall him saying once either last year or the year before that there were several players who were "safe" and he was one of them.

I don't get it and I really hope this decision does not come back to haunt us as it did when Hellestrae left.

At the time Hellestrae was release, Dallas was in such cap hell that they actually couldn't afford him. They can afford the $1 million dollars for Robinson. That would have left them with $3 mil for the year I believe. Rack raised a good point that this was the last year of his contract any way.
Alexander said:
But what about Mr. LongSnapper or whatever it was called?:cool:

Haha. Yes! The infamous "Snapper Man." It's now the stuff of legend.
Alexander said:

Coach Parcells wanted him to grip the ball a certain way?

I still recall him saying once either last year or the year before that there were several players who were "safe" and he was one of them.

I don't get it and I really hope this decision does not come back to haunt us as it did when Hellestrae left.
I think he wanted him to pay attentionin meetings, not disrupt things, etc.

You're right he did say his job was safe at one point. Then he left him at home. Why? Because apparently that comment went right to Robinson's head. He probably felt he had a guaranteed spot and could shag his way through workouts, etc.

I'm not clear why this is so hard to imagine.
Hostile said:
If Dale wishes he can correct me if my interpretation is off.

Last year Parcells hoped Landon Trusty would take Robinson's job. Remember he was left home at one point? It didn't happen and he was the LS again.

In other words, as good as he was, Parcells wanted someone else. From what I understand the reason is his attitude.

As for the "sytem" I think it is just doing things Parcells way.

I have no recollection (sp?) of trusty even being a long snapper. I can't remember anything about him being in camp as a snapper.

You're right he did say his job was safe at one point. Then he left him at home. Why?

Yeah he left him at home... over a year after making the "safe" comment.

Robinson was cut due to his salary and the fact that we had a potentially good replacment in Condo. Sure he's struggling, it's what rookies do.

IMO, if we hadn't signed Condo, Robinson would still be here.

That said, I'm fine with the decision. Anyone that expected Condo to come in and do as good as Robinson from the start had unrealistic expectations of the kid in the first place. Just cuz he's playing long snapper doesn't mean he won't make rookie mistakes.
Rack said:
I have no recollection (sp?) of trusty even being a long snapper. I can't remember anything about him being in camp as a snapper.
He was. DeHaven was really high on him too. That was why we kept him on the Practice Squad all last year. They hoped he'd develop enough to take Robinson's job.

Yeah he left him at home... over a year after making the "safe" comment.
Sorry Rack, you're recollection is off. He left him home last year which is the year he made the comment about TE and LS being the only safe positions. If you remember that was after 2003, his first year here. 2004 was his 2nd year here and he made no such promises. This is year 3.

Robinson was cut due to his salary and the fact that we had a potentially good replacment in Condo. Sure he's struggling, it's what rookies do.
I'm gonna believe Dale on this one. He called the release before PS was even over. In fact, he called it before we'd even played one PS game.

IMO, if we hadn't signed Condo, Robinson would still be here.
I think Robinson could have still been here if one of the 3 Long Snappers that were getting reps hadn't given us enough reason to let him go. How then is it about salary? Especially given the fact we're $5M under the cap roughly?

That said, I'm fine with the decision. Anyone that expected Condo to come in and do as good as Robinson from the start had unrealistic expectations of the kid in the first place. Just cuz he's playing long snapper doesn't mean he won't make rookie mistakes.
Couldn't agree with you more on this.

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