Funny Images Thread

If you don't understand then I would start with the definition of the word "Pun."
Also, check out "Sarcasm."

As I said.

As for sarcasm. I think I have a pretty good grasp on that word. My use of it is a big part of my reputation here.

Happy Christmas and have a Merry New Year!
Some cats get angry. Others don't give a damn!

Not sure I understand your post here. What Reality said was a pun. DallasEast Translates Reality's (the person) meaning, and of course. Translating reality (the real world) meaing. Given both sentences make perfect since. Therein lies the pun as @Reality referenced.
I don't really understand what "translating reality" means either. Is that a common phrase I've just never heard?
Step back. There is an engineer at work!

Holy crap! Birds aren't supposed to know how to use tools, much less make them! That's a smart bird!!
A few four letter words...

Immune Cell Internalizing Sugar Granules

A new microscope developed at Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Research Campus is pushing the limits of optical imaging of living organisms. The system combines adaptive optics, a technique commonly used in astronomy to eliminate distortions, with lattice light-sheet microscopy to produce high-speed, super-resolution imagery of cellular dynamics.

Here, a neutrophil (white blood cell) can be seen internalizing small granules of sugar via phagocytosis within a developing zebrafish embryo. The larva has been genetically modified to express the fluorescent protein Citrine in the plasma membrane of all its cells. Dextran particles labeled with the fluorophore Texas Red were injected into the blood stream and then imaged as they prompted an immune response.

This extraordinary view of cellular behavior within a living organism is one of many remarkable videos reported in Science last week alongside the new microscope.

Source: (Science)
Learn More: (HHMI)

There is a BBC documentary with David Attenborough about Crows using tools. I can't find the full documentary, but if you ever find it. It's freaking crazy!

Here is a clip showing some tool work from Crows.

Give your remote to a crow,

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