Funny Images Thread

He Shoots.... HE SCORES
The Marathon
People may laugh at her falling but it can be easily explained. The dog did it.

True. The dog did not trip her up physically but a closer examination of the clip clearly shows the dog made one millimeter deep tracks in her path.

So laugh but it is a fact that one millimeter deep paw prints can trip up anyone.
People may laugh at her falling but it can be easily explained. The dog did it.

True. The dog did not trip her up physically but a closer examination of the clip clearly shows the dog made one millimeter deep tracks in her path.

So laugh but it is a fact that one millimeter deep paw prints can trip up anyone.
And gravity affects fat people more than thin people.
I do not want to know what happened in the woods that made someone run like a flat footed gazelle to escape a cow...
That never even dawned on me. That reminds me of last summer. I was helping a friend with her lawn. I went into the woods to dump the grass bag. I kicked an old pile of grass around to make some space.

Out of nowhere came these bee's up from that pile of old grass. One bit me and let me tell you something, that bite was horrific. Being bitten and seeing all those bee's coming out, well let's just day that fella in that gif is running slow to how fast I ran lmao.

The following week my friends neighbor seen her son-in-law tearing out of those woods. She went up to him before he could even breathe a word and said...."it was the bee's wasn't it"?! :muttley:

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