That's a really specific qualification to use that toilet.
The hazards of being reincarnated from a Golden Retriever.
It sure looks like it,huh?Did his arms stay to his sides the whole trip?
DOG: Stop. Just stop. It's not even worth howling over.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-VKRTCEjPY_s/WZlZERA6fzI/AAAAAAAIzb0/7If__o3kBIMXR_YPAQyf0gRfeTAVrSwMQCL0BGAs/s426-d-rw/gif%2B-%2B%2B-3.gif
I feel terrible since it could have been someone tailgating because a loved one or friend was in the ambulance but dang it to heck! THERE IS A REASON FOR THE SECURITY ARM YOU NUT!https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-Q44lJWlORsE/UYuDXyg-kHI/AAAAAAAALas/3pV5J2uOOlI/w530-h398-n-rw/Barrier-Crossing-Fail.gif
(During the kid's charge): "Junior, we're fresh out of Excedrin."https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-M94iYXPyIyw/WlCUB_ba_HI/AAAAAAAALoI/A33r4b7NgXgbKHPd8FNCzDO4dOXnv4UmwCJoC/w400-h170-rw/001
*Brought to you by the Animals For Mental Health Treatment Societyhttps://lh3.***BROKEN***/-RCaRGPfWev4/WmVB0nNcFFI/AAAAAAAANDM/86m4_MlVnAMxA5XDKLXGrPkpb2v8qOwmgCJoC/w400-h205-rw/001
At first, I was like that's stupid but now say that's ingenious after thinking about practical use outside a shower.
<A decade later>There's One Born Every Minute
I believe that vehicle is being towed.I feel terrible since it could have been someone tailgating because a loved one or friend was in the ambulance but dang it to heck! THERE IS A REASON FOR THE SECURITY ARM YOU NUT!
Shoot. Thanks. I never paid any attention to that cable whatever. That makes it even worse though.I believe that vehicle is being towed.
LOL<A decade later>
Mike: Honey, I have something to tell you.
Judy: Sounds serious.
Mike: It is. In vitro fertilzation is our only way of having any kids.
Judy: Why???
Mike: Well, ten years ago, I...
"Try to keep up, big guy!"