Unfriendly and Aloof!
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- 45,858
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- 22,194
DAYAM!! Almost spilled my latte!https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-u1UPGoOLmTU/UzBsjs1nQvI/AAAAAAAAUO0/EnKvp8garH8/w346-h240-rw/girl-accident-dafe.gif
Sure, anyone can land on their feet but then they wouldn't be so ready for a nap.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-Tr3L10xp2Dc/UytBXQtUT9I/AAAAAAAA-k8/pIhj4_qqGdE/w320-h240-rw/14%2B-%2B1
There is absolutely no use for being able to do this. Yet, I can do it and you cannot.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-Q26zJQEXOGI/VKq19lq5H4I/AAAAAAAAd24/_2tecjRAeMA/w158-h237-rw/gifki_01.gif
HEY!!!! Why didn't we check for steering wheels wheels when we got in?https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-ihjyyfcowNU/VKKcLxGDhTI/AAAAAAAAGlo/gIuZWIPGDsE/w480-h360-rw/ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif
Boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity, boogidity.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-z6neGezrL1M/VVjDnyzWzMI/AAAAAAAAAqo/Uh5qHkUxRv4/w350-h476-rw/2015%2B-%2B1
Moon in the face walking.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-icBbQoaeQrQ/Uyf7vM4LOhI/AAAAAAAA9m8/E289rSjkOB0/s249-rw/14%2B-%2B1
Rex was the only one in the office that knew Janice's phone was going to attack her. Thank God he wasn't home sick that day.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-iuy4kj5HtjE/Uyp4Wa4vw7I/AAAAAAAAIbg/V4HPcO_uOt4/w320-h180-rw/Funny%2BOffice%2BGIF.gif
Mom, ya wanna take one hand off the phone and pull me out?The Pooping Fail
It is true. Sam kicked me so hard I ended up in next week. Now I am back with Wednesday's winning Powerball numbers, which I will not be sharing with Sam. So, thanks Sam.How I treat CBZ mods.
I have to assume it took a long time to get that down!....or it happened accidentally once before, while trying to do something else. Who thinks to do something like that??? lolNeed to stand on a ball? Use the economy of motion to limit how much effort it takes to achieve your goal.
Is this a scene from a movie or a comedy skit? Please let this be real. I would PAY good money to hear the conversation(s) she had that finally ticked him off.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-iuy4kj5HtjE/Uyp4Wa4vw7I/AAAAAAAAIbg/V4HPcO_uOt4/w320-h180-rw/Funny%2BOffice%2BGIF.gif