Funny Images Thread

Now that they're all warm and sweaty...
It's a clown car, only scarier.
Outside of the octopus, watching the sun glisten on the water was like being on vacation. You are officially forgiven for ONE* snake picture.

* That would be a picture of one snake, not the horrors of the ignoramus pouring snakes out on to the ground then spreading them out.
there is a Larson cartoon I cannot find. its one with the typical Larson kid. he is holding up a grand piano up at the ceiling with a brooms handle. mom and pop enter catching him doing this and say something like ''Billy ! your father and I cant never leave home without you getting into trouble'' absolutly one of my favorites. jest cant find the dang ole thing...…......yah I know, ''that's what she said''o_O
Here's one for @Melonfeud

Aww, that looks like it actually hurt the little guy.
:lmao: man, I used to know folks who had that kinda' breed of dog, and now I'm grasping ,swimmingly, in the whole time,place& who,,,, timeline of life of when it was,,,thanks a pantload, Pal :thumbup:

* man, I really hate this too, the churning brain syndrome of struggling past thoughts recollectiono_O

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