Funny Images Thread

Raccoons may look like cute animals, but they can be vicious especially against other animals like dogs.
I used to live in a house in Greenwich that had a raised porch. Every night during the summer two racoons used to fight like mad under there. My wife (at the time) and kids were way freaked out for a long time until they got used to them. I used to try to keep them out, but they would just get back in somehow and fight some more.

Those are some mean bastiges!
I used to live in a house in Greenwich that had a raised porch. Every night during the summer two racoons used to fight like mad under there. My wife (at the time) and kids were way freaked out for a long time until they got used to them. I used to try to keep them out, but they would just get back in somehow and fight some more.

Those are some mean bastiges!
I had a Siamese cat when I was younger. He wasn't long and lanky, like the typical Siamese, in fact he looked like a miniature puma, but more muscular. Meanest thing I've ever seen to this day. He actually ran up a telephone pole and beat up a raccoon.
I used to live in a house in Greenwich that had a raised porch. Every night during the summer two racoons used to fight like mad under there. My wife (at the time) and kids were way freaked out for a long time until they got used to them. I used to try to keep them out, but they would just get back in somehow and fight some more.

Those are some mean bastiges!
My first close up encounter with a raccoon was several years ago. I pulled into my driveway after grocery shopping. I loaded up with groceries, shut my car door and look down and a raccoon was just walking right by me about 2-3 feet away from my feet. He stopped, looked up at me for a couple of seconds, then continued walking at the same speed.

It felt like this ..

My first close up encounter with a raccoon was several years ago. I pulled into my driveway after grocery shopping. I loaded up with groceries, shut my car door and look down and a raccoon was just walking right by me about 2-3 feet away from my feet. He stopped, looked up at me for a couple of seconds, then continued walking at the same speed.

It felt like this ..

I used to feed them by hand when I was camping. My brother had one, while it was still young. It would shimmy up your side, without using its claws, and sit on your shoulder.
I used to live in a house in Greenwich that had a raised porch. Every night during the summer two racoons used to fight like mad under there. My wife (at the time) and kids were way freaked out for a long time until they got used to them. I used to try to keep them out, but they would just get back in somehow and fight some more.

are some mean bastiges!
I had a big fat female pet racoon when I was about 9 or 10 y.o. ,,,an old long time(dying of cancer oilfield roughneck ) gave it me, dudes name was Harold Batey,lived in st. Francisville Illinois, married& childless& had that coon as a pet for like 7-8 years( dad kinda farmed me out as I guess,,,come to think about it now, kinda' like a surrogate son to him on some of the weekends,He took me to my first St.Louis Cardinals baseball game& we rode that egg pod elevator up into that arch they have on the river( or had, Idk anymore) Mom& the sisters wasn't all that hip on me keeping that fat chittering racoon that would climb up and ride on yer' shoulder as you walked around ( she heeled the beagle hounds down pretty quick too!) in the house with me& made me keep her out in the work shop,,,well, those dudes would come in after work and clean up/ change clothes/drink beer in the shop& get her drunk& be mean to her, as I guess she wasn't all that tolerable of a drunk & kinda' turned her a little mean.
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