Funny Images Thread


Lazy......but smart.

Not sure if that is really Philly (cannot tell by what may be a back license plate in the pic) but my curiosity took hold. I wanted to know what happens if someone circumvented a boot put on their car in Philadelphia.

So I went over to the Philadelphia Parking Authority Laws and Enforcement page and found this:

The Boot

Vehicles with three (3) or more unpaid parking or red light tickets are eligible to be booted after their owners receive a series of notices. Boot crews patrol all public roadways and PPA managed properties in Philadelphia. Please note: if your vehicle is booted, you must pay the total amount due, including all fees, fines and penalties, before the boot can be removed. This will include a $150 boot fee.


Another page explains about late fees for not paying outstanding tickets. What I could not find was what happens if a person simply removed the boot from their vehicle booted AND not pay any fines. Do obstinate vehicle owners really end up caring about getting booted if they simply ignore the infraction? Maybe the guy in the pic has the 'right' idea..? o_O
Not sure if that is really Philly (cannot tell by what may be a back license plate in the pic) but my curiosity took hold. I wanted to know what happens if someone circumvented a boot put on their car in Philadelphia.
So I went over to the Philadelphia Parking Authority Laws and Enforcement page and found this:
It's not. I just put Philly on the meme being their tough on boots. Didn't you ever watch the show?! Hilarious to say the least.
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posted in the video game thread, but I figured some of you might appreciate it here if you haven't seen it. Makes me laugh every time I see this

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