Actually, EA sports is Genius. How else can you explain getting people to salivate and plunk down over $50 for a new release of essentially the same game with some tiny tweaks every year?
LOL,look at Madden 2005 graphics and Madden 2006, 95% Identical!
Now that they have exclusive rights,there is no reason for them to make much improvements! There is no direct competition to increase modifications and improvements!
They only did that so they because they knew ESPN 2k6 would have kicked their butt!!! EA Sports has done that for years ... thats how they make money ... they might change something slight and advertise the hell out of it. If they wanted to they could make it unbelievably awesome!
2K was a better game,I don't care what anybody says. And this is coming from a guy who ''was'' a Madden Freak!
What a joke!
EA sports.... :yousuck: