First, I think this is a different category than funny videos. For one thing, the videos aren't always funny, though they're supposed to be. The original channel was Prank versus Prank starring Jeana and Jesse. They did things like slipping hot sauce into the other person's food or putting fake bugs in it. It must have taken a toll because they ended up breaking up. Here's one of their videos that I actually think was funny where she sabotages his sports viewing.
LOL. I got laughs out of that one.
Now here's an Aussie couple on Wealth by Slaiman. Slaiman and Kate prank each other. Here's one where she kept pestering him when he was trying to work.
He got her back later by making her think her prank got him fired. Maybe this one went to far. What do you think?
Ouch. Do you guys think he went too far? He did another prank where he made her think he had run over her dog with the car. On that one, I was yelling at the TV screen, "No! Don't do that! You'll really hurt her." I won't link to that one. It went to far. There's got to be a dividing line between a funny prank and something that's too mean.
Anyone seen any really good couples prank videos?