FWST Blog: Crayton Told to Tone It Down


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Crayton Told to Tone It Down

Much to the media's disappointment, Cowboys receiver Patrick Crayton has deliberately kept a low profile all week. At the request of a coach and his mother, Crayton has avoided the talking much to cameras, microphones and the evil media for Giants week.

Crayton has had some choice things to say about the Giants last season, and vice versa. Giants running back Brandon Jacobs said last season that Crayton "sucks".

"People told me to tone it down a little this year. Definintley for this game," Crayton said Friday afternoon. "(His mother) was the one who told me to speak my mind. Maybe it was too much for her. She probably got some flak from her friends. ... I took it upon myself to done it down."

Clearly, however, this is a man itching to talk trash.

"If we were playing a little bit better we could do a little bit more chirping," Crayton said. "Right now they are in first place but we haven't played them yet."

Crayton grew up a Cowboys fan, and it used to be the Commanders were the team he loved to hate. The Commanders have been since replaced by the Giants.

"We hate them and they hate us," he said. "It's starting to be like a hate-hate for the Giants. We dislike the Commanders. We hate the Giants. It's a big difference. I hate the Giants, dude. Plain and simple.

"They don't suck. They have some damn good players. We hit Brandon Jacobs enough, he'll tip toe. He doesn't suck, though. He tip toe at 264 (pounds)."

Crayton admits he's had a hard time not talking this week. If the Cowboys win, "Come see me Sunday," he said.

Don't worry. We will.

- Mac Engel

Posted at 01:50 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


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Crayton should concentrate on getting open and when he does catching the ball.

Nothing more.

And I hope he keeps his mouth shut this sunday night and takes his lumps because he is going to be part of one pathetic looking unit I imagine.....although hope that is not the case.


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Just a tip for you Crayton.

Why don't you wait to talk when the season is over and you have won something.


Salary Cap Analyst
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I like how he trash-talks Brandon Jacobs, considering that they'll never be on the field at the same time.


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I love it when Crayton chirps a bit. He struck just the right tone of respect and reality in this piece.

theebs, straight-up: you're too pessimistic about this team's chances this week. With no turnovers and no rash of penalties, we can compete with the Giants. If nothing else comes of these injuries, forcing us to pay attention to the details that less talented teams focus on to win will be a good thing in the long run.


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Patrick, catch with your hands, not your mouth. Just shut up and catch the dang ball kid!


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AdamJT13;2387101 said:
I like how he trash-talks Brandon Jacobs, considering that they'll never be on the field at the same time.

I think it's pretty clear that was a reference to an earlier provocation that Jacobs made in the first place. That's retaliation and not cowardice.

And is it trash if it's also true? If so, then what's the difference between talking trash and giving your honest opinion about a player on another team?


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Not enough genuflection in Crayton's tone. I imagine that will antagonize the haters.


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"We hate them and they hate us," he said. "It's starting to be like a hate-hate for the Giants. We dislike the Commanders. We hate the Giants. It's a big difference. I hate the Giants, dude. Plain and simple.

I figured that nearly the entire roster probably has the same sentiments. You can tell when Dallas plays the Skins that the emotion and disdain is one-sided. It shows on the field and is part of the reason the Skins have won 5 out of the last 7 against Dallas.

I can't blame this team for hating the Giants especially how they ended Dallas' season last year.
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I wonder if the GIANTS sent him a Supre Bowl Ring, They should have cause he helped them more then he did us. He needs to shut up and go back to sitting on the bench like he did a couple of years ago.


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I don't care if Crayton talks or not just go out and do the job. Talking has never won or lost a game it comes down to men making plays or not making them all else is meaningless BS that has nothing to do with anything.


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Idgit;2387103 said:
theebs, straight-up: you're too pessimistic about this team's chances this week. With no turnovers and no rash of penalties, we can compete with the Giants. If nothing else comes of these injuries, forcing us to pay attention to the details that less talented teams focus on to win will be a good thing in the long run.

So in other words, if we don't do the same things we've been doing all year, we'll win.


I don't like our chances :(


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Doomsday101;2387297 said:
I don't care if Crayton talks or not just go out and do the job. Talking has never won or lost a game it comes down to men making plays or not making them all else is meaningless BS that has nothing to do with anything.



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In my opinion, TALK should equal PRODUCTION. If you're a player determined to run off at the mouth, great, but be damn certain you back up your talk and don't be the weak link which contributes to your team losing the game. Folks like Michael Jordan, Reggie Jackson, Michael Irvin, Wayne Gretsky, Tiger Woods, etc., could talk a good game and could back it up on the field or on the ice or on the course.

Crayton? He's on the outside of that comfort zone and should be looking to get inside that comfort zone with proven, on-the-field, clutch production. Yet, he thinks he's already inside it, but he actually staring at it from across town. Freedom of speech is one thing, but self-delusion is another thing entirely.


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I still don't mind him talking. I have never minded a player talking as long as they come into the game and back it up. I'm hoping PC has a good break out game for the year this weekend to help us get a W.


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BraveHeartFan;2387337 said:
I still don't mind him talking. I have never minded a player talking as long as they come into the game and back it up. I'm hoping PC has a good break out game for the year this weekend to help us get a W.

I agree. If he does not back it up then he is the only one looking like a fool. As long as he is not bad mouthing his own team I don't really care what he has to say, just go out and do the job.


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With all due respect to the opinion, and I do understand the point being made, but I disagree with the notion that "talk" is not a factor in how individuals and teams play.

I think there are many documented cases of the wrong headline giving another team the motivation to go from intimidated to P'd Off and competitive. No, this is not an exact science, but I think athletes use these things as motivation. Nobody lives in a vacuum and if you are called out publically in the eyes of Millions of people and ESPECIALLY amongst your peers, this does provide motivation for focus, passion, and hustle, AND could provide motivation for distraction, intimidation, confidence issues ALSO.

Yes, it comes down to performance on the field, AND I agree, not overall performance only, but EACH and every play. BUT, I think that the trash talking, real or created by media, can truly have an effect on a players performance and motivation, confidence, energy etc. This is human nature.

I for one am happy Crayton has been told to shut up. He is no Irvin as much as he has good moments and I like him. This team needs to accomplish something before they strut around. This isn't to say they shouldn't be confident and have pride, BUT just shut up and get it done first. The Giants earned the right to throw it back in Dallas's face last year. They won the Super Bowl, AND beat us in playoffs. End of story. Now we should go do the same thing.



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Temo;2387301 said:
So in other words, if we don't do the same things we've been doing all year, we'll win.


I don't like our chances :(

That's pretty much how I see it. We did a good job with it against the Bucs, at least.

I think this Giants game is a brutally physical game like the Philly game was, only with the defenses slugging it out rather than the offenses and the winner not getting over 20 points. It's a blowout, though, if we turn it over or give up big plays and extend drives with careless penalties.


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LarryCanadian;2387351 said:
With all due respect to the opinion, and I do understand the point being made, but I disagree with the notion that "talk" is not a factor in how individuals and teams play.

I think there are many documented cases of the wrong headline giving another team the motivation to go from intimidated to P'd Off and competitive. No, this is not an exact science, but I think athletes use these things as motivation. Nobody lives in a vacuum and if you are called out publically in the eyes of Millions of people and ESPECIALLY amongst your peers, this does provide motivation for focus, passion, and hustle, AND could provide motivation for distraction, intimidation, confidence issues ALSO.

Yes, it comes down to performance on the field, AND I agree, not overall performance only, but EACH and every play. BUT, I think that the trash talking, real or created by media, can truly have an effect on a players performance and motivation, confidence, energy etc. This is human nature.

I for one am happy Crayton has been told to shut up. He is no Irvin as much as he has good moments and I like him. This team needs to accomplish something before they strut around. This isn't to say they shouldn't be confident and have pride, BUT just shut up and get it done first. The Giants earned the right to throw it back in Dallas's face last year. They won the Super Bowl, AND beat us in playoffs. End of story. Now we should go do the same thing.


When the ball is kicked off that stuff is meaningless and many former players will say that stuff is so overrated. Fans get into it player not so much it comes down to doing the job if you execute and do your job you give yourself a chance to win if you don't then you chances are you will lose. Giants talk alot last year yet they have a ring so I don't see where it has any bad effect on them and many members of the 90's Cowboys did a lot of talking. It is only talk and means nothing