(Game) Will Darthseinfeld make it home in time for kickoff?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Here's the scoop. Opening weekend I had a planned a trip to visit a former roommate now living in Cleveland. The plan is to leave Cleveland in just enough to to arrive home (Rochester) in time for the opening. To do that I will have to leave not later then 1 PM and hope for a very smooth trip. Seems easy right? Well Saturday night will probably involve an awful lot of drinking including our favorite post game activity of smashing an 18 rack and bing watching 90's rock videos on Youtube. Will be a very late night.

So here is the game. You guess if I make home on time. I have post that I am home and tuned in the first half thread.

The stakes are my custom title. Here is how it works. You post yes or no in the thread. To go with your vote, you also offer a custom title for me. The only exception is the two that first vote both yes and no. Instead of offering a custom, they get to choose which of the custom titles I will have. The choice has the be made from posters that guessed right. This is of course subject to the rules of the forum

Whichever title is chosen, it will be my custom title until the Cowboys make their first selection in the 2017 NFL Draft.