Garrett Throws Romo under the bus

People hating on Jason Garrett. Like he's not doing everything he can to win games. He shouldn't of said what he said per say, but damn when people find a scapegoat around here they get waaaaaay to over the top.

Well, if anyone should get scrutiny for a loss, it should start with the head coach. If a child acts poorly, you point at the parent. He's got to get ALL over Kiffin and this defense ASAP. He most certainly should have commited to the run late in the game. I'd rather be in overtime with less time pressure than try to go 2nd and long against 6 DB's near your own goal. It was poor coaching. You do NOT put that on your QB no matter how good he is, or how good he is playing. It's rolling the dice. They could have ran the ball, milked the clock, punted and got a fresh start.
People want accountability until it's golden boy, for some reason he's above criticism. Had it been Dez or someone else half this board would be calling him a crack baby and other nasty stuff

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It's beyond reason for me that anyone would criticize either Jason Garrett or Tony Romo for yesterdays game. Not beyond my expectation, mind you. Just beyond reason. Misguided thread topic notwithstanding, the reason we lost the game yesterday was that we could not effectively stop the Bronco passing offense at any point in the game. It really is not any more complicated than that.

Exactly. What kind of moron criticizes a quarterback and an offense that scores 48 points w/no help from defense or special teams?!?

Answer: A hopelessly moronic moron.
Well, if anyone should get scrutiny for a loss, it should start with the head coach. If a child acts poorly, you point at the parent. He's got to get ALL over Kiffin and this defense ASAP. He most certainly should have commited to the run late in the game. I'd rather be in overtime with less time pressure than try to go 2nd and long against 6 DB's near your own goal. It was poor coaching. You do NOT put that on your QB no matter how good he is, or how good he is playing. It's rolling the dice. They could have ran the ball, milked the clock, punted and got a fresh start.

1. You are ignorant of the parental authority here. Jerry is the guy putting himself in charge.
2. What does it mean to "get ALL over Kiffin and this defense ASAP"? Yell at them? Yell at them a lot? Yell at them a lot loudly? And how do you figure that will help a 73-year old coach improve the scheme? Please explain to us. We are eager to learn from you!
3. Had we punted...even w/45 seconds you honestly want to tell us that Manning wouldn't have EASILY won the game w/a field goal?

Insert coin. Try again.
1. You are ignorant of the parental authority here. Jerry is the guy putting himself in charge.
2. What does it mean to "get ALL over Kiffin and this defense ASAP"? Yell at them? Yell at them a lot? Yell at them a lot loudly? And how do you figure that will help a 73-year old coach improve the scheme? Please explain to us. We are eager to learn from you!
3. Had we punted...even w/45 seconds you honestly want to tell us that Manning wouldn't have EASILY won the game w/a field goal?

Insert coin. Try again.

At least it would have been on the defense that we lost and not on a stupid turnover. Garrett is the reason Kiffin and company are here so yes, GARRETT. Coach the football team. Keyword HEAD Coach. Kind of like General Manager, you're in control of your other coaches decisions and the game management.
At least it would have been on the defense that we lost and not on a stupid turnover.

Absurd. You think a quarterback or coordinator will say, "Screw it. Let's just punt and then we can all point fingers at the defense?" That's your idea of ideal leadership!?! The reality is that a punt in that situation would have been a sure concession of defeat.

Romo, trying to step into the throw had his foot stepped on...and his arm partially blocked by another lineman. Guess what? No QB or Coach can help such a thing.

This was one of the top 10 quarterback performances of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Go away, quit criticizing NFL epic stardom until you learn something! Tony enjoyed one of greatest performances in the history of the sport.
Absurd. You think a quarterback or coordinator will say, "Screw it. Let's just punt and then we can all point fingers at the defense?" That's your idea of ideal leadership!?! The reality is that a punt in that situation would have been a sure concession of defeat.

Romo, trying to step into the throw had his foot stepped on...and his arm partially blocked by another lineman. Guess what? No QB or Coach can help such a thing.

This was one of the top 10 quarterback performances of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Go away, quit criticizing NFL epic stardom until you learn something! Tony enjoyed one of greatest performances in the history of the sport.

Jesus. Calm down. I believe it was me that made the thread I love you Tony Romo. Garrett should have not been throwing the ball 2nd and 16 inside your own twenty. It was STUPID. It was a tie game, not a come from behind. He forced the loss by forcing the situation.
Jesus. Calm down. I believe it was me that made the thread I love you Tony Romo. Garrett should have not been throwing the ball 2nd and 16 inside your own twenty. It was STUPID. It was a tie game, not a come from behind. He forced the loss by forcing the situation.

Let alone with 6 DBS on the field! RUN THE BALL
People want accountability until it's golden boy, for some reason he's above criticism. Had it been Dez or someone else half this board would be calling him a crack baby and other nasty stuff

people want to win.

where they put accountability is subject to how they view the puzzle.
Well, you have to take NFLN with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to Romo. It was a tight window, and personally I thought he should have checked to Murray, but he had fitting it into tight windows all day. If he's able to step into the throw, and get it up high, he's got it. QB's complete passes like that all the time.

No grain of salt or NFL network analysis needed. Watch the game video on He's not open by any stretch, and way too dangerous a gamble that he's going to come uncovered with several defenders in a small window. Although the Bronco LB got away with illegal contact. Regardless, bad decision, forcing it late over the middle to a well covered TE.
I get why people say we should have run, but that feels like hindsight to me. We had been going up and down the field on them with the passing game to almost no resistance. If we run and gain nothing, everyone is yelling at Garrett for "not trusting" Tony in the game of his career.

and believe me, I am no Jason Garrett fan

But you only need three points to win and you have 2 and half minutes and all your time outs. You don't have to run but you also don't need to call a play on first down where three of your four receivers are running vertical routes of 10 yards or more down the field with no check down option with a QB who rarely throws the ball away and gets sacked waiting for something to open up down field.
But you only need three points to win and you have 2 and half minutes and all your time outs. You don't have to run but you also don't need to call a play on first down where three of your four receivers are running vertical routes of 10 yards or more down the field with no check down option with a QB who rarely throws the ball away and gets sacked waiting for something to open up down field.

Thus I think the coaches have some blame for not putting Romo in a spot to win. Yes Romo was lighting them up but you have to take what the defense is giving you at times. A run would have been a better option on 1st down or even a delay draw. Sometimes, Romo can't win it all for you. Coaches have to also help with taking the pressure away from Romo and giving that responsibility to others.
People want accountability until it's golden boy, for some reason he's above criticism. Had it been Dez or someone else half this board would be calling him a crack baby and other nasty stuff

Well, you are a bit extreme, but you have a real point.
WelI, if anyone should get scrutiny for a loss, it should start with the head coach. If a child acts poorly, you point at the parent. He's got to get ALL over Kiffin and this defense ASAP. He most certainly should have commited to the run late in the game. I'd rather be in overtime with less time pressure than try to go 2nd and long against 6 DB's near your own goal. It was poor coaching. You do NOT put that on your QB no matter how good he is, or how good he is playing. It's rolling the dice. They could have ran the ball, milked the clock, punted and got a fresh start.

What do you mean you don't put your 55 million dollar qb in that situation, that's what franchise qbs are for. You have to at least get a couple of first downs so you can milk the clock and change field postion. Going 3 and out and giving Manning the ball with 2 minutes left, in a game where neither defense has shown the ability to stop the other, is a losing situation. You have to do whatever to try and put first downs together, remember Tom Brady when we played NE?
Is it throwing him under a bus or making him accountable?
Did I miss the actual quote from Garrett? The only thing I saw when I followed the links was a tweet from Clarence Hill saying Garrett threw Romo under the bus.
Garrett is a clown for going there. How about setting the tone with a run play???

Some of you guys are so apparent. A clown? Did he even call the play? Someone is a clown, but it isn't Garrett and it wasn't the play caller.

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